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the man from glengarry-第38章

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none too hopeful。  〃I must confess I am disappointed in Ranald。
Well;〃 she continued; 〃we can only wait and trust。〃

From Hughie; who had had the story from Don; and who had been
pledged to say nothing of it; she learned more about the fight。

〃It was Aleck's fault; mother;〃 he said; anxious to screen his
hero。  〃He said something about Maimie; that Don wouldn't tell me;
at the blacksmith shop in the Sixteenth; and Ranald struck him and
knocked him flat; and he could not get up for a long time。  Yankee
has been showing him how。  I am going to learn; mother;〃 interjected
Hughie。  〃And then Angus McGregor took Ranald's part; and it was all
arranged after church; and Ranald was bound to be in it; and said he
would stop the whole thing if not allowed。  Don said he was just
terrible。  It was an awful fight。  Angus McGregor fought Peter
McRae; Aleck's brother; you know and〃

〃Never mind; Hughie;〃 said his mother。  〃I don't want to hear of
it。  It is too disgusting。  Was Ranald much hurt?〃

〃Oh; he was hurt awful bad; and he was going to be licked; too。  He
wouldn't keep cool enough; and he wouldn't use his legs。〃

〃Use his legs?〃 said his mother; 〃what do you mean?〃

〃That's what Don says; and Yankee made him。  Yankee kept calling to
him; 'Now get away; get away from him!  Use your legs!  Get away
from him!' and whenever Ranald began to do as he was told; then he
got the better of Aleck; and he gave Aleck a terrible hammering;
and Don said if Macdonald Bhain had not stopped them Aleck McRae
would not have been able to walk home。  He said Ranald was awful。
He said he never saw him like he was that day。  Wasn't it fine;

〃Fine; Hughie!〃 said his mother。  〃It is anything but fine。  It is
simply disgusting to see men act like beasts。  It is very; very
sad。  I am very much disappointed in Ranald。〃

〃But; mother; Ranald couldn't help it。  And anyway; I am glad he
gave that Aleck McRae a good thrashing。  Yankee said he would never
be right until he got it。〃

〃You must not repeat what Yankee says;〃 said his mother。  〃I am
afraid his influence is not of the best for any of those boys。〃

〃Oh; mother; he didn't set them on;〃 said Hughie; who wanted to be
fair to Yankee。  〃It was when he could not help it that he told
Ranald how to do。  I am glad he did; too。〃

〃I am very; very sorry about it;〃 said his mother; sadly。  It was a
greater disappointment to her than she cared to acknowledge either
to her husband or to herself。

But the commotion caused in the community by the fight was soon
swallowed up in the interest aroused by the opening of the new
church; an event for which they had made long and elaborate
preparation。  The big bazaar; for which the women had been sewing
for a year or more; was held on Wednesday; and turned out to be a
great success; sufficient money being realized to pay for the
church furnishing; which they had undertaken to provide。

The day following was the first of the 〃Communion Season。〃  In a
Highland congregation the Communion Seasons are the great occasions
of the year。  For weeks before; the congregation is kept in mind of
the approaching event; and on the Thursday of the communion week
the season opens with a solemn fast day。

The annual Fast Day; still a national institution in Scotland;
although it has lost much of its solemnity and sacredness in some
places; was originally associated with the Lord's Supper; and was
observed with great strictness in the matter of eating and
drinking; and in Indian Lands; as in all congregations of that part
of the country; the custom of celebrating the Fast Day was kept up。
It was a day of great solemnity in the homes of the people of a
godly sort。  There was no cooking of meals till after 〃the
services;〃 and indeed; some of them tasted neither meat nor drink
the whole day long。  To the younger people of the congregation it
was a day of gloom and terror; a kind of day of doom。  Even to
those advanced in godliness it brought searchings of heart; minute
and diligent; with agonies of penitence and remorse。  It was a day;
in short; in which conscience was invited to take command of the
memory and the imagination to the scourging of the soul for the
soul's good。  The sermon for the day was supposed to stimulate and
to aid conscience in this work。

