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f granitesomething  between the furniture of a Druid temple and that of a Broadway  beefsteak dungeon。  Hung against the walls were skins of wild animals  purchased in the vicinity of Eighth Street and University Place; New  York。

The rear of the cabin merged into the cave。  There the hermit cooked  his meals on a rude stone hearth。  With infinite patience and an old  axe he had chopped natural shelves in the rocky walls。  On them stood  his stores of flour; bacon; lard; talcum…powder; kerosene; baking… powder; soda…mint tablets; pepper; salt; and Olivo…Cremo Emulsion for  chaps and roughness of the hands and face。

The hermit had hermited there for ten years。  He was an asset of the  Viewpoint Inn。  To its guests he was second in interest only to the  Mysterious Echo in the Haunted Glen。  And the Lover's Leap beat him  only a few inches; flat…footed。  He was known far (but not very wide;  on account of the topography) as a。  scholar of brilliant intellect  who had forsworn the world because he had been jilted in a love  affair。  Every Saturday night the Viewpoint Inn sent to him  surreptitiously a basket of provisions。  He never left the immediate  outskirts of his hermitage。  Guests of the inn who visited him said  his store of knowledge; wit; and scintillating philosophy were simply  wonderful; you know。

That summer the Viewpoint Inn was crowded with guests。  So; on  Saturday nights; there were extra cans of tomatoes; and sirloin steak;  instead of 〃rounds;〃 in the hermit's basket。

Now you have the material allegations in the case。  So; make way for  Romance。

Evidently the hermit expected a visitor。  He carefully combed his long  hair and parted his apostolic beard。  When the ninety…eight…cent  alarm…clock on a stone shelf announced the hour of five he picked up  his gunny…sacking skirts; brushed them carefully; gathered an oaken  staff; and strolled slowly into the thick woods that surrounded the  hermitage。

He had not long to wait。  Up the faint pathway; slippery with its  carpet of pine…needles; toiled Beatrix; youngest and fairest of the  famous Trenholme sisters。  She was all in blue from hat to canvas  pumps; varying in tint from the shade of the tinkle of a bluebell at  daybreak on a spring Saturday to the deep hue of a Monday morning at  nine when the washer…woman has failed to show up。

Beatrix dug her cerulean parasol deep into the pine…needles and  sighed。  The hermit; on the q。  t。; removed a grass burr from the  ankle of one sandalled foot with the big toe of his other one。

She bluedand almost starched and ironed himwith her cobalt eyes。

〃It must be so nice;〃 she said in little; tremulous gasps; 〃to be a  hermit; and have ladies climb mountains to talk to you。〃

The hermit folded his arms and leaned against a tree。  Beatrix; with a  sigh; settled down upon the mat of pine…needles like a bluebird upon  her nest。  The hermit followed suit; drawing his feet rather awkwardly  under his gunny…sacking。

〃It must be nice to be a mountain;〃 said he; with ponderous lightness;  〃and have angels in blue climb up you instead of flying over you。〃

〃Mamma had neuralgia;〃 said Beatrix; 〃and went to bed; or I couldn't  have come。  It's dreadfully hot at that horrid old inn。  But we hadn't  the money to go anywhere else this summer。〃

〃Last night;〃 said the hermit; 〃I climbed to the top of that big rock  above us。  I could see the lights of the inn and hear a strain or two  of the music when the wind was right。  I imagined you moving  gracefully in the arms of others to the dreamy music of the waltz amid  the fragrance of flowers。  Think how lonely I must have been!〃

The youngest; handsomest; and poorest of the famous Trenholme sisters  sighed。

〃You haven't quite hit it;〃 she said; plaintively。  〃I was moving  gracefully at the arms of another。  Mamma had one of her periodical  attacks of rheumatism in both elbows and shoulders; and I had to rub  them for an hour with that horrid old liniment。  I hope you didn't  think that smelled like flowers。  You know; there were some West Point  boys and a yachtload of young men from the city at last evening's  weekly dance。  I've known mamma to sit by an open window for three  hours with one…half of her registering 85 degrees and the other half  frostbitten; and never sneeze once。  But just let a bunch of  ineligibles come around where I am; and she'll begin to swell at the  knuckles and shriek with pain。  And I have to take her to her room and  rub her arms。  To see mamma dressed you'd be surprised to know the  number of square inches of surface there are to her arms。  I think it  must be delightful to be a hermit。  Thatcassock gabardine; isn't  it?that you wear is so becoming。  Do you make itor themof course  you must have changes… yourself?  And what a blessed relief it must be  to wear sandals instead of shoes!  Think how we must sufferno matter  how small I buy my shoes they always pinch my toes。  Oh; why can't  there be lady hermits; too!〃

