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a waif of the plains-第7章

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that questioning which he himself is so apt to assume without
right; and almost always without delicacy; Clarence had no
recourse。  Yet the boy; like all children; was conscious that if he
had been afterwards questioned about THIS inexplicable experience;
he would have been blamed for his ignorance concerning it。  Left to
himself presently; and ensconced between the sheets; he lay for
some moments staring about him。  The unwonted comfort of his couch;
so different from the stuffy blanket in the hard wagon bed which he
had shared with one of the teamsters; and the novelty; order; and
cleanliness of his surroundings; while they were grateful to his
instincts; began in some vague way to depress him。  To his loyal
nature it seemed a tacit infidelity to his former rough companions
to be lying here; he had a dim idea that he had lost that
independence which equal discomfort and equal pleasure among them
had given him。  There seemed a sense of servitude in accepting this
luxury which was not his。  This set him endeavoring to remember
something of his father's house; of the large rooms; drafty
staircases; and far…off ceilings; and the cold formality of a life
that seemed made up of strange faces; some strangerhis parents;
some kinderthe servants; particularly the black nurse who had him
in charge。  Why did Mr。 Peyton ask him about it?  Why; if it were
so important to strangers; had not his mother told him more of it?
And why was she not like this good woman with the gentle voice who
was so kind toto Susy?  And what did they mean by making HIM so
miserable?  Something rose in his throat; but with an effort he
choked it back; and; creeping from the lounge; went softly to the
window; opened it to see if it 〃would work;〃 and looked out。  The
shrouded camp fires; the stars that glittered but gave no light;
the dim moving bulk of a patrol beyond the circle; all seemed to
intensify the darkness; and changed the current of his thoughts。
He remembered what Mr。 Peyton had said of him when they first met。
〃Suthin of a pup; ain't he?〃  Surely that meant something that was
not bad!  He crept back to the couch again。

Lying there; still awake; he reflected that he wouldn't be a scout
when he grew up; but would be something like Mr。 Peyton; and have a
train like this; and invite the Silsbees and Susy to accompany him。
For this purpose; he and Susy; early to…morrow morning; would get
permission to come in here and play at that game。  This would
familiarize him with the details; so that he would be able at any
time to take charge of it。  He was already an authority on the
subject of Indians!  He had once been fired atas an Indian。  He
would always carry a rifle like that hanging from the hooks at the
end of the wagon before him; and would eventually slay many Indians
and keep an account of them in a big book like that on the desk。
Susy would help him; having grown up a lady; and they would both
together issue provisions and rations from the door of the wagon to
the gathered crowds。  He would be known as the 〃White Chief;〃 his
Indian name being 〃Suthin of a Pup。〃  He would have a circus van
attached to the train; in which he would occasionally perform。  He
would also have artillery for protection。  There would be a
terrific engagement; and he would rush into the wagon; heated and
blackened with gunpowder; and Susy would put down an account of it
in a book; and Mrs。 Peytonfor she would be there in some vague
capacitywould say; 〃Really; now; I don't see but what we were
very lucky in having such a boy as Clarence with us。  I begin to
understand him better。〃  And Harry; who; for purposes of vague
poetical retaliation; would also drop in at that moment; would
mutter and say; 〃He is certainly the son of Colonel Brant; dear
me!〃 and apologize。  And his mother would come in also; in her
coldest and most indifferent manner; in a white ball dress; and
start and say; 〃Good gracious; how that boy has grown!  I am sorry
I did not see more of him when he was young。〃  Yet even in the
midst of this came a confusing numbness; and then the side of the
wagon seemed to melt away; and he drifted out again alone into the
empty desolate plain from which even the sleeping Susy had
vanished; and he was left deserted and forgotten。  Then all was
quiet in the wagon; and only the night wind moving round it。  But
lo! the lashes of the sleeping White Chiefthe dauntless leader;
the ruthless destroyer of Indianswere wet with glittering tears!

