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the annals of the parish-第34章

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ade and saved them money。  I have; no doubt; bettered my own fortune in the mean time。  Would you believe it; doctor; they have written a letter to me; saying that they wish to provide for a relation; and requiring me to give up to him a portion of my share in the concerna pretty sort of providing this; at another man's expense!  But I'll be damn'd if I do any such thing!  If they want to provide for their friend; let them do so from themselves; and not at my costWhat is your opinion?〃

This appeared to me a very weighty concern; and; not being versed in mercantile dealing; I did not well know what to say; but I reflected for some time; and then I replied; 〃As far; Mr Cayenne; as my observation has gone in this world; I think that the giffs and the gaffs nearly balance one another; and when they do not; there is a moral defect on the failing side。  If a man long gives his labour to his employer; and is paid for that labour; it might be said that both are equal; but I say no。  For it's in human nature to be prompt to change; and the employer; having always more in his power than his servant or agent; it seems to me a clear case; that in the course of a number of years; the master of the old servant is the obligated of the two; and therefore I say; in the first place; in your case there is no tie or claim; by which you may; in a moral sense; be called upon to submit to the dictates of your London correspondents; but there is a reason; in the nature of the thing and case; by which you may ask a favour from themSo; the advice I would give you would be this:  write an answer to their letter; and tell them that you have no objection to the taking in of a new partner; but you think it would be proper to revise all the copartnery; especially as you have; considering the manner in which you have advanced the business; been of opinion; that your share should be considerably enlarged。〃

I thought Mr Cayenne would have louped out of his skin with mirth at this notion; and; being a prompt man; he sat down at my scrutoire; and answered the letter which gave him so much uneasiness。  No notice was taken of it for some time; but in the course of a month he was informed; that it was not considered expedient at that time to make any change in the company。  I thought the old man was gone by himself when he got this letter。  He came over instantly in his chariot; from the cotton…mill office to the manse; and swore an oath; by some dreadful name; that I was a Solomon。  However; I only mention this to show how experience had instructed me; and as a sample of that sinister provisioning of friends that was going on in the world at this timeall owing; as I do verily believe; to the uncertain state of governments and national affairs。

Besides these generalities; I observed another thing working to effectmankind read more; and the spirit of reflection and reasoning was more awake than at any time within my remembrance。 Not only was there a handsome bookseller's shop in Cayenneville; with a London newspaper daily; but magazines; and reviews; and other new publications。

Till this year; when a chaise was wanted we had to send to Irville; but Mr Toddy of the Cross…Keys being in at Glasgow; he bought an excellent one at the second…hand; a portion of the effects of a broken merchant; by which; from that period; we had one of our own; and it proved a great convenience; for I; who never but twice in my life before hired that kind of commodity; had it thrice during the summer; for a bit jaunt with Mrs Balwhidder to divers places and curiosities in the county that I had not seen before; by which our ideas were greatly enlarged; indeed; I have always had a partiality for travelling; as one of the best means of opening the faculty of the mind; and giving clear and correct notions of men and things。


During the tempestuous times that ensued; from the death of the King of France by the hands of the executioner in 1793; there had been a political schism among my people that often made me very uneasy。 The folk belonging to the cotton…mill; and the muslin…weavers in Cayenneville; were afflicted with the itch of jacobinism; but those of the village were stanch and true to king and country; and some of the heritors were desirous to make volunteers of the young men of them; in case of anything like the French anarchy and confusion rising on the side of the manufacturers。  I; however; set myself; at that time; against this; for I foresaw that the French business was but a fever which would soon pass off; but no man could tell the consequence of putting arms in the hands of neighbour against neighbour; though it was but in the way of policy。

But when Bonaparte gathered his host fornent the English coast; and the government at London were in terror of their lives for an invasion; all in the country saw that there was danger; and I was not backward in sounding the trumpet to battle。  For a time; however; there was a diffidence among us somewhere。  The gentry had a distrust of the manufacturers; and the farming lads were wud with impatience; that those who should be their leaders would not come forth。  I; knowing this; prepared a sermon suitable to the occasion; giving out from the pulpit myself; the Sabbath before preaching it; that it was my intent; on the next Lord's day; to deliver a religious and political exhortation on the present posture of public affairs。  This drew a vast congregation of all ranks。

I trow that the stoor had no peace in the stuffing of the pulpit in that day; and the effect was very great and speedy:  for next morning the weavers and cotton…mill folk held a meeting; and they; being skilled in the ways of committees and associating together; had certain resolutions prepared; by which a select few was appointed to take an enrolment of all willing in the parish to serve as volunteers in defence of their king and country; and to concert with certain gentlemen named therein; about the formation of a corps; of which; it was an understood thing; the said gentlemen were to be the officers。  The whole of this business was managed with the height of discretion; and the weavers; and spinners; and farming lads; vied with one another who should be first on the list。  But that which the most surprised me; was the wonderful sagacity of the committee in naming the gentlemen that should be the officers。  I could not have made a better choice myself; for they were the best built; the best bred; and the best natured; in the parish。  In short; when I saw the bravery that was in my people; and the spirit of wisdom by which it was directed; I said in my heart; the Lord of Hosts is with us; and the adversary shall not prevail。

The number of valiant men which at that time placed themselves around the banners of their country was so great; that the government would not accept of all who offered; so; like as in other parishes; we were obligated to make a selection; which was likewise done in a most judicious manner; all men above a certain age being reserved for the defence of the parish; in the day when the young might be called to England to fight the enemy。

When the corps was formed; and the officers named; they made me their chaplain; and Dr。 Marigold their doctor。  He was a little man with a big belly; and was as crouse as a bantam cock; but it was not thought he could do so well in field exercises; on which account he was made the doctor; although he had no repute in that capacity in comparison with Dr。 Tanzey; who was not; however; liked; being a stiff…mannered man; with a sharp temper。

All things having come to a proper head; the young ladies of the parish resolved to present the corps with a stand of colours; which they embroidered themselves; and a day was fixed for the presentation of the same。  Never was such a day seen in Dalmailing。 The sun shone brightly on that scene of bravery and grandeur; and far and near the country folk came flocking in; and we had the regimental band of music hired from the soldiers that were in Ayr barracks。  The very first sound o't made the hair on my old grey head to prickle up; and my blood to rise and glow as if youth was coming again into my veins。

Sir Hugh Montgomerie was the commandant; and he came in all the glory of war; on his best horse; and marched at the head of the men to the green…head。  The doctor and me were the rearguard:  not being able; on account of my age and his fatness; to walk so fast as the quick…step of the corps。  On the field; we took our place in front; near Sir Hugh and the ladies with the colours; and after some salutations; according to the fashion of the army; Sir Hugh made a speech to the men; and then Miss Maria Montgomerie came forward; with her sister Miss Eliza; and the other ladies; and the banners were unfurled; all glittering with gold; and the king's arms in needlework。  Miss Maria then made a speech; which she had got by heart; but she was so agitated that it was said she forgot the best part of it:  however; it was very well considering。  When this was done; I then stepped forward; and laying my hat on the ground; every man and boy taking off theirs; I said a prayer; which I had conned most carefully; and which I thought the most suitable I c
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