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the annals of the parish-第5章

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eing the largest vessel then sailing from the creditable town of Port…Glasgow。  Charlie was not expected; and his coming was a great thing to us all; so I will mention the whole particulars。

One evening; towards the gloaming; as I was taking my walk of meditation; I saw a brisk sailor laddie coming towards me。  He had a pretty green parrot sitting on a bundle; tied in a Barcelona silk handkerchief; which he carried with a stick over his shoulder; and in this bundle was a wonderful big nut; such as no one in our parish had ever seen。  It was called a cocker…nut。  This blithe callant was Charlie Malcolm; who had come all the way that day his leeful lane; on his own legs from Greenock; where the Tobacco trader was then 'livering her cargo。  I told him how his mother; and his brothers; and his sisters were all in good health; and went to convoy him home; and as we were going along; he told me many curious things; and he gave me six beautiful yellow limes; that he had brought in his pouch all the way across the seas; for me to make a bowl of punch with; and I thought more of them than if they had been golden guineas; it was so mindful of the laddie。

When we got to the door of his mother's house; she was sitting at the fireside; with her three other bairns at their bread and milk; Kate being then with Lady Skimmilk; at the Breadland; sewing。  It was between the day and dark; when the shuttle stands still till the lamp is lighted。  But such a shout of joy and thankfulness as rose from that hearth; when Charlie went in!  The very parrot; ye would have thought; was a participator; for the beast gied a skraik that made my whole head dirl; and the neighbours came flying and flocking to see what was the matter; for it was the first parrot ever seen within the bounds of the parish; and some thought it was but a foreign hawk; with a yellow head and green feathers。

In the midst of all this; Effie Malcolm had run off to the Breadland for her sister Kate; and the two lassies came flying breathless; with Miss Girzie Gilchrist; the Lady Skimmilk; pursuing them like desperation; or a griffin; down the avenue; for Kate; in her hurry; had flung down her seam; a new printed gown; that she was helping to make; and it had fallen into a boyne of milk that was ready for the creaming; by which issued a double misfortune to Miss Girzie; the gown being not only ruined; but licking up the cream。  For this; poor Kate was not allowed ever to set her face in the Breadland again。

When Charlie Malcolm had stayed about a week with his mother; he returned to his berth in the Tobacco trader; and shortly after his brother Robert was likewise sent to serve his time to the sea; with an owner that was master of his own bark; in the coal trade at Irville。  Kate; who was really a surprising lassie for her years; was taken off her mother's hands by the old Lady Macadam; that lived in her jointure house; which is now the Cross Keys Inn。  Her ladyship was a woman of high breeding; her husband having been a great general; and knighted by the king for his exploits; but she was lame; and could not move about in her dining…room without help; so hearing from the first Mrs Balwhidder how Kate had done such an unatonable deed to Miss Girzie Gilchrist; she sent for Kate; and; finding her sharp and apt; she took her to live with her as a companion。  This was a vast advantage; for the lady was versed in all manner of accomplishments; and could read and speak French with more ease than any professor at that time in the College of Glasgow; and she had learnt to sew flowers on satin; either in a nunnery abroad; or in a boarding…school in England; and took pleasure in teaching Kate all she knew; and how to behave herself like a lady。

In the summer of this year; old Mr Patrick Dilworth; that had so long been doited with the paralytics; died; and it was a great relief to my people; for the heritors could no longer refuse to get a proper schoolmaster; so we took on trial Mr Lorimore; who has ever since the year after; with so much credit to himself; and usefulness to the parish; been schoolmaster; session clerk; and precentora man of great mildness and extraordinary particularity。  He was then a very young man; and some objection was made; on account of his youth; to his being session…clerk; especially as the smuggling immorality still gave us much trouble in the making up of irregular marriages; but his discretion was greater than could have been hoped for from his years; and; after a twelvemonth's probation in the capacity of schoolmaster; he was installed in all the offices that had belonged to his predecessor; old Mr Patrick Dilworth that was。

But the most memorable thing that befell among my people this year; was the burning of the lint…mill on the Lugton water; which happened; of all the days of the year; on the very selfsame day that Miss Girzie Gilchrist; better known as Lady Skimmilk; hired the chaise from Mrs Watts of the New Inns of Irville; to go with her brother; the major; to consult the faculty in Edinburgh concerning his complaints。  For; as the chaise was coming by the mill; William Huckle; the miller that was; came flying out of the mill like a demented man; crying fire!and it was the driver that brought the melancholy tidings to the clachanand melancholy they were; for the mill was utterly destroyed; and in it not a little of all that year's crop of lint in our parish。  The first Mrs Balwhidder lost upwards of twelve stone; which we had raised on the glebe with no small pains; watering it in the drouth; as it was intended for sarking to ourselves; and sheets and napery。  A great loss indeed it was; and the vexation thereof had a visible effect on Mrs Balwhidder's health; which from the spring had been in a dwining way。  But for it; I think she might have wrestled through the winter:  however; it was ordered otherwise; and she was removed from mine to Abraham's bosom on Christmas…day; and buried on Hogmanay; for it was thought uncanny to have a dead corpse in the house on the new…year's day。  She was a worthy woman; studying with all her capacity to win the hearts of my people towards mein the which good work she prospered greatly; so that; when she died; there was not a single soul in the parish that was not contented with both my walk and conversation。  Nothing could be more peaceable than the way we lived together。  Her brother Andrew; a fine lad; I had sent to the college at Glasgow; at my own cost; and when he came out to the burial; he stayed with me a month; for the manse after her decease was very dull; and it was during this visit that he gave me an inkling of his wish to go out to India as a cadet; but the transactions anent that fall within the scope of another yearas well as what relates to her headstone; and the epitaph in metre; which I indicated myself thereon; John Truel the mason carving the same; as may be seen in the kirkyard; where it wants a little reparation and setting upright; having settled the wrong way when the second Mrs Balwhidder was laid by her side。But I must not here enter upon an anticipation。


This year well deserved the name of the monumental year in our parish; for the young laird of the Breadland; that had been my pupil; being learning to be an advocate among the faculty in Edinburgh; with his lady mother; who had removed thither with the young ladies her daughters; for the benefit of education; sent out to be put up in the kirk; under the loft over the family vault; an elegant marble headstone; with an epitaph engraven thereon; in fair Latin; setting forth many excellent qualities which the old laird; my patron that was; the inditer thereof said he possessed。  I say the inditer; because it couldna have been the young laird himself; although he got the credit o't on the stone; for he was nae daub in my aught at the Latin or any other language。  However; he might improve himself at Edinburgh; where a' manner of genteel things were then to be got at an easy rate; and doubtless the young laird got a probationer at the College to write the epitaph; but I have often wondered sin' syne; how he came to make it in Latin; for assuredly his dead parent; if he could have seen it; could not have read a single word o't; notwithstanding it was so vaunty about his virtues; and other civil and hospitable qualifications。

The coming of the laird's monumental stone had a great effect on me; then in a state of deep despondency for the loss of the first Mrs Balwhidder; and I thought I could not do a better thing; just by way of diversion in my heavy sorrow; than to get a well…shapen headstone made for herwhich; as I have hinted at in the record of the last year; was done and set up。  But a headstone without an epitaph; is no better than a body without the breath of life in't; and so it behoved me to make a poesy for the monument; the which I conned and pondered upon for many days。  I thought as Mrs Balwhidder; worthy woman as she was; did not understand the Latin tongue; it would not do to put on what I had to say in that language; as the laird had donenor indeed would it have been easy; as I found upon the experimenting; to tell what I had to tell in Latin; which is naturally a crabbed language; and very difficul
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