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the man from glengarry-第59章

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country?  Wall; it will not hurt you to leave it alone;〃 solemnly
winking at St。 Clair; and taking a long pull himself。  〃Good for
the breath;〃 he continued; putting the flask in his pocket。  〃Now;
about those limits of mine; the boss here has been telling you
about our deal?〃

〃A little;〃 said Ranald。

〃We've hardly had time to look into anything yet;〃 said Mr。 St。
Clair; 〃but if you will step into my office; Colonel; I have the
papers and maps there。〃  Mr。 St。 Clair's tone was anxious。  Once
more the colonel shot a glance at him。

〃You have been on the spot; I judge;〃 he said to Ranald; rising and
following Mr。 St。 Clair。

〃Yes; over it all。〃

〃Wall; come along; you're the map we want; eh?  Maps are chiefly
for purposes of deception; I have found; ha; ha! and there ain't
none of 'em right;〃 and he held the door for Ranald to enter。

Mr。 St。 Clair was evidently annoyed。  Unfolding a map he laid it
out on the table。  〃This is the place; I believe;〃 he said; putting
his finger down upon the map。

〃Ain't surveyed; I judge;〃 said the colonel to Ranald。

〃No; only in part; the old Salter lines are there; but I had to go
away beyond these。〃

〃Warn't 'fraid of gettin' lost; eh?  Ha; ha!  Wall show us your

Ranald put his finger on the map; and said:  〃I struck the Bass
River about here; and using that as a base; first explored the
whole west side; for; I should say; about ten miles back from the

〃Don't say!  How'd you grub?  Game mostly?〃

〃Well; we carried some pork and Hudson Bay hard tack and tea; and
of course; we could get all the fish and game we wanted。〃

〃Lots of game; eh?  Small and big?〃  The colonel was evidently much
interested in this part of Ranald's story。  〃By the great Sam; must
go up there!〃

〃It would do you all the good in the world; Colonel;〃 said Mr。 St。
Clair; heartily。  〃You must really go up with your men and help
them lay out the ground; you know。〃

〃That's so!  Now if you were lumbering in there; how'd you get the
timber out?〃

〃Down the Bass River to Lake Nipissing;〃 said Ranald; pointing out
the route。

〃Yes; but how'd you get it to the Bass?  These limits; I understand;
lie on both sides of the Bass; don't they?〃


〃And the Bass cuts through it the short way?〃


〃Wall; does that mean six or eight or ten miles of a haul?〃

〃On the west side;〃 replied Ranald; 〃no。  There are a number of
small streams and lakes which you could utilize。〃

〃And on the east side?〃

〃You see; Colonel;〃 broke in Mr。 St。 Clair; 〃that whole country is
one net…work of water…ways。  Notice the map here; and there are
always a number of lakes not marked。〃

〃That is quite true;〃 said Ranald; 〃as a rule; but on the east

〃Oh; of course;〃 said Mr。 St。 Clair; hastily; 〃you will find great
differences in different parts of the country。〃

Mr。 St。 Clair folded up the map and threw it on the table。

〃Let's see;〃 said the colonel; taking up the map again。  〃Now how
about the camps; Mr。 Macdonald; where do you locate them?〃

〃I have a rough draught here in which the bases for camps are
indicated;〃 said Ranald; ignoring the imploring and angry looks of
his chief。

〃Let's have a look at 'em;〃 said the colonel。

〃Oh; you haven't shown me this;〃 said Mr。 St。 Clair; taking the
draught from Ranald。

〃No; sir; you have not seen my final report。〃

〃No; not yet; of course。  We have hardly had time yet; Colonel; but
Mr。 Macdonald will make a copy of this for you and send it in a day
or two;〃 replied Mr。 St。 Clair; folding up the sketch; nervously;
and placing it on his desk。  The colonel quietly picked up the
sketch and opened it out。

〃You have got that last report of yours; I suppose;〃 he said; with
a swift glance at Mr。 St。 Clair。  That gentleman's face was pallid
and damp; his whole fortune hung on Ranald's reply。  It was to him
a moment of agony。

Ranald glanced at his face; and paused。  Then drawing his lips a
little tighter; he said:  〃Colonel Thorp; my final report has not
yet been handed in。  Mr。 St。 Clair has not seen it。  In my
judgment〃 here Mr。 St。 Clair leaned his hand hard upon his desk
〃you are getting full value for your money; but I would suggest
that you go yourself or send your inspector to explore the limits
carefully before you complete the deal。〃

Colonel Thorp; who had been carefully scanning the sketch in his
hand; suddenly turned and looked Ranald steadily in the eye。
〃These marks on the west side mean camps?〃


