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the secrets of the princesse de cadignan-第3章

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〃Then are you like me; my dear?〃 asked the marquise; 〃have you never

felt the emotion of love while trying to love?〃

〃Never;〃 replied the princess; laying her hand on the arm of her


They turned and seated themselves on a rustic bench beneath a jasmine

then coming into flower。 Each had uttered one of those sayings that

are solemn to women who have reached their age。

〃Like you;〃 resumed the princess; 〃I have received more love than most

women; but through all my many adventures; I have never found

happiness。 I committed great follies; but they had an object; and that

object retreated as fast as I approached it。 I feel to…day in my

heart; old as it is; an innocence which has never been touched。 Yes;

under all my experience; lies a first love intact;just as I myself;

in spite of all my losses and fatigues; feel young and beautiful。 We

may love and not be happy; we may be happy and never love; but to love

and be happy; to unite those two immense human experiences; is a

miracle。 That miracle has not taken place for me。〃

〃Nor for me;〃 said Madame d'Espard。

〃I own I am pursued in this retreat by dreadful regret: I have amused

myself all through life; but I have never loved。〃

〃What an incredible secret!〃 cried the marquise。

〃Ah! my dear;〃 replied the princess; 〃such secrets we can tell to

ourselves; you and I; but nobody in Paris would believe us。〃

〃And;〃 said the marquise; 〃if we were not both over thirty…six years

of age; perhaps we would not tell them to each other。〃

〃Yes; when women are young they have so many stupid conceits;〃 replied

the princess。 〃We are like those poor young men who play with a

toothpick to pretend they have dined。〃

〃Well; at any rate; here we are!〃 said Madame d'Espard; with

coquettish grace; and a charming gesture of well…informed innocence;

〃and; it seems to me; sufficiently alive to think of taking our


〃When you told me; the other day; that Beatrix had gone off with

Conti; I thought of it all night long;〃 said the princess; after a

pause。 〃I suppose there was happiness in sacrificing her position; her

future; and renouncing society forever。〃

〃She was a little fool;〃 said Madame d'Espard; gravely。 〃Mademoiselle

des Touches was delighted to get rid of Conti。 Beatrix never perceived

how that surrender; made by a superior woman who never for a moment

defended her claims; proved Conti's nothingness。〃

〃Then you think she will be unhappy?〃

〃She is so now;〃 replied Madame d'Espard。 〃Why did she leave her

husband? What an acknowledgment of weakness!〃

〃Then you think that Madame de Rochefide was not influenced by the

desire to enjoy a true love in peace?〃 asked the princess。

〃No; she was simply imitating Madame de Beausant and Madame de

Langeais; who; be it said; between you and me; would have been; in a

less vulgar period than ours; the La Villiere; the Diane de Poitiers;

the Gabrielle d'Estrees of history。〃

〃Less the king; my dear。 Ah! I wish I could evoke the shades of those

women; and ask them〃

〃But;〃 said the marquise; interrupting the princess; 〃why ask the

dead? We know living women who have been happy。 I have talked on this

very subject a score of times with Madame de Montcornet since she

married that little Emile Blondet; who makes her the happiest woman in

the world; not an infidelity; not a thought that turns aside from her;

they are as happy as they were the first day。 These long attachments;

like that of Rastignac and Madame de Nucingen; and your cousin; Madame

de Camps; for her Octave; have a secret; and that secret you and I

don't know; my dear。 The world has paid us the extreme compliment of

thinking we are two rakes worthy of the court of the regent; whereas

we are; in truth; as innocent as a couple of school…girls。〃

〃I should like that sort of innocence;〃 cried the princess; laughing;

