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the man from glengarry-第34章

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outside the pale; and indeed; in a way; incapable of religious
impression。  No one expected Yankee to be religious。  He was not a
Presbyterian; knew nothing of the Shorter Catechism; not to speak of
the Confession of Faith; and consequently was woefully ignorant of
the elements of Christian knowledge that were deemed necessary to
any true religious experience。

It was rumored that upon Yankee's first appearance in the country;
some few years before; he had; in an unguarded moment; acknowledged
that his people had belonged to the Methodists; and that he himself
〃leaned toward〃 that peculiar sect。  Such a confession was in
itself enough to stamp him; in the eyes of the community; as one
whose religious history must always be attended with more or less
uncertainty。  Few of them had ever seen a Methodist in the flesh。
There were said to be some at Moose Creek (Mooscrick; as it was
called); but they were known only by report。  The younger and more
untraveled portion of the community thought of them with a certain
amount of awe and fear。

It was no wonder; then; that Yankee's appearance in Bible class
produced a sensation。  It was an evening of sensations; for not
only were Macdonald Dubh and Yankee present; but Aleck McRae had
driven up a load of people from below the Sixteenth。  Ranald
regarded his presence with considerable contempt。

〃It is not much he cares for the Bible class; whatever;〃 he confided
to Don; who was sitting beside him。

But more remarkable and disturbing to Ranald than the presence of
Aleck McRae; was that of a young man sitting between Hughie and
Maimie in the minister's pew。  He was evidently from the city。  One
could see that from his fine clothes and his white shirt and
collar。  Ranald looked at him with deepening contempt。  〃Pride〃 was
written all over him。  Not only did he wear fine clothes; and a
white shirt and collar; but he wore them without any sign of
awkwardness or apology in his manner; and indeed as if he enjoyed
them。  But the crowning proof of his 〃pride;〃 Don noted with
unutterable scorn。

〃Look at him;〃 he said; 〃splits his head in the middle。〃

Ranald found himself wondering how the young fop would look sitting
in a pool of muddy water。  How insufferable the young fellow's
manners were!  He sat quite close to Maimie; now and then
whispering to her; evidently quite ignorant of how to behave in
church。  And Maimie; who ought to know better; was acting most
disgracefully as well; whispering back and smiling right into his
face。  Ranald was thoroughly ashamed of her。  He could not deny
that the young fellow was handsome; hatefully so; but he was
evidently stuck full of conceit; and as he let his eyes wander over
the congregation assembled; with a bold and critical stare; making
remarks to Maimie in an undertone which could be heard over the
church; Ranald felt his fingers twitching。  The young man was older
than Ranald; but Ranald would have given a good deal for an
opportunity to 〃take him with one hand。〃

At this point Ranald's reflections were interrupted by Mrs。 Murray
rising to open the class。

〃Will some one suggest a Psalm?〃 she asked; her cheek; usually
pale; showing a slight color。  It was always an ordeal for her to
face her class; ever since the men had been allowed to come; and
the first moments were full of trial to her。  Only her conscience
and her fine courage kept her from turning back from this; her path
of duty。

At once; from two or three came responses to her invitation; and a
Psalm was chosen。

The singing was a distinct feature of the Bible class。  There was
nothing like it; not only in the other services of the congregation;
but in any congregation in the whole county。  The young people that
formed that Bible class have long since grown into old men and
women; but the echoes of that singing still reverberate through the
chambers of their hearts when they stand up to sing certain tunes or
certain Psalms。  Once a week; through the long winter; they used to
meet and sing to John 〃Aleck's〃 sounding beat for two or three
hours。  They learned to sing; not only the old psalm tunes but psalm
tunes never heard in the congregation before; as also hymns and
anthems。  The anthems and hymns were; of course; never used in
public worship。  They were reserved for the sacred concert which
John 〃Aleck〃 gave once a year。  It was in the Bible class that he
and his fellow enthusiasts found opportunity to sing their new Psalm
tunes; with now and then a hymn。  When John 〃Aleck;〃 a handsome;
broad…shouldered; six…footer; stood up and bit his tuning…fork to
catch the pitch; the people straightened up in their seats and
prepared to follow his lead。  And after his great resonant voice had
rolled out the first few notes of the tune; they caught him up with
a vigor and enthusiasm that carried him along; and inspired him to
his mightiest efforts。  Wonderful singing it was; full toned;
rhythmical and well balanced。

