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notes by flood and field-第3章

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don't know; takes five men to look 'em up and keep run。〃

〃What are they worth?〃

〃About thirty dollars a head。〃

I make a rapid calculation; and look my astonishment at the

laughing George。  Perhaps a recollection of the domestic economy of

the Tryan household is expressed in that look; for George averts

his eye and says; apologetically:

〃I've tried to get the old man to sell and build; but you know he

says it ain't no use to settle down; just yet。  We must keep

movin'。  In fact; he built the shanty for that purpose; lest titles

should fall through; and we'd have to get up and move stakes

further down。〃

Suddenly his quick eye detects some unusual sight in a herd we are

passing; and with an exclamation he puts his roan into the center

of the mass。  I follow; or rather Chu Chu darts after the roan; and

in a few moments we are in the midst of apparently inextricable

horns and hoofs。  〃TORO!〃 shouts George; with vaquero enthusiasm;

and the band opens a way for the swinging riata。  I can feel their

steaming breaths; and their spume is cast on Chu Chu's quivering


Wild; devilish…looking beasts are they; not such shapes as Jove

might have chosen to woo a goddess; nor such as peacefully range

the downs of Devon; but lean and hungry Cassius…like bovines;

economically got up to meet the exigencies of a six months'

rainless climate; and accustomed to wrestle with the distracting

wind and the blinding dust。

〃That's not our brand;〃 says George; 〃they're strange stock;〃 and

he points to what my scientific eye recognizes as the astrological

sign of Venus deeply seared in the brown flanks of the bull he is

chasing。  But the herd are closing round us with low mutterings;

and George has again recourse to the authoritative 〃TORO;〃 and with

swinging riata divides the 〃bossy bucklers〃 on either side。  When

we are free; and breathing somewhat more easily; I venture to ask

George if they ever attack anyone。

〃Never horsemensometimes footmen。  Not through rage; you know;

but curiosity。  They think a man and his horse are one; and if they

meet a chap afoot; they run him down and trample him under hoof; in

the pursuit of knowledge。  But;〃 adds George; 〃here's the lower

bench of the foothills; and here's Altascar's corral; and that

White building you see yonder is the casa。〃

A whitewashed wall enclosed a court containing another adobe

building; baked with the solar beams of many summers。  Leaving our

horses in the charge of a few peons in the courtyard; who were

basking lazily in the sun; we entered a low doorway; where a deep

shadow and an agreeable coolness fell upon us; as sudden and

grateful as a plunge in cool water; from its contrast with the

external glare and heat。  In the center of a low…ceiled apartment

sat an old man with a black…silk handkerchief tied about his head;

the few gray hairs that escaped from its folds relieving his

gamboge…colored face。  The odor of CIGARRITOS was as incense added

to the cathedral gloom of the building。

As Senor Altascar rose with well…bred gravity to receive us; George

advanced with such a heightened color; and such a blending of

tenderness and respect in his manner; that I was touched to the

heart by so much devotion in the careless youth。  In fact; my eyes

were still dazzled by the effect of the outer sunshine; and at

first I did not see the white teeth and black eyes of Pepita; who

slipped into the corridor as we entered。

It was no pleasant matter to disclose particulars of business which

would deprive the old senor of the greater part of that land we had

just ridden over; and I did it with great embarrassment。  But he

listened calmlynot a muscle of his dark face stirringand the

smoke curling placidly from his lips showed his regular

respiration。  When I had finished; he offered quietly to accompany

us to the line of demarcation。  George had meanwhile disappeared;

