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the man from glengarry-第50章

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enough of guidance; though uncertain as to where it might lead him;
followed meekly。

〃What sort of a suit do you want?〃 said Harry。

〃I don't know;〃 said Ranald; doubtfully。  It had never occurred to
him that there could be any great difference in suits。  There had
never been any choosing of suits with him。

〃Like yours; I suppose;〃 he continued; glancing at Harry's attire;
but adding; cautiously; 〃if they do not cost too much。〃

〃About forty dollars;〃 said Harry; lightly; then; noticing the
dismayed look on Ranald's face; he added quickly; 〃but you don't
need to spend that much; you know。  I say; you let me manage this
thing。〃  And fortunate it was for Ranald that he had his friend's
assistance in this all…important business; but it took all Harry's
judgment; skill; and delicacy of handling to pilot his friend
through the devious ways of outfitters; for Ranald's ignorance of
all that pertained to a gentleman's wardrobe was equaled only by
the sensitive pride on the one hand that made him shrink from
appearing poor and mean; and by his Scotch caution on the other
that forbade undue extravagance。  It was a hard hour and a half for
them both; but when all was over; Ranald's gratitude more than
repaid Harry for his pains。

〃Come up to…night;〃 said Harry; as they stood at the door of the
Hotel du Nord; where Ranald had taken up his quarters。

〃No;〃 said Ranald; abruptly; unconsciously glancing down at his
rough dress。

〃Then I'll come down here;〃 said Harry; noting the glance。

〃I will be very glad;〃 replied Ranald; his face lighting up; for he
was more afraid than he cared to show of the lonely hours of that
night。  It would be the first night in his life away from his own
kin and friends。  But he was not so glad when; after tea; as he
stood at the door of the hotel; he saw sauntering toward him not
only Harry; but also Lieutenant De Lacy and his friend Mr。 Sims。

〃These fellows would come along;〃 explained Harry; 〃I told them you
didn't want them。〃

〃Showed how little he knew;〃 said the lieutenant。  〃I told him you
would be delighted。〃

〃Will you come in?〃 said Ranald; rather grudgingly; 〃though there
is nothing much inside。〃

〃What a bear;〃 said Mr。 Sims to Harry; disgustedly; in a low voice。

〃Nothing much!〃 said the lieutenant; 〃a good deal I should say from
what one can hear。〃

〃Oh; that is nothing;〃 replied Ranald; 〃the boys are having some

The bar…room was filled with men in shanty dress; some sitting with
chairs tipped back against the wall; smoking the black French
〃twist〃 tobacco; others drinking at the bar; and others still at
the tables that stood in one corner of the room playing cards with
loud exclamations and oaths of delight or disgust; according to
their fortune。  The lieutenant pushed his way through the crowd;
followed by the others。

〃A jolly lot; by Jove!〃 he exclaimed; looking with mild interest on
the scene; 〃and with the offer of some sport; too;〃 he added;
glancing at the card…players in the corner; where men were losing
their winter's wages。

〃What will you take?〃 said Ranald; prompted by his Highland sense
of courtesy; 〃and would you have it in the next room?〃

〃Anywhere;〃 said the lieutenant; with alacrity; 〃a little brandy
and soda for me; nothing else in these places is worth drinking。〃

Ranald gave the order; and with some degree of pride; noticed the
obsequious manner of the bar…tender toward him and his distinguished
guests。  They passed into an inner and smaller room; lit by two or
three smoky lamps in brackets on the walls。  In this room; sitting
at one of the tables; were two Frenchmen playing ecarte。  As the
lieutenant entered; one of them glanced up and uttered an
exclamation of recognition。

〃Ah; it is our warlike friend;〃 cried De Lacy; recognizing him in
return; 〃you play this game also;〃 he continued in French。

〃Not moche;〃 said LeNoir; for it was he; with a grand salute。
〃Will the capitaine join; and his friends?〃

Ranald shook his head and refused。

〃Come along;〃 said the lieutenant; eagerly; to Ranald。  The game
was his passion。  〃Mr。 Sims; you will; Harry; what do you say?〃

〃I will look on with Ranald。〃

〃Oh; come in Macdonald;〃 said the lieutenant; 〃the more the better;
and we'll make it poker。  You know the game?〃 he said; turning to
LeNoir; 〃and your friendI have not the pleasure〃

〃Mr。 Rouleau;〃 said Ranald and LeNoir together; presenting the
young Frenchman who spoke and looked like a gentleman。

〃Do you play the game?〃 said the lieutenant。

〃A verie leetle; but I can learn him。〃

〃That's right;〃 cried the lieutenant; approvingly。

〃What do you say; Ranald;〃 said Harry; who also loved the game。

〃No;〃 said Ranald; shortly; 〃I never play for money。〃

〃Make it pennies;〃 said Mr。 Sims; with a slight laugh。

〃Go on; De Lacy;〃 said Harry; angry at Mr。 Sims's tone。  〃You've
got fourthat'll do!〃