For the communion service Mr。 Murray always made it a point to have
the assistance of the best preachers he could procure; and on this
occasion; when the church opening was combined with the sacrament;
by a special effort two preachers had been procureda famous
divine from Huron County; that stronghold of Calvinism; and a
college professor who had been recently appointed; but who had
already gained a reputation as a doctrinal preacher; and who was;
as Peter McRae reported; 〃grand on the Attributes and terrible fine
on the Law。〃  To him was assigned the honor of preaching the Fast
Day sermon; and of declaring the church 〃open。〃

The new church was very different from the old。  Instead of the
high crow's nest; with the wonderful sounding…board over it; the
pulpit was simply a raised platform partly inclosed; with the desk
in front。  There was no precentor's box; over the loss of which
Straight Rory did not grieve unduly; inasmuch as the singing was to
be led; in the English at least; by John 〃Aleck。〃  Henceforth the
elders would sit with their families。  The elders' seat was gone;
Peter McRae's wrath at this being somewhat appeased by his securing
for himself one of the short side seats at the right of the pulpit;
from which he could command a view of both the minister and the
congregationa position with obvious advantages。  The minister's
pew was at the very back of the church。

It was a great assemblage that gathered in the new church to hear
the professor discourse; as doubtless he would; it being the Fast
Day; upon some theme of judgment。  With a great swing of triumph in
his voice; Mr。 Murray rose and announced the Hundredth Psalm。  An
electric thrill went through the congregation as; with a wave of
his hand; he said:  〃Let us rise and sing。  Now; John; Old Hundred。〃

Never did John 〃Aleck〃 and the congregation of Indian Lands sing as
they did that morning。  It was the first time that the congregation;
as a whole; had followed the lead of that great ringing voice; and
they followed with a joyous; triumphant shout; as of men come to

     〃For why?  The Lord our God is good;〃

rolled out the majestic notes of Old Hundred。

〃What's the matter; mother?〃 whispered Hughie; who was standing up
in the seat that he might look on his mother's book。

〃Nothing; darling;〃 said his mother; her face radiant through her
tears。  After long months of toil and waiting; they were actually
singing praise to God in the new church。

When the professor arose; it was an eager; responsive congregation
that waited for his word。  The people were fully prepared for a
sermon that would shake them to their souls' depths。  The younger
portion shivered and shrank from the ordeal; the older and more
experienced shivered and waited with not unpleasing anticipations;
it did them good; that remorseless examination of their hearts'
secret depravities。  To some it was a kind of satisfaction offered
to conscience; after which they could more easily come to peace。
With others it was an honest; heroic effort to know themselves and
to right themselves with their God。

The text was disappointing。  〃Above all these things; put on
charity; which is the bond of perfectness;〃 read the professor from
that exquisite and touching passage which begins at the twelfth
verse of the fifteenth chapter of Colossians。  〃Love; the bond of
perfectness;〃 was his theme; and in simple; calm; lucid speech he
dilated upon the beauty; the excellence; and the supremacy of this
Christian grace。  It was the most Godlike of all the virtues; for
God was love; and more than zeal; more than knowledge; more than
faith; it was 〃the mark〃 of the new birth。

Peter McRae was evidently keenly disappointed; and his whole bearing
expressed stern disapproval。  And as the professor proceeded;
extolling and illustrating the supreme grace of love; Peter's hard
face grew harder than ever; and his eyes began to emit blue sparks
of fire。  This was no day for the preaching of smooth things。  The
people were there to consider and to lament their Original and
Actual sin; and they expected and required to hear of the judgments
of the Lord; and to be summoned to flee from the wrath to come。

Donald Ross sat with his kindly old face in a glow of delight; but
with a look of perplexity on it which his furtive glances in Peter's
direction did not help to lessen。  The sermon was delighting and
touching him; but he was not quite sure whether this was a good sign
in him or no。  He set himself now and then to find fault with the
sermon; but the preacher was so humble; so respectful; and above
all; so earnest; that Donald Ross could not bring himself to

The application came under the third head。  As a rule; the
application to a Fast Day sermon was delivered in terrifying tones
of thunder or in an awful whisper。  But to…day the preacher;
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