but a suspicious conversation in broken Spanish and English; in the

corridor; betrayed his vicinity。  When he returned again; a little

absent…minded; the old man; by far the coolest and most self…

possessed of the party; extinguished his black…silk cap beneath

that stiff; uncomely sombrero which all native Californians affect。

A serape thrown over his shoulders hinted that he was waiting。

Horses are always ready saddled in Spanish ranchos; and in half an

hour from the time of our arrival we were again 〃loping〃 in the

staring sunlight。

But not as cheerfully as before。  George and myself were weighed

down by restraint; and Altascar was gravely quiet。  To break the

silence; and by way of a consolatory essay; I hinted to him that

there might be further intervention or appeal; but the proffered

oil and wine were returned with a careless shrug of the shoulders

and a sententious 〃QUE BUENO?Your courts are always just。〃

The Indian mound of the previous night's discovery was a bearing

monument of the new line; and there we halted。  We were surprised

to find the old man Tryan waiting us。  For the first time during

our interview the old Spaniard seemed moved; and the blood rose in

his yellow cheek。  I was anxious to close the scene; and pointed

out the corner boundaries as clearly as my recollection served。

〃The deputies will be here tomorrow to run the lines from this

initial point; and there will be no further trouble; I believe;


Senor Altascar had dismounted and was gathering a few tufts of

dried grass in his hands。  George and I exchanged glances。  He

presently arose from his stooping posture; and advancing to within

a few paces of Joseph Tryan; said; in a voice broken with passion:

〃And I; Fernando Jesus Maria Altascar; put you in possession of my

land in the fashion of my country。〃

He threw a sod to each of the cardinal points。

〃I don't know your courts; your judges; or your CORREGIDORES。  Take

the LLANO!and take this with it。  May the drought seize your

cattle till their tongues hang down as long as those of your lying

lawyers!  May it be the curse and torment of your old age; as you

and yours have made it of mine!〃

We stepped between the principal actors in this scene; which only

the passion of Altascar made tragical; but Tryan; with a humility

but ill concealing his triumph; interrupted:

〃Let him curse on。  He'll find 'em coming home to him sooner than

the cattle he has lost through his sloth and pride。  The Lord is on

the side of the just; as well as agin all slanderers and revilers。〃

Altascar but half guessed the meaning of the Missourian; yet

sufficiently to drive from his mind all but the extravagant power

of his native invective。

〃Stealer of the Sacrament!  Open not!open not; I say; your lying;

Judas lips to me!  Ah! half…breed; with the soul of a coyote!car…


With his passion reverberating among the consonants like distant

thunder; he laid his hand upon the mane of his horse as though it

had been the gray locks of his adversary; swung himself into the

saddle and galloped away。

George turned to me:

〃Will you go back with us tonight?〃

I thought of the cheerless walls; the silent figures by the fire;

and the roaring wind; and hesitated。

〃Well then; goodby。〃

〃Goodby; George。〃

Another wring of the hands; and we parted。  I had not ridden far

when I turned and looked back。  The wind had risen early that

afternoon; and was already sweeping across the plain。  A cloud of

dust traveled before it; and a picturesque figure occasionally

emerging therefrom was my last indistinct impression of George



Three months after the survey of the Espiritu Santo Rancho; I was

again in the valley of the Sacramento。  But a general and terrible

visitation had erased the memory of that event as completely as I

supposed it had obliterated the boundary monuments I had planted。

The great flood of 1861…62 was at its height when; obeying some

indefinite yearning; I took my carpetbag and embarked for the

inundated valley。

There was nothing to be seen from the bright cabin windows of the

GOLDEN CITY but night deepening over the water。  The only sound was

the pattering rain; and that had grown monotonous for the past two

weeks; and did not disturb the national gravity of my countrymen as

they silently sat around the cabin stove。  Some on errands of

relief to friends and relatives wore anxious faces; and conversed

soberly on the one absorbing topic。  Others; like myself; attracted

by curiosity listened eagerly to newer details。  But with that

human disposition to seize upon any circumstance that might give

chance event the exaggerated importance of instinct; I was half…

conscious of something more than curiosity as an impelling motive。

The dripping of rain; the low gurgle of water; and a leaden sky

greeted us the next morning as we lay beside the half…submerged

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