The beautifulest and most adolescent Trenholme sister extended two  slender blue ankles that ended in two enormous blue…silk bows that  almost concealed two fairy Oxfords; also of one of the forty…seven  shades of blue。  The hermit; as if impelled by a kind of reflex… telepathic action; drew his bare toes farther beneath his gunny… sacking。

〃I have heard about the romance of your life;〃 said Miss Trenholme;  softly。  〃They have it printed on the back of the menu card at the  inn。  Was she very beautiful and charming?〃

〃On the bills of fare!〃 muttered the hermit; 〃but what do I care for  the world's babble?  Yes; she was of the highest and grandest type。   Then;〃 he continued; 〃then I thought the world could never contain  another equal to her。  So I forsook it and repaired to this mountain  fastness to spend the remainder of my life aloneto devote and  dedicate my remaining years to her memory。〃

〃It's grand;〃 said Miss Trenholme; 〃absolutely grand。  I think a  hermit's life is the ideal one。  No bill…collectors calling; no  dressing for dinnerhow I'd like to be one!  But there's no such luck  for me。  If I don't marry this season I honestly believe mamma will  force me into settlement work or trimming hats。  It isn't because I'm  getting old or ugly; but we haven't enough money left to butt in at  any of the swell places any more。  And I don't want to marryunless  it's somebody I like。  That's why I'd like to be a hermit。  Hermits  don't ever marry; do they ?〃

〃Hundreds of 'em;〃 said the hermit; 〃when they've found the right  one。〃

〃But they're hermits;〃 said the youngest and beautifulest; 〃because  they've lost the right one; aren't they?〃

〃Because they think they have;〃 answered the recluse; fatuously。   〃Wisdom comes to one in a mountain cave as well as to one in the world  of 'swells;' as I believe they are called in the argot。〃

〃When one of the 'swells' brings it to them;〃 said Miss Trenholme。   〃And my folks are swells。  That's the trouble。  But there are so many  swells at the seashore in the summer…time that we hardly amount to  more than ripples。  So we've had to put all our money into river and  harbor appropriations。  We were all girls; you know。  There were four  of us。  I'm the only surviving one。  The others have been married off。   All to money。  Mamma is so proud of my sisters。  They send her the  loveliest pen…wipers and art calendars every Christmas。  I'm the only  one on the market now。  I'm forbidden to look at any one who hasn't  money。〃

〃But〃 began the hermit。

〃But; oh;〃 said the beautifulest 〃of course hermits have great pots of  gold and doubloons buried somewhere near three great oak…trees。  They  all have。〃

〃I have not;〃 said the hermit; regretfully。

〃I'm so sorry;〃 said Miss Trenholme。  〃I always thought they had。  I  think I must go now。〃

Oh; beyond question; she was the beautifulest。

〃Fair lady〃 began the hermit。

〃I am Beatrix Trenholmesome call me Trix;〃 she said。  〃You must come  to the inn to see me。〃

〃I haven't been a stone'sthrow from my cave in ten years;〃 said the  hermit。

〃You must come to see me there;〃 she repeated。  〃Any evening except  Thursday。〃

The hermit smiled weakly。

〃Good…bye;〃 she said; gathering the folds of her pale…blue skirt。  〃I  shall expect you。  But not on Thursday evening; remember。〃

What an interest it would give to the future menu cards of the  Viewpoint Inn to have these printed lines added to them: 〃Only once  during the more than ten years of his lonely existence did the  mountain hermit leave his famous cave。  That was when he was  irresistibly drawn to the inn by the fascinations of Miss Beatrix  Trenholme; youngest and most beautiful of the celebrated Trenholme  sisters; whose brilliant marriage to〃

Aye; to whom?

The hermit walked back to the hermitage。  At the door stood Bob  Binkley; his old friend and companion of the days before he had  renounced the worldBob; himself; arrayed like the orchids of the  greenhouse in the summer man's polychromatic garbBob; the  millionaire; with his fat; firm; smooth; shrewd face; his diamond  rings; sparkling fob…chain; and pleated bosom。  He was two years older  than the hermit; and looked five years younger。

〃You're Hamp Ellison; in spite of those whi
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