With characteristic courage; the minister's wife had chosen Paul's
Epistle to the Romans for the subject of study; and to…night the
lesson was the redoubtable ninth chapter; that arsenal for
Calvinistic champions。  First the verses were repeated by the class
in concert; and the members vied with each other in making this a
perfect exercise; then the teaching of the chapter was set forth
in simple; lucid speech。  The last half hour was devoted to the
discussion of questions; raised either by the teacher or by any
member of the class。  To…night the class was slow in asking
questions。  They were face to face with the tremendous Pauline
Doctrine of Sovereignty。  It was significant that by Macdonald
Dubh; his brother; and the other older and more experienced members
of the class; the doctrine was regarded as absolutely inevitable
and was accepted without question; while by Yankee and Ranald and
all the younger members of the class; it was rejected with fierce
resentment。  The older men had been taught by the experience of
long and bitter years; that above all their strength; however
mighty; a power; resistless and often inscrutable; determined their
lives。  The younger men; their hearts beating with conscious power
and freedom; resented this control; or accepting it; refused to
assume the responsibility for the outcome of their lives。  It was
the old; old strife; the insoluble mystery; and the minister's
wife; far from making light of it; allowed its full weight to press
in upon the members of her class; and wisely left the question as
the apostle leaves it; with a statement of the two great truths of
Sovereignty and Free Will without attempting the impossible task of
harmonizing these into a perfect system。  After a half…hour of
discussion; she brought the lesson to a close with a very short and
very simple presentation of the practical bearing of the great
doctrine。  And while the mystery remained unsolved; the limpid
clearness of her thought; the humble attitude of mind; the sympathy
with doubt; and above all; the sweet and tender pathos that filled
her voice; sent the class away humbled; subdued; comforted; and
willing to wait the day of clearer light。  Not that they were done
with Pharaoh and his untoward fate; that occupied them for many a

The class was closed with prayer and singing。  As a kind of treat;
the last singing was a hymn and they stood up to sing it。  It was
Perronet's great hymn sung to old Coronation; and when they came to
the refrain; 〃Crown him Lord of all;〃 the very rafters of the
little church rang with the mighty volume of sound。  The Bible
class always closed with a great outburst of singing; and as a
rule; Ranald went out tingling and thrilling through and through。
But tonight; so deeply was he exercised with the unhappy doom of
the unfortunate king of Egypt; from which; apparently; there was no
escape; fixed as it was by the Divine decree; and oppressed with
the feeling that the same decree would determine the course of his
life; he missed his usual thrill。  He was walking off by himself in
a perplexed and downcast mood; avoiding every one; even Don; and
was nearly past the minister's gate when Hughie; excited and
breathless; caught up to him and exclaimed:  〃Oh; Ranald; was not
that splendid?  Man; I like to hear John 'Aleck' sing 'Crown him'
that way。  And I say;〃 he continued; 〃mother wants you to come in。〃

Then all at once Ranald remembered the young man who had behaved so
disgracefully in church。

〃No;〃 he said; firmly; 〃I must be hurrying home。  The cows will be
to milk yet。〃

〃Oh; pshaw! you must come;〃 pleaded Hughie。  〃We will have some
singing。  I want you to sing bass。  Perhaps John 'Aleck' will come
in。〃  This was sheer guessing; but it was good bait。  But the young
man with 〃his head split in the middle〃 would be there; and perhaps
Maimie would be 〃going on;〃 with him as she did in the Bible class。

〃You will tell your mother I could not come;〃 he said。  〃Yankee and
father are both out; and there will be no one at home。〃

〃Well; I think you are pretty mean;〃 said Hughie; grievously
disappointed。  〃I wanted you to come in; and mother wanted Cousin
Harry to see you。〃

〃Cousin Harry?〃

〃Yes; Maimie'
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