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the man from glengarry-第54章

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let's go。〃

〃Come; Maimie; I'll carry you up the hill;〃 said Harry。

〃No;〃 said Ranald; decidedly; 〃she will go in the canoe。  That will
be easier。〃

〃Quite right;〃 said the lieutenant。  〃Sims; perhaps you will give
my mother your arm; and if Miss Kate will be kind enough to escort
me; we can all four go in the carriage; but first we shall see the
rest of the party safely off。〃

〃Come; then; Maimie;〃 said Harry; approaching his sister; 〃let me
carry you。〃

But Maimie glanced up at Ranald; who without a word; lifted her in
his arms。

〃Put your arm about his neck; Maimie;〃 cried Harry; 〃you will go
more comfortably that way。  Ranald won't mind;〃 he added; with a

At the touch of her clinging arms the blood mounted slowly into
Ranald's neck and face; showing red through the dark tan of his

〃How strong you are;〃 said Maimie; softly; 〃and how easily you
carry me。  But you would soon tire of me;〃 she added with a little

〃I would not tire forever;〃 said Ranald; as he laid her gently down
in the canoe。

〃I shall send the carriage to the wharf for you;〃 said Madame De
Lacy; 〃and you will come right home to me; and you; too; Miss

Ranald took his place in the stern with Maimie reclining in the
canoe so as to face him。

〃You are sure you are comfortable;〃 he said; with anxious solicitude
in his tone。

〃Quite;〃 she replied; with a cosy little snuggle down among the
cushions placed around her。

〃Then let her go;〃 cried Ranald; dipping in his paddle。

〃Good by;〃 cried Kate; waving her hand at them from the rock。
〃We'll meet you at the wharf。  Take good care of your invalid;

With hardly a glance at her Ranald replied:  〃You may be sure of
that;〃 and with a long; swinging stroke shot the canoe out into the
river。  For a moment or two Kate stood looking after them; and
then; with a weary look in her face; turned; and with the
lieutenant; followed Madame De Lacy and Mr。 Sims。

〃You are tired;〃 said the lieutenant; looking into her face。

〃Yes;〃 she replied; with a little sigh; 〃I think I am tired。〃

The paddle home was all too short to Ranald; but whether it took
minutes or hours he could not have told。  As in a dream he swung
his paddle and guided his canoe。  He saw only the beautiful face
and the warm light in the bright eyes before him。  He woke to see
Kate on the wharf before them; and for a moment he wondered how she
came there。  Once more; as he bore her from the canoe to the
carriage; he felt Maimie's arms clinging about his neck and heard
her whisper; 〃You will not leave me; Ranald;〃 and again he replied;
〃No; I will not leave you。〃

Swiftly the De Lacy carriage bore them through the crooked;
climbing streets of the city and out along the country road; then
up a stately avenue of beeches; and drew up before the stone steps;
of a noble old chateau。  Once more Ranald lifted Maimie in his arms
and carried her up the broad steps; and through the great oak…
paneled hall into Madame De Lacy's own cosy sitting…room; and there
he laid her safely in a snug nest of cushions prepared for her。
There was nothing more to do; but to say good by and come away; but
it was Harry that first brought this to Ranald's mind。

〃Good by; Ranald;〃 said Maimie; smiling up into his face。  〃I
cannot thank you for all you have done to…day; but I am sure Madame
De Lacy will let you come to see me sometimes。〃

〃I shall be always glad to see you;〃 said the little lady; with
gentle; old…fashioned courtesy; 〃for we both owe much to you this

〃Thank you;〃 said Ranald; quietly; 〃I will come;〃 and passed out of
the room; followed by Harry and Kate。

At the great hall door; Kate stood and watched them drive away;
waving her hand in farewell。

〃Good by;〃 cried Harry; 〃don't forget us in your stately palace;〃
but Ranald made no reply。  He had no thought for her。  But still
she stood and watched the carriage till the beeches hid it from her
view; and then; with her hand pressed against her side; she turned
slowly into the hall。

As the carriage rolled down the stately avenue; Ranald sat absorbed
in deepest thought; heeding not his companion's talk。

〃What's the matter with you; Ranald?  What are you thinking of?〃 at
last cried Harry; impatiently。