〃Oh; very well;〃 said De Lacy; his easy; languid air returning to
him。  〃What shall it bequarter chips with a dollar limit?  Brandy
and soda; Mr。 LeNoir?  And you; Mr。 Rouleau?  Two more glasses;
garcon;〃 and the game began。

From the outset Rouleau steadily won till his chips were piled high
in front of him。

〃You play the game well;〃 said the lieutenant。  〃Shall we raise the

〃As you lak;〃 said Rouleau; with a polite bow。

〃Let's make it five dollars;〃 suggested Mr。 Sims; to which all

But still the game was Rouleau's; who grew more and more excited
with every win。  The lieutenant played coolly; and with seeming
indifference; in which he was imitated by Mr。 Sims; the loss of a
few dollars being a matter of small moment to either。

〃It would make it more interesting if we made it a dollar to play;〃
at length said Mr。 Sims。  The suggestion was accepted; and the game
went on。  At once the luck began to turn; and in a half hour's play
Rouleau's winnings disappeared and passed over to the lieutenant's
hand。  In spite of his bad luck; however; Rouleau continued to bet
eagerly and recklessly; until Ranald; who hated to see the young
lumberman losing his season's wages; suggested that the game come
to an end。

〃The night is early;〃 said the lieutenant; 〃but if you have had
enough;〃 he said; bowing to LeNoir and Rouleau。

〃Non!〃 exclaimed Rouleau; 〃the fortune will to me encore。  We mak
it de two…dollar to play。  Dat will brak de luck。〃

〃I think you ought to stop it;〃 said Harry。

But the demon of play had taken full possession of both Rouleau and
the lieutenant and they were not to be denied。  Rouleau took from
his pocket a roll of bills and counted them。

〃Fifty dollars;〃 he cried。  〃Bon!  I play him; me!〃

The others deposited a like sum before them; and the game proceeded。
The deal was De Lacy's。  After a few moment's consideration; Mr。
Sims and LeNoir each drew three cards。  In a tone of triumph which
he could not altogether suppress; Rouleau exclaimed 〃Dees are good
enough for me。〃  The lieutenant drew one card; and the betting

Twice Rouleau; when it came to his turn; bet the limit; the others
contenting themselves by 〃raising〃 one dollar。  On the third round
LeNoir; remarking; 〃Das leetle too queek for me;〃 dropped out。

Once more Rouleau raised the bet to the limit; when Mr。 Sims
refused; and left the game to him and the lieutenant。  There was no
mistaking the eager triumph in the Frenchman's pale face。  He began
to bet more cautiously; his only fear being that his opponent would
〃call〃 too soon。  Dollar by dollar the bet was raised till at last
Rouleau joyously gathered his last chips; raised the bet once more
by the limit; exclaiming; as he did so; 〃Alas! dere ees no more!〃

He had played his season's wages that night; but now he would
recover all。

De Lacy; whose coolness was undisturbed; though his face showed
signs of his many brandy…and…sodas; covered the bet。

〃Hola!〃 exclaimed Rouleau in triumph。  〃Eet ees to me!〃  He threw
down his cards and reached for the pile。

〃Excuse me;〃 said the lieutenant; quietly looking at Rouleau's
cards。  〃Ah; a straight flush; queen high。〃  Coolly he laid his
cards on the table。  〃Thought you might have had the ace;〃 he said;
languidly; leaning back in his chair。  He; too; held a straight
flush; but with the king。

Rouleau gazed thunderstruck。

〃Mort Dieu!〃 he exclaimed; excitedly。  〃The deal was from you。〃

〃Mine;〃 said De Lacy; quietly; looking up at the excited Frenchman。

〃Ah;〃 cried Rouleau; beside himself。  〃It iswhat you call?  One
cheat! cheat!〃

The lieutenant sat up straight in his chair。

〃Do you mean that I cheated you?〃 he said; with slow emphasis。
〃Beware what you say。〃

〃Oui!〃 cried the Frenchman; 〃sacr…r…reso I mean!〃

Before the words had well left his lips; and before any one could
interfere De Lacy shot out his arm; lifted the Frenchman clear off
his feet; and hurled him to the floor。

〃Stop! you coward!〃  Ranald stood before the lieutenant with eyes
blazing and breath coming quick。

〃Coward?〃 said De Lacy; slowly。

〃You hit a man unprepared。〃

〃You are prepared; I suppose;〃 replied De Lacy; deliberately。

〃Yes!  Yes!〃 cried Ranald; eagerly; the glad light of battle coming
into his eyes。
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