〃but ours is worse; and it is very humiliating。 Well; it is a

mortification we offer up in expiation of our fruitless search; yes;

my dear; fruitless; for it isn't probable we shall find in our autumn

season the fine flower we missed in the spring and summer。〃

〃That's not the question;〃 resumed the marquise; after a meditative

pause。 〃We are both still beautiful enough to inspire love; but we

could never convince any one of our innocence and virtue。〃

〃If it were a lie; how easy to dress it up with commentaries; and

serve it as some delicious fruit to be eagerly swallowed! But how is

it possible to get a truth believed? Ah! the greatest of men have been

mistaken there!〃 added the princess; with one of those meaning smiles

which the pencil of Leonardo da Vinci alone has rendered。

〃Fools love well; sometimes;〃 returned the marquise。

〃But in this case;〃 said the princess; 〃fools wouldn't have enough

credulity in their nature。〃

〃You are right;〃 said the marquise。 〃But what we ought to look for is

neither a fool nor even a man of talent。 To solve our problem we need

a man of genius。 Genius alone has the faith of childhood; the religion

of love; and willingly allows us to band its eyes。 Look at Canalis and

the Duchesse de Chaulieu! Though we have both encountered men of

genius; they were either too far removed from us or too busy; and we

too absorbed; too frivolous。〃

〃Ah! how I wish I might not leave this world without knowing the

happiness of true love;〃 exclaimed the princess。

〃It is nothing to inspire it;〃 said Madame d'Espard; 〃the thing is to

feel it。 I see many women who are only the pretext for a passion

without being both its cause and its effect。〃

〃The last love I inspired was a beautiful and sacred thing;〃 said the

princess。 〃It had a future in it。 Chance had brought me; for once in a

way; the man of genius who is due to us; and yet so difficult to

obtain; there are more pretty women than men of genius。 But the devil

interfered with the affair。〃

〃Tell me about it; my dear; this is all news to me。〃

〃I first noticed this beautiful passion about the middle of the winter

of 1829。 Every Friday; at the opera; I observed a young man; about

thirty years of age; in the orchestra stalls; who evidently came there

for me。 He was always in the same stall; gazing at me with eyes of

fire; but; seemingly; saddened by the distance between us; perhaps by

the hopelessness of reaching me。〃

〃Poor fellow! When a man loves he becomes eminently stupid;〃 said the


〃Between every act he would slip into the corridor;〃 continued the

princess; smiling at her friend's epigrammatic remark。 〃Once or twice;

either to see me or to make me see him; he looked through the glass

sash of the box exactly opposite to mine。 If I received a visit; I was

certain to see him in the corridor close to my door; casting a furtive

glance upon me。 He had apparently learned to know the persons

belonging to my circle; and he followed them when he saw them turning

in the direction of my box; in order to obtain the benefit of the

opening door。 I also found my mysterious adorer at the Italian opera…

house; there he had a stall directly opposite to my box; where he

could gaze at me in naive ecstasyoh! it was pretty! On leaving

either house I always found him planted in the lobby; motionless; he

was elbowed and jostled; but he never moved。 His eyes grew less

brilliant if he saw me on the arm of some favorite。 But not a word;

not a letter; no demonstration。 You must acknowledge that was in good

taste。 Sometimes; on getting home late at night; I found him sitting

upon one of the stone posts of the porte…cochere。 This lover of mine

had very handsome eyes; a long; thick; fan…shaped beard; with a

moustache and side…whiskers; nothing could be seen of his skin but his

white cheek…bones; and a noble forehead; it was truly an antique head。

The prince; as you know; defended the Tuileries on the riverside;

during the July days。 He returned to Saint…Cloud that night; when all

was lost; and said to me: 'I came near being killed at four o'clock。 I

was aimed at by one of the insurgents; when a young man; with a long

beard; whom I have often seen at the opera; and who was leading the

attack; threw up the man's gun; and saved me。' So my adorer was

evidently a republican! In 1831; after I came to lodge in this house;

I found him; one day; leaning with his back against the wall of it; he

seemed pleased with my disasters; possibly he may have thought they

drew us nearer together。 But after the affair of Saint…Merri I saw him

no more; he was killed there。 The evening before the funeral of

General Lamarque; I had gone out on foot with my son; and my

republican accompanied us; sometimes behind; sometimes in front; from

the Madeleine to the Passage des Panoramas; where I was going。〃

〃Is that all?〃 asked the marquise。

〃Yes; all;〃 replied the princess。 〃Except that on the morning Saint…

Merri was taken; a gamin came here and insisted on 
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