〃What?〃 answered Ranald; in strange confusion; 〃I cannot tell you。〃
Unconsciously as he spoke he put up his hand to his neck; for he
was still feeling the pressure of those clinging arms; and all the
way back the sounds of the rolling wheels and noisy; rattling
streets wrought themselves into one sweet refrain; 〃You will not
leave me; Ranald;〃 and often in his heart he answered; 〃No; I will
not;〃 with such a look on his face as men wear when pledging life
and honor。



The Albert was by all odds the exclusive club in the capital city
of upper Canada; for men were loath to drop the old name。  Its
members belonged to the best families; and moved in the highest
circles; and the entre was guarded by a committee of exceeding
vigilance。  They had a very real appreciation of the rights and
privileges of their order; and they cherished for all who assayed
to enter the most lofty ideal。  Not wealth alone could purchase
entrance within those sacred precincts unless; indeed; it were of
sufficient magnitude and distributed with judicious and unvulgar
generosity。  A tinge of blue in the common red blood of humanity
commanded the most favorable consideration; but when there was
neither cerulean tinge of blood nor gilding of station the candidate
for membership in the Albert was deemed unutterable in his
presumption; and rejection absolute and final was inevitable。  A
single black ball shut him out。  So it came as a surprise to most
outsiders; though not to Ranald himself; when that young gentleman's
name appeared in the list of accepted members in the Albert。  He had
been put up by both Raymond and St。 Clair; but not even the powerful
influence of these sponsors would have availed with the members had
it not come to be known that young Macdonald was a friend of Captain
De Lacy's of Quebec; don't you know! and a sport; begad; of the
first water; for the Alberts favored athletics; and loved a true
sport almost as much as they loved a lord。  They never regretted
their generous concession in this instance; for during the three
years of his membership; it was the Glengarry Macdonald that had
brought glory to their club more than any half dozen of their other
champions。  In their finals with the Montrealers two years ago; it
was he; the prince of all Canadian half…backs; as every one
acknowledged; who had snatched victory from the exultant enemy in
the last quarter of an hour。  Then; too; they had never ceased to be
grateful for the way in which he had delivered the name of their
club from the reproach cast upon it by the challenge long flaunted
before their aristocratic noses by the cads of the Athletic; when he
knocked out in a bout with the gloves; the chosen representative of
that ill…favored cluba professional; too; by Jove; as it leaked
out later。

True; there were those who thought him too particular; and
undoubtedly he had peculiar ideas。  He never drank; never played
for money; and he never had occasion to use words in the presence
of men that would be impossible before their mothers and sisters;
and there was a quaint; old…time chivalry about him that made him a
friend of the weak and helpless; and the champion of women; not
only of those whose sheltered lives had kept them fair and pure;
but of those others as well; sad…eyed and soul…stained; the cruel
sport of lustful men。  For his open scorn of their callous lust
some hated him; but all with true men's hearts loved him。

The club…rooms were filling up; the various games were in full

〃Hello; little Merrill!〃  Young Merrill looked up from his billiards。

〃Glengarry; by all the gods!〃 throwing down his cue; and rushing at
Ranald。  〃Where in this lonely universe have you been these many
months; and how are you; old chap?〃  Merrill was excited。

〃All right; Merrill?〃 inquired the deep voice。

〃Right; so help me〃 exclaimed Merrill; solemnly; lifting up his
hand。  〃He's inquiring after my morals;〃 he explained to the men
who were crowding about; 〃and I don't give a blank blank who knows
it;〃 continued little Merrill; warmly; 〃my present magnificent
manhood;〃 smiting himself on the breast; 〃I owe to that same dear
old solemnity there;〃 pointing to Ranald。

〃Shut up; Merrill; or I'll spank you;〃 said Ranald。

〃You will; eh?〃 cried Merrill; looking at him。  〃Look at him
vaunting his beastly fitness over the frail and weak。  I say; men;
did you ever behold such condition!  See that clear eye; that
velvety skin; thatOh; I say! pax! pax! peccavi!〃

〃There;〃 said Ranald; putting him down from the billiard…table;
〃perhaps you will learn when to be seen。〃

〃Brute;〃 murmured little Merrill; rubbing the sore place; 〃but
ain't he fit?〃 he added; delightedly。  And fit he looked。  Four
years of hard work and clean living had done for him everything
that it lies in years to do。  They had made of the lank; raw;
shanty lad a man; and such a 
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