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hesiod, the homeric hymns, and homerica-第35章

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all that lives and moves and shall have the greatest rights among the deathless gods: those who defraud you and do not appease your power with offerings; reverently performing rites and paying fit gifts; shall be punished for evermore。'

(ll。 370…383) When he said this; wise Persephone was filled with joy and hastily sprang up for gladness。  But he on his part secretly gave her sweet pomegranate seed to eat; taking care for himself that she might not remain continually with grave; dark… robed Demeter。  Then Aidoneus the Ruler of Many openly got ready his deathless horses beneath the golden chariot。  And she mounted on the chariot; and the strong Slayer of Argos took reins and whip in his dear hands and drove forth from the hall; the horses speeding readily。  Swiftly they traversed their long course; and neither the sea nor river…waters nor grassy glens nor mountain… peaks checked the career of the immortal horses; but they clave the deep air above them as they went。  And Hermes brought them to the place where rich…crowned Demeter was staying and checked them before her fragrant temple。

(ll。 384…404) And when Demeter saw them; she rushed forth as does a Maenad down some thick…wooded mountain; while Persephone on the other side; when she saw her mother's sweet eyes; left the chariot and horses; and leaped down to run to her; and falling upon her neck; embraced her。  But while Demeter was still holding her dear child in her arms; her heart suddenly misgave her for some snare; so that she feared greatly and ceased fondling her daughter and asked of her at once:  ‘My child; tell me; surely you have not tasted any food while you were below?  Speak out and hide nothing; but let us both know。  For if you have not; you shall come back from loathly Hades and live with me and your father; the dark…clouded Son of Cronos and be honoured by all the deathless gods; but if you have tasted food; you must go back again beneath the secret places of the earth; there to dwell a third part of the seasons every year: yet for the two parts you shall be with me and the other deathless gods。  But when the earth shall bloom with the fragrant flowers of spring in every kind; then from the realm of darkness and gloom thou shalt come up once more to be a wonder for gods and mortal men。  And now tell me how he rapt you away to the realm of darkness and gloom; and by what trick did the strong Host of Many beguile you?'

(ll。 405…433) Then beautiful Persephone answered her thus: 'Mother; I will tell you all without error。  When luck…bringing Hermes came; swift messenger from my father the Son of Cronos and the other Sons of Heaven; bidding me come back from Erebus that you might see me with your eyes and so cease from your anger and fearful wrath against the gods; I sprang up at once for joy; but he secretly put in my mouth sweet food; a pomegranate seed; and forced me to taste against my will。  Also I will tell how he rapt me away by the deep plan of my father the Son of Cronos and carried me off beneath the depths of the earth; and will relate the whole matter as you ask。  All we were playing in a lovely meadow; Leucippe (9) and Phaeno and Electra and Ianthe; Melita also and Iache with Rhodea and Callirhoe and Melobosis and Tyche and Ocyrhoe; fair as a flower; Chryseis; Ianeira; Acaste and Admete and Rhodope and Pluto and charming Calypso; Styx too was there and Urania and lovely Galaxaura with Pallas who rouses battles and Artemis delighting in arrows: we were playing and gathering sweet flowers in our hands; soft crocuses mingled with irises and hyacinths; and rose…blooms and lilies; marvellous to see; and the narcissus which the wide earth caused to grow yellow as a crocus。  That I plucked in my joy; but the earth parted beneath; and there the strong lord; the Host of Many; sprang forth and in his golden chariot he bore me away; all unwilling; beneath the earth: then I cried with a shrill cry。  All this is true; sore though it grieves me to tell the tale。'

(ll。 434…437) So did they turn; with hearts at one; greatly cheer each the other's soul and spirit with many an embrace: their heart had relief from their griefs while each took and gave back joyousness。

(ll。 438…440) Then bright…coiffed Hecate came near to them; and often did she embrace the daughter of holy Demeter: and from that time the lady Hecate was minister and companion to Persephone。

