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the three partners-第5章

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least。  Hold on!  I'll get up; too!〃  But here Demorest arose;

caught his youthful partner's bare foot which went searching

painfully for the ground in one hand; tucked it back under the

blankets; and heaping them on the top of him; patted the bulk with

an authoritative; paternal air。

〃You'll just say your prayers and go to sleep; sonny。  You'll want

to be fresh as a daisy to appear before Miss Kitty to…morrow early;

and you can keep your vigils for to…morrow night; after dinner; in

the back drawing…room。  I said 'Good…night;' and I mean it!〃

Protesting feebly; Barker finally yielded in a nestling shiver and

a sudden silence。  Demorest walked back to his chair。  A prolonged

snore came from Stacy's bunk; then everything was quiet。  Demorest

stirred up the fire; cast a huge root upon it; and; leaning back in

his chair; sat with half…closed eyes and dreamed。

It was an old dream that for the past three years had come to him

daily; sometimes even overtaking him under the shade of a buckeye

in his noontide rest on his claim;a dream that had never yet

failed to wait for him at night by the fireside when his partners

were at rest; a dream of the past; but so real that it always made

the present seem the dream through which he was moving towards some

sure awakening。

It was not strange that it should come to him to…night; as it had

often come before; slowly shaping itself out of the obscurity as

the vision of a fair young girl seated in one of the empty chairs

before him。  Always the same pretty; childlike face; fraught with a

half…frightened; half…wondering trouble; always the same slender;

graceful figure; but always glimmering in diamonds and satin; or

spiritual in lace and pearls; against his own rude and sordid

surroundings; always silent with parted lips; until the night wind

smote some chord of recollection; and then mingled a remembered

voice with his own。  For at those times he seemed to speak also;

albeit with closed lips; and an utterance inaudible to all but her。

〃Well?〃 he said sadly。

〃Well?〃 the voice repeated; like a gentle echo blending with his


〃You know it all now;〃 he went on。  〃You know that it has come at

last;all that I had worked for; prayed for; all that would have

made us happy here; all that would have saved you to me has come at

last; and all too late!〃

〃Too late!〃 echoed the voice with his。

〃You remember;〃 he went on; 〃the last day we were together。  You

remember your friends and family would have you give me upa

penniless man。  You remember when they reproached you with my

poverty; and told you that it was only your wealth that I was

seeking; that I then determined to go away and never to return to

claim you until that reproach could be removed。  You remember;

dearest; how you clung to me and bade me stay with you; even fly

with you; but not to leave you alone with them。  You wore the same

dress that day; darling; your eyes had the same wondering childlike

fear and trouble in them; your jewels glittered on you as you

trembled; and I refused。  In my pride; or rather in my weakness and

cowardice; I refused。  I came away and broke my heart among these

rocks and ledges; yet grew strong; and you; my love; YOU; sheltered

and guarded by those you loved; YOU〃  He stopped and buried his

face in his hands。  The night wind breathed down the chimney; and

from the stirred ashes on the hearth came the soft whisper; 〃I


〃And then;〃 he went on; 〃I cared for nothing。  Sometimes my heart

awoke for this young partner of mine in his innocent; trustful love

for a girl that even in her humble station was far beyond his

hopes; and I pitied myself in him。  Home; fortune; friends; I no

longer cared forall were forgotten。  And now they are returning

to meonly that I may see the hollowness and vanity of them; and

taste the bitterness for which I have sacrificed you。  And here; on

this last night of my exile; I am confronted with only the

jealousy; the doubt; the meanness and selfishness that is to come。

Too late!  Too late!〃

The wondering; troubled eyes that had looked into his here appeared

to clear and brighten with a sweet prescience。  Was it the wind

moaning in the chimney that seemed to whisper to him: 〃Too late;

beloved; for ME; but not for you。  I died; but Love still lives。

Be happy; Philip。  And in your happiness I too may live again〃?

