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therefore; are there more nearly upon a level with those of the

wholesale merchant。 It is upon this account that goods sold by

retail are generally as cheap and frequently much cheaper in the

capital than in small towns and country villages。 Grocery goods;

for example; are generally much cheaper; bread and butcher's meat

frequently as cheap。 It costs no more to bring grocery goods to

the great town than to the country village; but it costs a great

deal more to bring corn and cattle; as the greater part of them

must be brought from a much greater distance。 The prime cost of

grocery goods; therefore; being the same in both places; they are

cheapest where the least profit is charged upon them。 The prime

cost of bread and butcher's meat is greater in the great town

than in the country village; and though the profit is less;

therefore; they are not always cheaper there; but often equally

cheap。 In such articles as bread and butcher's meat; the same

cause; which diminishes apparent profit; increases prime cost。

The extent of the market; by giving employment to greater stocks;

diminishes apparent profit; but by requiring supplies from a

greater distance; it increases prime cost。 This diminution of the

one and increase of the other seem; in most cases; nearly to

counterbalance one another; which is probably the reason that;

though the prices of corn and cattle are commonly very different

in different parts of the kingdom; those of bread and butcher's

meat are generally very nearly the same through the greater part

of it。

     Though the profits of stock both in the wholesale and retail

trade are generally less in the capital than in small towns and

country villages; yet great fortunes are frequently acquired from

small beginnings in the former; and scarce ever in the latter。 In

small towns and country villages; on account of the narrowness of

the market; trade cannot always be extended as stock extends。 In

such places; therefore; though the rate of a particular person's

profits may be very high; the sum or amount of them can never be

very great; nor consequently that of his annual accumulation。 In

great towns; on the contrary; trade can be extended as stock

increases; and the credit of a frugal and thriving man increases

much faster than his stock。 His trade is extended in proportion

to the amount of both; and the sum or amount of his profits is in

proportion to the extent of his trade; and his annual

accumulation in proportion to the amount of his profits。 It

seldom happens; however; that great fortunes are made even in

great towns by any one regular; established; and well…known

branch of business; but in consequence of a long life of

industry; frugality; and attention。 Sudden fortunes; indeed; are

sometimes made in such places by what is called the trade of

speculation。 The speculative merchant exercises no one regular;

established; or well…known branch of business。 He is a corn

merchant this year; and a wine merchant the next; and a sugar;

tobacco; or tea merchant the year after。 He enters into every

trade when he foresees that it is likely to be more than commonly

profitable; and he quits it when he foresees that its profits are

likely to return to the level of other trades。 His profits and

losses; therefore; can bear no regular proportion to those of any

one established and well…known branch of business。 A bold

adventurer may sometimes acquire a considerable fortune by two or

three successful speculations; but is just as likely to lose one

by two or three unsuccessful ones。 This trade can be carried on

nowhere but in great towns。 It is only in places of the most

extensive commerce and correspondence that the intelligence

requisite for it can be had。

     The five circumstances above mentioned; though they occasion

considerable inequalities in the wages of labour and profits of

stock; occasion none in the whole of the advantages and

disadvantages; real or imaginary; of the different employments of

either。 The nature of those circumstances is such that they make

up for a small pecuniary gain in some; and counterbalance a great

one in others。

     In order; however; that this equality may take place in the

whole of their advantages or disadvantages; three things are

requisite even where there is the most perfect freedom。 First;

the employments must be well known and long established in the

neighbourhood; secondly; they must be in their ordinary; or what

may be called their natural state; and; thirdly; they must be the

sole or principal employments of those who occupy them。

     First; this equality can take place only in those

employments which are well known; and have been long established

in the neighbourhood。

     Where all other circumstances are equal; wages are generally

higher in new than in old trades。 When a projector attempts to

establish a new manufacture; he must at first entice his workmen

from other employments by higher wages than they can either earn

in their own trades; or than the nature of his work would

otherwise require; and a considerable time must pass away before

he can venture to reduce them to the common level。 Manufactures

for which the demand arises altogether from fashion and fancy are

continually changing; and seldom last long enough to be

considered as old established manufactures。 Those; on the

contrary; for which the demand arises chiefly from use or

necessity; are less liable to change; and the same form or fabric

may continue in demand for whole centuries together。 The wages of

labour; therefore; are likely to be higher in manufactures of the

former than in those of the latter kind。 Birmingham deals chiefly

in manufactures of the former kind; Sheffield in those of the

latter; and the wages of labour in those two different places are

said to be suitable to this difference in the nature of their


     The establishment of any new manufacture; of any new branch

of commerce; or of any new practice in agriculture; is always a

speculation; from which the projector promises himself

extraordinary profits。 These profits sometimes are very great;

and sometimes; more frequently; perhaps; they are quite

otherwise; but in general they bear no regular proportion to

those of other old trades in the neighbourhood。 If the project

succeeds; they are commonly at first very high。 When the trade or

practice becomes thoroughly established and well known; the

competition reduces them to the level of other trades。

     Secondly; this equality in the whole of the advantages and

disadvantages of the different employments of labour and stock;

can take place only in the ordinary; or what may be called the

natural state of those employments。

     The demand for almost every different species of labour is

sometimes greater and sometimes less than usual。 In the one case

the advantages of the employment rise above; in the other they

fall below the common level。 The demand for country labour is

greater at hay…time and harvest than during the greater part of

the year; and wages rise with the demand。 In time of war; when

forty or fifty thousand sailors are forced from the merchant

service into that of the king; the demand for sailors to merchant

ships necessarily rises with their scarcity; and their wages upon

such occasions commonly rise from a guinea and seven…and…twenty

shillings; to forty shillings and three pounds a month。 In a

decaying manufacture; on the contrary; many workmen; rather than

quit their old trade; are contented with smaller wages than would

otherwise be suitable to the nature of their employment。

     The profits of stock vary with the price of the commodities

in which it is employed。 As the price of any commodity rises

above the ordinary or average rate; the profits of at least some

part of the stock that is employed in bringing it to market; rise

above their proper level; and as it falls they sink below it。 All

commodities are more or less liable to variations of price; but

some are much more so than others。 In all commodities which are

produced by human industry; the quantity of industry annually

employed is necessarily regulated by the annual demand; in such a

manner that the average annual produce may; as nearly as

possible; be equal to the average annual consumption。 In some

employments; it has already been observed; the same quantity of

industry will always produce the same; or very nearly the same

quantity of commodities。 In the linen or woollen manufactures;

for example; the same number of hands will annually work up very

nearly the same quantity of linen and woollen cloth。 The

variations in the market price of such commodities; therefore;

can arise only from some accidental variation in the demand。 A

public mourning raises the price of black cloth。 But as the

demand for most sorts of plain linen and woollen cloth is pretty

uniform; so is likewise the price。 But there are othe
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