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phenomenology of mind-第44章

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for us; or objectively in themselves; one and the same; and since in the notion of independent
consciousness the inherent reality is consciousness; the phase of inherent existence (Ansichsein) or
thinghood; which received its shape and form through labour; is no other substance than
consciousness。 In this way we have a new attitude or mode of consciousness brought about: a
type of consciousness which takes on the form of infinitude; or one whose essence consists in
unimpeded movement of consciousness。 It is one which thinks or is free self…consciousness。 For
thinking does not mean being an abstract ego; but an ego which has at the same time the
significance of inherently existing in itself; it means being object to itself or relating itself to objective
reality in such a way that this connotes the self…existence of that consciousness for which it is an
object。 The object does not for thinking proceed by way of presentations or figures; but of
notions; conceptions; i。e。 of a differentiated reality or essence; which; being an immediate content
of consciousness; is nothing distinct from it。 What is presented; shaped and constructed; and
existent as such; has the form of being something other than consciousness。 A notion; however; is
at the same time an existent; and this distinction; so far as it falls in consciousness itself; is its
determinate content。 But in that this content is; at the same time; a conceptually constituted; a
comprehended (begriffener) content; consciousness remains immediately aware within itself of its
unity with this determinate existent so distinguished; not as in the case of a presentation; where
consciousness from the first has to take special note that this is its idea; on the contrary; the notion
is for me eo ipso and at once my notion。 In thinking I am free; because I am not in an other; but
remain simply and solely in touch with myself; and the object which for me is my essential reality; is
in undivided unity my self …existence; and my procedure in dealing with notions is a process within

It is essential; however; in this determination of the above attitude of self…consciousness to keep
hold of the fact that this attitude is thinking consciousness in general; that its object is immediate
unity of the self's implicit; inherent existence; and of its existence explicitly for self。 The self…same
consciousness which repels itself from itself; becomes aware of being an element existing in itself。
But to itself it is this element to begin with only as universal reality in general; and not as this
essential reality appears when developed in all the manifold details it contains; when the process of
its being brings out all its fullness of content。 


This freedom of self…consciousness; as is well known; has been called Stoicism; in so far as it has
appeared as a phenomenon conscious of itself in the course of the history of man's spirit。 Its
principle is that consciousness is essentially that which thinks; is a thinking reality; and that anything
is really essential for consciousness; or is true and good; only when consciousness in dealing with it
adopts the attitude of a thinking being。 

The manifold; self…differentiating expanse of life; with all its individualization and complication; is
the object upon which desire and labour operate。 This varied activity has now contracted itself into
the simple distinction which is found in the pure process of thought。 What has still essential reality
is not a distinction in the sense of a determinate thing; or in the shape of a consciousness of a
determinate kind of natural existence; in the shape of a feeling; or again in the form of desire and its
specific purpose; whether that purpose be set up by the consciousness desiring or by an
extraneous consciousness。 What has still essential significance here is solely that distinction which
is a thought…constituted distinction; or which; when made; is not distinguished from me。 This
consciousness in consequence takes a negative attitude towards the relation of lordship and
bondage。 Its action; in the case of the master; results in his not simply having his truth in and
through the bondsman; and; in that of the bondsman; in not finding his truth in the will of his master
and in service。 The essence of this consciousness is to be free; on the throne as well as in fetters;
throughout all the dependence that attaches to its individual existence; and to maintain that stolid
lifeless unconcern which persistently withdraws from the movement of existence; from effective
activity as well as from passive endurance; into the simple essentiality of thought。 Stubbornness is
that freedom which makes itself secure in a solid singleness; and keeps within the sphere of
bondage。 Stoicism; on the other hand; is the freedom which ever comes directly out of that
spheres and returns back into the pure universality of thought。 It is a freedom which can come on
the scene as a general form of the world's spirit only in a time of universal fear and bondage; a
time; too; when mental cultivation is universal; and has elevated culture to the level of thought。 

Now while this self…consciousness finds its essential reality to be neither something other than itself;
nor the pure abstraction of ego; but ego which has within it otherness…otherness in the sense of a
thought…constituted distinction…so that this ego in its otherness is turned back directly into itself; yet
this essential nature is; at the same time; only an abstract reality。 The freedom of
self…consciousness is indifferent towards natural existence; and has; therefore; let this latter go and
remain free。 The reflexion is thus duplicated。 Freedom of thought takes only pure thought as its
truth; and this lacks the concrete filling of life。 It is; therefore; merely the notion of freedom; not
living freedom itself; for it is; to begin with; only thinking in general that is its essence; the form as
such; which has turned away from the independence of things and gone back into itself。 Since;
however; individuality when acting should: show itself to be alive; or when thinking should grasp
the living world as a system of thought; there ought to lie in thought itself a content to supply the
sphere of the ego; in the former case with what is good; and; in the latter; true; in order that there
should throughout be no other ingredient in what consciousness has to deal with; except the notion
which is the real essence。 But here; by the way in which the notion as an abstraction cuts itself off
from the multiplicity of things; the notion has no content in itself; the content is a datum; is given。
Consciousness; no doubt; abolishes the content as an external; a foreign existent; by the fact that it
thinks it; but the notion is a determinate notion; and this determinateness of the notion is the alien
element the notion contains within it。 Stoicism; therefore; got embarrassed; when; as the
expression went; it was asked for the criterion of truth in general; i。e properly speaking; for a
content of thought itself。 To the question; what is good and true; it responded by giving again the
abstract; contentless thought; the true and good are to consist in reasonableness。 But this
self…identity of thought is simply once more pure form; in which nothing is determinate。 The general
terms true and good; wisdom and virtue; with which Stoicism has to stop short; are; therefore; in a
general way; doubtless elevating; but seeing that they cannot actually and in fact reach any expanse
of content; they soon begin to get wearisome。 

This thinking consciousness; in the way in which it is thus constituted; as abstract freedom; is
therefore only incomplete negation of otherness。 Withdrawn from existence solely into itself; it has
not there fully vindicated itself as the absolute negation of this existence。 It holds the coent is held
indeed to be only thought; but in doing so also takes thought as a specific determinate thought; and
at the same time the general character of the content。 


Scepticism is the realisation of that of which Stoicism is merely the notion; and is the actual
experience of what freedom of thought is; it is in itself and essentially the negative; and must so
exhibit itself。 With the reflexion of self…consciousness into the simple; pure thought of itself;
independent existence or permanent determinateness has; in contrast to that reflexion; dropped as
a matter of fact out of the infinitude of thought。 In Scepticism; the entire unessentiality and
unsubstantiality of this 〃other〃 becomes a reality for consciousness。 Thought becomes thinking
which wholly annihilates the being of the world with its manifold determinateness; and the
negativity of free self…consciousness becomes aware of attaining; in these manifold forms which life
assumes; real negativity。 

It is clear from the foregoing that; just as Stoicism answers to the notion of independent
consciousness; which appeared as a relation of lordship and bondage; Scepticism; on its side;
corresponds to its realization; to the negative attitude towards otherness; to des
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