He started。  In the flickering firelight the chair was empty。  The

wind that had swept down the chimney had stirred the ashes with a

sound like the passage of a rustling skirt。  There was a chill in

the air and a smell like that of opened earth。  A nervous shiver

passed over him。  Then he sat upright。  There was no mistake; it

was no superstitious fancy; but a faint; damp current of air was

actually flowing across his feet towards the fireplace。  He was

about to rise when he stopped suddenly and became motionless。

He was actively conscious now of a strange sound which had affected

him even in the preoccupation of his vision。  It was a gentle

brushing of some yielding substance like that made by a soft broom

on sand; or the sweep of a gown。  But to his mountain ears; attuned

to every woodland sound; it was not like the gnawing of gopher or

squirrel; the scratching of wildcat; nor the hairy rubbing of bear。

Nor was it human; the long; deep respirations of his sleeping

companions were distinct from that monotonous sound。  He could not

even tell if it were IN the cabin or without。  Suddenly his eye

fell upon the pile in the corner。  The blanket that covered the

treasure was actually moving!

He rose quickly; but silently; alert; self…contained; and menacing。

For this dreamer; this bereaved man; this scornful philosopher of

riches had disappeared with that midnight trespass upon the sacred

treasure。  The movement of the blanket ceased; the soft; swishing

sound recommenced。  He drew a glittering bowie…knife from his boot…

leg; and in three noiseless strides was beside the pile。  There he

saw what he fully expected to see;a narrow; horizontal gap

between the log walls of the cabin and the adobe floor; slowly

widening and deepening by the burrowing of unseen hands from

without。  The cold outer air which he had felt before was now

plainly flowing into the heated cabin through the opening。  The

swishing sound recommenced; and stopped。  Then the four fingers of

a hand; palm downwards; were cautiously introduced between the

bottom log and the denuded floor。  Upon that intruding hand the

bowie…knife of Demorest descended like a flash of lightning。  There

was no outcry。  Even in that supreme moment Demorest felt a pang of

admiration for the stoicism of the unseen trespasser。  But the

maimed hand was quickly withdrawn; and as quickly Demorest rushed

to the door and dashed into the outer darkness。

For an instant he was dazed and bewildered by the sudden change。

But the next moment he saw a dodging; doubling figure running

before him; and threw himself upon it。  In the shock both men fell;

but even in that contact Demorest felt the tangled beard and

alcoholic fumes of Whiskey Dick; and felt also that the hands which

were thrown up against his breast; the palms turned outward with

the instinctive movement of a timid; defenseless man; were

unstained with soil or blood。  With an oath he threw the drunkard

from him and dashed to the rear of the cabin。  But too late!

There; indeed; was the scattered earth; there the widened burrow as

it had been excavated apparently by that mutilated handbut

nothing else!

He turned back to Whiskey Dick。  But the miserable man; although

still retaining a look of dazed terror in his eyes; had recovered

his feet in a kind of angry confidence and a forced sense of

injury。  What did Demorest mean by attacking 〃innoshent〃 gentlemen

on the trail outside his cabin?  Yes! OUTSIDE his cabin; he would

swear it!

〃What were you doing here at midnight?〃 demanded Demorest。

What was he doing?  What was any gentleman doing?  He wasn't any

molly…coddle to go to bed at ten o'clock!  What was he doing?

Wellhe'd been with men who didn't shut their doors and turn the

boys out just in the shank of the evening。  He wasn't any Barker to

be wet…nursed by Demorest。

〃Some one else was here!〃 said Demorest sternly; with his eyes

fixed on Whiskey Dick。  The dull glaze which seemed to veil the

outer world from the drunkard's pupils shifted suddenly with such a

look of direct horror that Demorest was fain to turn away his own。

But the veil mercifully returned; and with it Dick's worked…up

sense of injury。  Nobody was therenot 〃a shole。〃  Did Demorest

think if there had been any of his friends there they would have

stood by like 〃dogsh〃 and seen him insulted?

Demorest turned away and re…entered the cabin as Dick lurched

heavily forward; still muttering; down the trail。  The excitement

over; a sickening repugnance
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