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prince caspian_c·s·刘易斯-第16章

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theyre all so …鈥

from somewhere deep inside aslans body there came the faintest suggestion  of a growl。

〃im sorry;〃 said lucy; who understood some of his moods。 〃i didnt mean to  start slanging the others。 but it wasnt my fault anyway; was it?鈥

the lion looked straight into her eyes。

〃oh; aslan;〃 said lucy。 〃you dont mean it was? how could i … i couldnt  have left the others and e up to you alone; how could i? dont look at me like that 。  。 。 oh well; i suppose i could。 yes; and it wouldnt have been alone; i know; not if i was  with you。 but what would have been the good?鈥

aslan said nothing。

〃you mean;〃 said lucy rather faintly; 〃that it would have turned out all  right … somehow?

but how? please; aslan! am i not to know?鈥

〃to know what would have happened; child?〃 said aslan。 〃no。 nobody is ever  told that。鈥

〃oh dear;〃 said lucy。

〃but anyone can find out what will happen;〃 said aslan。 〃if you go back to  the others now; and wake them up; and tell them you have seen me again; and that you  must all get up at once and follow me … what will happen? there is only one way of  finding out。鈥

〃do you mean that is what you want me to do?〃 gasped lucy。

〃yes; little one;〃 said aslan。

〃will the others see you too?〃 asked lucy。

〃certainly not at first;〃 said aslan。 〃later on; it depends。鈥

〃but they wont believe me!〃 said lucy。

〃it doesnt matter;〃 said aslan。

〃oh dear; oh dear;〃 said lucy。 〃and i was so pleased at finding you again。  and i thought youd let me stay。 and i thought youd e roaring in and frighten all the  enemies away … like last time。 and now everything is going to be horrid。鈥

〃it is hard for you; little one;〃 said aslan。 〃but things never happen the  same way twice。

it has been hard for us all in narnia before now。鈥

lucy buried her head in his mane to hide from his face。 but there must have  been magic in his mane。 she could feel lion…strength going into her。 quite suddenly  she sat up。

〃im sorry; aslan;〃 she said。 〃im ready now。鈥

〃now you are a lioness;〃 said aslan。 〃and now all narnia will be renewed。  but e。

we have no time to lose。鈥

he got up and walked with stately; noiseless paces back to the belt of  dancing trees through which she had just e: and lucy went with him; laying a rather  tremulous hand on his mane。 the trees parted to let them through and for one second  assumed their human forms pletely。 lucy had a glimpse of tall and lovely wood…gods and  wood…goddesses all bowing to the lion; next moment they were trees again; but  still bowing; with such graceful sweeps of branch and trunk that their bowing was itself  a kind of dance。

〃now; child;〃 said aslan; when they had left the trees behind them; 〃i will  wait here。 go and wake the others and tell them to follow。 if they will not; then you at  least must follow me alone。鈥

it is a terrible thing to have to wake four people; all older than yourself  and all very tired; for the purpose of telling them something they probably wont believe and  making them do something they certainly wont like。 〃i mustnt think about it; i must  just do it;鈥

thought lucy。

she went to peter first and shook him。 〃peter;〃 she whispered in his ear;  〃wake up。 quick。

aslan is here。 he says weve got to follow him at once。鈥

〃certainly; lu。 whatever you like;〃 said peter unexpectedly。 this was  encouraging; but as peter instantly rolled round and went to sleep again it wasnt much use。

then she tried susan。 susan did really wake up; but only to say in her most  annoying grown…up voice; 〃youve been dreaming; lucy。 go to sleep again。鈥

she tackled edmund next。 it was very difficult to wake him; but when at  last she had done it he was really awake and sat up。

〃eh?〃 he said in a grumpy voice。 〃what are you talking about?鈥

she said it all over again。 this was one of the worst parts of her job; for  each time she said it; it sounded less convincing。

〃aslan!〃 said edmund; jumping up。 〃hurray! where?鈥

lucy turned back to where she could see the lion waiting; his patient eyes  fixed upon her。 〃there;〃 she said; pointing。

〃where?〃 asked edmund again。

〃there。 there。 dont you see? just this side of the trees。鈥

edmund stared hard for a while and then said; 〃no。 theres nothing there。  youve got dazzled and muddled with the moonlight。 one does; you know。 i thought i saw something for a moment myself。 its only an optical what…do…you…call…it。鈥

