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the lesser bourgeoisie-第67章

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cabalistic letters that seemed Turkish。 Was this a polyglottic joke
the countess had arranged for him?

One volume; however; claimed particular attention。 The binding; unlike
those of the other books; was less rich than dainty。 Lying by itself
at a corner of the table; it was open; with the back turned up; the
edges of the leaves resting on the green table…cloth in the shape of a
tent。 La Peyrade took it up; being careful not to lose the page which
it seemed to have been some one's intention to mark。 It proved to be a
volume of the illustrated edition of Monsieur Scribe's works。 The
engraving which presented itself on the open page to la Peyrade's
eyes; was entitled 〃The Hatred of a Woman〃; the principal personage of
which is a young widow; desperately pursuing a poor young man who
cannot help himself。 There is hatred all round。 Through her devilries
she almost makes him lose his reputation; and does make him miss a
rich marriage; but the end is that she gives him more than she took
away from him; and makes a husband of the man who was thought her

If chance had put this volume apart from the rest; and had left it
open at the precise page where la Peyrade found it marked; it must be
owned that; after what had passed between himself and the countess;
chance can sometimes seem clever and adroit。 As he stood there;
thinking over the significance which this more or less accidental
combination might have; la Peyrade read through a number of scenes to
see whether in the details as well as the general whole they applied
to the present situation。 While thus employed; the sound of an opening
door was heard; and he recognized the silvery and slightly drawling
voice of the countess; who was evidently accompanying some visitor to
the door。

〃Then I may promise the ambassadress;〃 said a man's voice; 〃that you
will honor her ball with your presence?〃

〃Yes; commander; if my headache; which is just beginning to get a
little better; is kind enough to go away。〃

〃Au revoir; then; fairest lady;〃 said the gentleman。 After which the
doors were closed; and silence reigned once more。

The title of commander reassured la Peyrade somewhat; for it was not
the rank of a young dandy。 He was nevertheless curious to know who
this personage was with whom the countess had been shut up so long。
Hearing no one approach the room he was in; he went to the window and
opened the curtain cautiously; prepared to let it drop back at the
slightest noise; and to make a quick right…about…face to avoid being
caught; 〃flagrante delicto;〃 in curiosity。 An elegant coupe; standing
at a little distance; was now driven up to the house; a footman in
showy livery hastened to open the door; and a little old man; with a
light and jaunty movement; though it was evident he was one of those
relics of the past who have not yet abandoned powder; stepped quickly
into the carriage; which was then driven rapidly away。 La Peyrade had
time to observe on his breast a perfect string of decorations。 This;
combined with the powdered hair; was certain evidence of a diplomatic

La Peyrade had picked up his book once more; when a bell from the
inner room sounded; quickly followed by the appearance of the maid;
who invited him to follow her。 The Provencal took care NOT to replace
the volume where he found it; and an instant later he entered the
presence of the countess。

A pained expression was visible on the handsome face of the foreign
countess; who; however; lost nothing of her charm in the languor that
seemed to overcome her。 On the sofa beside her was a manuscript
written on gilt…edged paper; in that large and opulent handwriting
which indicates an official communication from some ministerial office
or chancery。 She held in her hand a crystal bottle with a gold
stopper; from which she frequently inhaled the contents; and a strong
odor of English vinegar pervaded the salon。

〃I fear you are ill; madame;〃 said la Peyrade; with interest。

〃Oh! it is nothing;〃 replied the countess; 〃only a headache; to which
I am very subject。 But you; monsieur; what has become of you? I was
beginning to lose all hope of ever seeing you again。 Have you come to
announce to me some great news? The period of your marriage with
Mademoiselle Colleville is probably so near that I think you can speak
of it。〃

This opening disconcerted la Peyrade。

〃But; madame;〃 he answered; in a tone that was almost tart; 〃you; it
seems to me; must know too well everything that goes on in the
Thuillier household not to be aware that the event you speak of is not
approaching; and; I may add; not probable。〃

〃No; I assure you; I know nothing; I have strictly forbidden myself
from taking any further interest in an affair which I felt I had
meddled with very foolishly。 Mademoiselle Brigitte and I talk of
everything except Celeste's marriage。〃