〃There are very few on the east side?〃

〃There are very few; the east side is inferior to the west。〃


〃Yes; much inferior。〃

〃But in your opinion the limit is worth the figure?〃

〃I would undertake to make money out of it; it is good value。〃

The colonel chewed hard for a minute; then turning to Mr。 St。
Clair; he said:  〃Wall; Mr。 St。 Clair; I'll give you one hundred
thousand for your limit; but by the great Sam; I'd give twice the
sum for your manager; if he's for sale!  He's a man!〃  The emphasis
on the he was ever so slight; but it was enough。  Mr。 St。 Clair
bowed; and sinking down into his chair; busied himself with his

〃Wall;〃 said the colonel; 〃that's settled; and that reminds me;〃 he
added; pulling out his flask; 〃good luck to the Bass River Limits!〃

He handed the flask to Mr。 St。 Clair; who eagerly seized it and
took a long drink。

〃Goes good sometimes;〃 said the colonel; innocently。  〃Wall; here's
lookin' at you;〃 he continued; bowing toward Ranald; 〃and by the
great Sam; you suit me well!  If you ever feel like a change of
air; indicate the same to Colonel Thorp。〃

〃Ah; Colonel;〃 said Mr。 St。 Clair; who had recovered his easy;
pleasant manner; 〃we can sell limits but not men。〃

〃No; by the great Sammy;〃 replied the colonel; using the more
emphatic form of his oath; 〃ner buy 'em!  Wall;〃 he added; 〃when
you have the papers ready; let me know。  Good day!〃

〃Very good; Colonel; good by; good by!〃

The colonel did not notice Mr。 St。 Clair's offered hand; but
nodding to Ranald; sauntered out of the office; leaving the two men
alone。  For a few moments Mr。 St。 Clair turned over his papers in
silence。  His face was flushed and smiling。

〃Well; that is a most happy deliverance; Ranald;〃 he said; rubbing
his hands。  〃But what is the matter?  You are not well。〃

White to the lips; Ranald stood looking at his chief with a
resolved face。

〃Mr。 St。 Clair; I wish to offer you my resignation as manager。〃

〃Nonsense; Ranald; we will say no more about that。  I was a little
hasty。  I hope the change I spoke of will go into immediate effect。〃

〃I must beg to decline。〃  The words came slowly; sternly from
Ranald's white lips。

〃And why; pray?〃

〃I have little doubt you can discover the reason; Mr。 St。 Clair。
A few moments ago; for honorable dealing; you would have dismissed
me。  It is impossible that I should remain in your employ。〃

〃Mr。 Macdonald; are you serious in this?  Do you know what you are
doing?  Do you know what you are saying?〃  Mr。 St。 Clair rose and
faced his manager。

〃Only too well;〃 said Ranald; with lips that began to quiver; 〃and
all the more because of what I must say further。  Mr。 St。 Clair; I
love your daughter。  I have loved her for seven years。  It is my
one desire in life to gain her for my wife。〃

Mr。 St。 Clair gazed at him in utter astonishment。

〃And in the same breath;〃 he said at length; 〃you insult me and ask
my permission。〃

〃It is vain to ask your permission; I fear; but it is right that
you should know my desire and my purpose。〃

〃Your purpose?〃

〃My unalterable purpose。〃

〃You take my daughter out of my house inin spite of my teeth?〃
Mr。 St。 Clair could hardly find words。

〃She will come with me;〃 said Ranald; a little proudly。

〃And may I ask how you know?  Have you spoken to my daughter?〃

〃I have not spoken to her openly。〃  The blood rose in his dark
face。  〃But I believe she loves me。〃

〃Well; Mr。 Macdonald; your confidence is only paralleled by your
prodigious insolence。〃

〃I hope not;〃 said Ranald; lowering his head from its proud pose。
〃I have no desire to be insolent。〃

Once more Mr。 St。 Clair looked at him in silence。  Then slowly and
with quiet emphasis; he said:  〃Mr。 Macdonald; you are a determined
man; but as God lives; this purpose of yours you will never carry
out。  I know my daughter; I think; better than you know her; and I
tell you;〃 here a slight smile of confidence played for a moment on
his face; 〃she will never be your wife。〃

Ranald bowed his head。

〃It shall be as she wills;〃 he said; in a grave; almost sad; voice。
〃She shall decide;〃 and he passed into his office。

All day long Ranald toiled at his desk; leaving himself no time for
thought。  In the late afternoon Harry came in on his way home。

〃Thanks; old chap;〃 said Ranald; looking up from his work; 〃sha'n't
be able to come to…night; I am sorry to say。〃

〃Not come?〃 cried Harry。

〃No; it is impossible。〃

〃What rot; and Maimie has waited ten days for you。  Come along!〃

〃It is quite impossible; Harry;〃 said Ranald; 〃and I want you to
take this note to Maimie。  The note will explain to her。〃

〃But; Ranald; this is〃

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