(ll。 441…459) And all…seeing Zeus sent a messenger to them; rich… haired Rhea; to bring dark…cloaked Demeter to join the families of the gods: and he promised to give her what right she should choose among the deathless gods and agreed that her daughter should go down for the third part of the circling year to darkness and gloom; but for the two parts should live with her mother and the other deathless gods。  Thus he commanded。  And the goddess did not disobey the message of Zeus; swiftly she rushed down from the peaks of Olympus and came to the plain of Rharus; rich; fertile corn…land once; but then in nowise fruitful; for it lay idle and utterly leafless; because the white grains was hidden by design of trim…ankled Demeter。  But afterwards; as springtime waxed; it was soon to be waving with long ears of corn; and its rich furrows to be loaded with grain upon the ground; while others would already be bound in sheaves。  There first she landed from the fruitless upper air: and glad were the goddesses to see each other and cheered in heart。  Then bright… coiffed Rhea said to Demeter:

(ll。 460…469) ‘Come; my daughter; for far…seeing Zeus the loud… thunderer calls you to join the families of the gods; and has promised to give you what rights you please among the deathless gods; and has agreed that for a third part of the circling year your daughter shall go down to darkness and gloom; but for the two parts shall be with you and the other deathless gods: so has he declared it shall be and has bowed his head in token。  But come; my child; obey; and be not too angry unrelentingly with the dark…clouded Son of Cronos; but rather increase forthwith for men the fruit that gives them life。'

(ll。 470…482) So spake Rhea。  And rich…crowned Demeter did not refuse but straightway made fruit to spring up from the rich lands; so that the whole wide earth was laden with leaves and flowers。  Then she went; and to the kings who deal justice; Triptolemus and Diocles; the horse…driver; and to doughty Eumolpus and Celeus; leader of the people; she showed the conduct of her rites and taught them all her mysteries; to Triptolemus and Polyxeinus and Diocles also;  awful mysteries which no one may in any way transgress or pry into or utter; for deep awe of the gods checks the voice。  Happy is he among men upon earth who has seen these mysteries; but he who is uninitiate and who has no part in them; never has lot of like good things once he is dead; down in the darkness and gloom。

(ll。 483…489) But when the bright goddess had taught them all; they went to Olympus to the gathering of the other gods。  And

there they dwell beside Zeus who delights in thunder; awful and reverend goddesses。  Right blessed is he among men on earth whom they freely love: soon they do send Plutus as guest to his great house; Plutus who gives wealth to mortal men。

(ll。 490…495) And now; queen of the land of sweet Eleusis and sea…girt Paros and rocky Antron; lady; giver of good gifts; bringer of seasons; queen Deo; be gracious; you and your daughter all beauteous Persephone; and for my song grant me heart…cheering substance。  And now I will remember you and another song also。

III。 TO APOLLO (546 lines)


(ll。 1…18) I will remember and not be unmindful of Apollo who shoots afar。  As he goes through the house of Zeus; the gods tremble before him and all spring up from their seats when he draws near; as he bends his bright bow。  But Leto alone stays by the side of Zeus who delights in thunder; and then she unstrings his bow; and closes his quiver; and takes his archery from his strong shoulders in her hands and hangs them on a golden peg against a pillar of his father's house。  Then she leads him to a seat and makes him sit: and the Father gives him nectar in a golden cup welcoming his dear son; while the other gods make him sit down there; and queenly Leto rejoices because she bare a mighty son and an archer。  Rejoice; blessed Leto; for you bare glorious children; the lord Apollo and Artemis who delights in arrows; her in Ortygia; and him in rocky Delos; as you rested against the great mass of the Cynthian hill hard by a palm…tree by the streams of Inopus。

(ll。 19…29) How; then; shall I sing of you who in all ways are a worthy theme of song?  For everywhere; O Phoebus; the whole range of song is fallen to you; both over the mainland that rears heifers and over the isles。  All mountain…peaks and high headlands of lofty hills and rivers flowing out to the deep and beaches sloping seawards and havens of the sea are your delight。  Shall I sing how at the first Leto bare you to be the joy of men; as she rested against Mount Cynthus in that rocky isle; in sea… girt Delos  while on either hand a dark wave rolled on landwards driven by shrill winds  whence arising you rule over all mortal men?

(ll。 30…50) Among those who are in
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