Yet it seemed only a moment afterwards that he awoke with a faint
consciousness of some arrested motion。  To his utter consternation;
the sun; three hours high; was shining in the wagon; already hot
and stifling in its beams。  There was the familiar smell and taste
of the dirty road in the air about him。  There was a faint creaking
of boards and springs; a slight oscillation; and beyond the audible
rattle of harness; as if the train had been under way; the wagon
moving; and then there had been a sudden halt。  They had probably
come up with the Silsbee train; in a few moments the change would
be effected and all of his strange experience would be over。  He
must get up now。  Yet; with the morning laziness of the healthy
young animal; he curled up a moment longer in his luxurious couch。

How quiet it was!  There were far…off voices; but they seemed
suppressed and hurried。  Through the window he saw one of the
teamsters run rapidly past him with a strange; breathless;
preoccupied face; halt a moment at one of the following wagons; and
then run back again to the front。

Then two of the voices came nearer; with the dull beating of hoofs
in the dust。

〃Rout out the boy and ask him;〃 said a half…suppressed; impatient
voice; which Clarence at once recognized as the man Harry's。

〃Hold on till Peyton comes up;〃 said the second voice; in a low
tone; 〃leave it to him。〃

〃Better find out what they were like; at once;〃 grumbled Harry。

〃Wait; stand back;〃 said Peyton's voice; joining the others; 〃I'LL
ask him。〃

Clarence looked wonderingly at the door。  It opened on Mr。 Peyton;
dusty and dismounted; with a strange; abstracted look in his face。

〃How many wagons are in your train; Clarence?〃

〃Three; sir。〃

〃Any marks on them?〃

〃Yes; sir;〃 said Clarence; eagerly: 〃'Off to California' and 'Root;
Hog; or Die。'〃

Mr。 Peyton's eye seemed to leap up and hold Clarence's with a
sudden; strange significance; and then looked down。

〃How many were you in all?〃 he continued。

〃Five; and there was Mrs。 Silsbee。〃

〃No other woman?〃


〃Get up and dress yourself;〃 he said gravely; 〃and wait here till I
come back。  Keep cool and have your wits about you。〃  He dropped
his voice slightly。  〃Perhaps something's happened that you'll have
to show yourself a little man again for; Clarence!〃

The door closed; and the boy heard the same muffled hoofs and
voices die away towards the front。  He began to dress himself
mechanically; almost vacantly; yet conscious always of a vague
undercurrent of thrilling excitement。  When he had finished he
waited almost breathlessly; feeling the same beating of his heart
that he had felt when he was following the vanished train the day
before。  At last he could stand the suspense no longer; and opened
the door。  Everything was still in the motionless caravan; except
it struck him oddly even thenthe unconcerned prattling voice of
Susy from one of the nearer wagons。  Perhaps a sudden feeling that
this was something that concerned HER; perhaps an irresistible
impulse overcame him; but the next moment he had leaped to the
ground; faced about; and was running feverishly to the front。

The first thing that met his eyes was the helpless and desolate
bulk of one of the Silsbee wagons a hundred rods away; bereft of
oxen and pole; standing alone and motionless against the dazzling
sky!  Near it was the broken frame of another wagon; its fore
wheels and axles gone; pitched forward on its knees like an ox
under the butcher's sledge。  Not far away there were the burnt and
blackened ruins of a third; around which the whole party on foot
and horseback seemed to be gathered。  As the boy ran violently on;
the group opened to make way for two men carrying some helpless but
awful object between them。  A terrible instinct made Clarence
swerve from it in his headlong course; but he was at the same
moment discovered by the others; and a cry arose of 〃Go back!〃
〃Stop!〃  〃Keep him back!〃  Heeding it no more than the wind that
whistled by him; Clarence made directly for the foremost wagonthe
one in which he and Susy had played。  A powerful hand caught his
shoulder; it was Mr。 Peyton's。

〃Mrs。 Silsbee's wagon;〃 said the boy; with white lips; pointing to
it。  〃Where is she?〃

〃She's missing;〃 said Peyton; 〃and one otherthe rest are dead。〃

〃She must be there;〃 said the boy; struggling; and pointing to the
wagon; 〃let me go。〃

〃Clarence;〃 said Peyton sternly; accenting his grasp upon the boy's
arm; 〃be a man!  Look around you。  Try and tell us who these are。〃

There seemed to be one or two heaps of old clothes lying on the
ground; and further on; where the men at a command from Peyton had
laid down their burd
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