〃And it is no doubt the desire to allow me perfect freedom in the
matter that induces you to take flight whenever I have the honor to
meet you in the Thuillier salon?〃

〃Yes;〃 said the countess; 〃that ought to be the reason that makes me
leave the room; else; why should I be so distant?〃

〃Ah! madame; there are other reasons that might make a woman avoid a
man's presence。 For instance; if he has displeased her; if the advice;
given to him with rare wisdom and kindness; was not received with
proper eagerness and gratitude。〃

〃Oh; my dear monsieur;〃 she replied; 〃I have no such ardor in
proselytizing that I am angry with those who are not docile to my
advice。 I am; like others; very apt to make mistakes。〃

〃On the contrary; madame; in the matter of my marriage your judgment
was perfectly correct。〃

〃How so?〃 said the countess; eagerly。 〃Has the seizure of the
pamphlet; coming directly after the failure to obtain the cross; led
to a rupture?〃

〃No;〃 said la Peyrade; 〃my influence in the Thuillier household rests
on a solid basis; the services I have rendered Mademoiselle Brigitte
and her brother outweigh these checks; which; after all; are not

〃Do you really think so?〃 said the countess。

〃Certainly;〃 replied la Peyrade; 〃when the Comtesse du Bruel takes it
into her head to seriously obtain that bit of red ribbon; she can do
so; in spite of all obstacles that are put in her way。〃

The countess received this assertion with a smile; and shook her head。

〃But; madame; only a day or two ago Madame du Bruel told Madame
Colleville that the unexpected opposition she had met with piqued her;
and that she meant to go in person to the minister。〃

〃But you forget that since then this seizure has been made by the
police; it is not usual to decorate a man who is summoned before the
court of assizes。 You seem not to notice that the seizure argues a
strong ill…will against Monsieur Thuillier; and; I may add; against
yourself; monsieur; for you are known to be the culprit。 You have not;
I think; taken all this into account。 The authorities appear to have
acted not wholly from legal causes。〃

La Peyrade looked at the countess。

〃I must own;〃 he said; after that rapid glance; 〃that I have tried in
vain to find any passage in that pamphlet which could be made a legal
pretext for the seizure。〃

〃In my opinion;〃 said the countess; 〃the king's servants must have a
vivid imagination to persuade themselves they were dealing with a
seditious publication。 But that only proves the strength of the
underground power which is thwarting all your good intentions in favor
of Monsieur Thuillier。〃

〃Madame;〃 said la Peyrade; 〃do you know our secret enemies?〃

〃Perhaps I do;〃 replied the countess; with another smile。

〃May I dare to utter a suspicion; madame?〃 said la Peyrade; with some

〃Yes; say what you think;〃 replied Madame de Godollo。 〃I shall not
blame you if you guess right。〃

〃Well; madame; our enemies; Thuillier's and mine; area woman。〃

〃Supposing that is so;〃 said the countess; 〃do you know how many lines
Richelieu required from a man's hand in order to hang him?〃

〃Four;〃 replied la Peyrade。

〃You can imagine; then; that a pamphlet of two hundred pages might
afford aslightly intriguing woman sufficient ground for

〃I see it all; madame; I understand it!〃 cried la Peyrade; with
animation。 〃I believe that woman to be one of the elite of her sex;
with as much mind and malice as Richelieu! Adorable magician! it is
she who has set in motion the police and the gendarmes; but; more than
that; it is she who withholds that cross the ministers were about to

〃If that be so;〃 said the countess; 〃why struggle against her?〃

〃Ah! I struggle no longer;〃 said la Peyrade。 Then; with an assumed air
of contrition; he added; 〃You must; indeed; HATE me; madame。〃

〃Not quite as much as you may think;〃 replied the countess; 〃but;
after all; suppose that I do hate you?〃

〃Ah! madame;〃 cried la Peyrade; ardently; 〃I should then be the
happiest of unhappy men; for that hatred would seem to me sweeter and
more precious than your indifference。 But you do not hate me; why
should you feel to me that most blessed feminine sentiment which
Scribe has depicted with such delicacy and wit?〃

Madame de Godollo did no
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