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23-the forty thieves-第3章

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of breath; she snatched the tabor from Abdallah with her

left hand; and; holding the dagger in her right hand; held

out the tabor to her master。 Ali Baba and his son put a

piece of gold into it; and Cogia Hassan; seeing that she

was coming to him; pulled out his purse to make her a

present; but while he was putting his hand into it

Morgiana plunged the dagger into his heart。

〃Unhappy girl!〃 cried Ali Baba and his son; 〃what have

you done to ruin us?〃

〃It was to preserve you; master; not to ruin you;〃

answered Morgiana。 〃See here;〃 opening the false

merchant's garment and showing the dagger; 〃see what an

enemy you have entertained! Remember; he would eat

no salt with you; and what more would you have? Look

at him! he is both the false oil merchant and the Captain

of the Forty Thieves。〃

Ali Baba was so grateful to Morgiana for thus saving

his life that he offered her to his son in marriage; who

readily consented; and a few days after the wedding was

celebrated with greatest splendor。

At the end of a year Ali Baba; hearing nothing of the

two remaining robbers; judged they were dead; and set

out to the cave。 The door opened on his saying: 〃Open

Sesame!〃 He went in; and saw that nobody had been

there since the Captain left it。 He brought away as much

gold as he could carry; and returned to town。 He told

his son the secret of the cave; which his son handed down

in his turn; so the children and grandchildren of Ali Baba

were rich to the end of their lives。'1'

'1' Arabian Nights

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