〃i can see him all the time;〃 said lucy。 〃hes looking straight at us。鈥

〃then why cant i see him?鈥

〃he said you mightnt be able to。鈥


〃i dont know。 thats what he said。鈥

〃oh; bother it all;〃 said edmund。 〃i do wish you wouldnt keep on seeing  things。 but i suppose well have to wake the others。鈥



the lion roars  when the whole party was finally awake lucy had to tell her story for the  fourth time。

the blank silence which followed it was as discouraging as anything could  be。

〃i cant see anything;〃 said peter after he had stared his eyes sore。 〃can  you; susan?鈥

〃no; of course i cant;〃 snapped susan。 〃because there isnt anything to  see。 shes been dreaming。 do lie down and go to sleep; lucy。鈥

〃and i do hope;〃 said lucy in a tremulous voice; 〃that you will all e  with me。

because … because ill have to go with him whether anyone else does or  not。鈥

〃dont talk nonsense; lucy;〃 said susan。 〃of course you cant go off on  your own。 dont let her; peter。 shes being downright naughty。鈥

〃ill go with her; if she must go;〃 said edmund。 〃shes been right before。鈥

〃i know she has;〃 said peter。 〃and she may have been right this morning。 we  certainly had no luck going down the gorge。 still … at this hour of the night。 and  why should aslan be invisible to us? he never used to be。 its not like him。 what does the  d。l。f。 say?鈥

〃oh; i say nothing at all;〃 answered the dwarf。 〃if you all go; of course;  ill go with you; and if your party splits up; ill go with the high king。 thats my duty to  him and king caspian。 but; if you ask my private opinion; im a plain dwarf who doesnt  think theres much chance of finding a road by night where you couldnt find one by day。  and i have no use for magic lions which are talking lions and dont talk; and friendly  lions though they dont do us any good; and whopping big lions though nobody can see  them。 its all bilge and beanstalks as far as i can see。鈥

〃hes beating his paw on the ground for us to hurry;〃 said lucy。 〃we must  go now。 at least i must。鈥

〃youve no right to try to force the rest of us like that。 its four to one  and youre the youngest;〃 said susan。

〃oh; e on;〃 growled edmund。 〃weve got to go。 therell be no peace till  we do。〃 he fully intended to back lucy up; but he was annoyed at losing his nights  sleep and was making up for it by doing everything as sulkily as possible。

〃on the march; then;〃 said peter; wearily fitting his arm into his shield… strap and putting his helmet on。 at any other time he would have said something nice to lucy;  who was his favourite sister; for he knew how wretched she must be feeling; and he knew  that;  

whatever had happened; it was not her fault。 but he couldnt help being a  little annoyed with her all the same。

susan was the worst。 〃supposing i started behaving like lucy;〃 she said。 〃i  might threaten to stay here whether the rest of you went on or not。 i jolly well  think i shall。鈥

〃obey the high king; your majesty;〃 said trumpkin; 〃and lets be off。 if  im not to be allowed to sleep; id as soon march as stand here talking。鈥

and so at last they got on the move。 lucy went first; biting her lip and  trying not to say all the things she thought of saying to susan。 but she forgot them when she  fixed her eyes on aslan。 he turned and walked at a slow pace about thirty yards ahead of  them。 the others had only lucys directions to guide them; for aslan was not only  invisible to them but silent as well。 his big cat…like paws made no noise on the grass。

he led them to the right of the dancing trees … whether they were still  dancing nobody knew; for lucy had her eyes on the lion and the rest had their eyes on lucy  … and nearer the edge of the gorge。 〃cobbles and kettledrums!〃 thought trumpkin。 〃i hope  this madness isnt going to end in a moonlight climb and broken necks。鈥

for a long way aslan went along the top of the precipices。 then they came  to a place where some little trees grew right on the edge。 he turned and disappeared  among them。

lucy held her breath; for it looked as if he had plunged over the cliff;  but she was too busy keeping him in sight to stop and think about this。 she quickened her  pace and was soon among the trees herself。 looking down; she could see a steep and  narrow path going slantwise down into the gorge between rocks; and aslan descending it。 he  turned and looked at her with his happy eyes。 lucy clapped her hands and began to  scramble down after him。 from behind her she heard the voices of the others shouting;  〃hi! lucy! look out; for goodness sake。 youre right on the edge of the gorge。 e back …  〃and then; a moment later; edmunds voice saying; 〃no; 
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