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the object of any general popular clamour; such as that against

general warrants; an abusive practice undoubtedly; but such a one

as was not likely to occasion any general oppression。 There is

scarce a poor man in England of forty years of age; I will

venture to say; who has not in some part of his life felt himself

most cruelly oppressed by this illcontrived law of settlements。

     I shall conclude this long chapter with observing that;

though anciently it was usual to rate wages; first by general

laws extending over the whole kingdom; and afterwards by

particular orders of the justices of peace in every particular

county; both these practices have now gone entirely into disuse。

〃By the experience of above four hundred years;〃 says Doctor

Burn; 〃it seems time to lay aside all endeavours to bring under

strict regulations; what in its own nature seems incapable of

minute limitation; for if all persons in the same kind of work

were to receive equal wages; there would be no emulation; and no

room left for industry or ingenuity。〃

     Particular Acts of Parliament; however; still attempt

sometimes to regulate wages in particular trades and in

particular places。 Thus the 8th of George III prohibits under

heavy penalties all master tailors in London; and five miles

round it; from giving; and their workmen from accepting; more

than two shillings and sevenpence halfpenny a day; except in the

case of a general mourning。 Whenever the legislature attempts to

regulate the differences between masters and their workmen; its

counsellors are always the masters。 When the regulation;

therefore; is in favour of the workmen; it is always just and

equitable; but it is sometimes otherwise when in favour of the

masters。 Thus the law which obliges the masters in several

different trades to pay their workmen in money and not in goods

is quite just and equitable。 It imposes no real hardship upon the

masters。 It only obliges them to pay that value in money; which

they pretended to pay; but did not always really pay; in goods。

This law is in favour of the workmen: but the 8th of George III

is in favour of the masters。 When masters combine together in

order to reduce the wages of their workmen; they commonly enter

into a private bond or agreement not to give more than a certain

wage under a certain penalty。 Were the workmen to enter into a

contrary combination of the same kind; not to accept of a certain

wage under a certain penalty; the law would punish them very

severely; and if it dealt impartially; it would treat the masters

in the same manner。 But the 8th of George III enforces by law

that very regulation which masters sometimes attempt to establish

by such combinations。 The complaint of the workmen; that it puts

the ablest and most industrious upon the same footing with an

ordinary workman; seems perfectly well founded。

     In ancient times; too; it was usual to attempt to regulate

the profits of merchants and other dealers; by rating the price

both of provisions and other goods。 The assize of bread is; so

far as I know; the only remnant of this ancient usage。 Where

there is an exclusive corporation; it may perhaps be proper to

regulate the price of the first necessary of life。 But where

there is none; the competition will regulate it much better than

any assize。 The method of fixing the assize of bread established

by the 31st of George II could not be put in practice in

Scotland; on account of a defect in the law; its execution

depending upon the office of a clerk of the market; which does

not exist there。 This defect was not remedied till the 3rd of

George III。 The want of an assize occasioned no sensible

inconveniency; and the establishment of one; in the few places

where it has yet taken place; has produced no sensible advantage。

In the greater part of the towns of Scotland; however; there is

an incorporation of bakers who claim exclusive privileges; though

they are not very strictly guarded。

     The proportion between the different rates both of wages and

profit in the different employments of labour and stock; seems

not to be much affected; as has already been observed; by the

riches or poverty; the advancing; stationary; or declining state

of the society。 Such revolutions in the public welfare; though

they affect the general rates both of wages and profit; must in

the end affect them equally in all different employments。 The

proportion between them; therefore; must remain the same; and

cannot well be altered; at least for any considerable time; by

any such revolutions。   

                             CHAPTER XI

                        Of the Rent of Land 

     RENT; considered as the price paid for the use of land; is

naturally the highest which the tenant can afford to pay in the

actual circumstances of the land。 In adjusting the terms of the

lease; the landlord endeavours to leave him no greater share of

the produce than what is sufficient to keep up the stock from

which he furnishes the seed; pays the labour; and purchases and

maintains the cattle and other instruments of husbandry; together

with the ordinary profits of farming stock in the neighbourhood。

This is evidently the smallest share with which the tenant can

content himself without being a loser; and the landlord seldom

means to leave him any more。 Whatever part of the produce; or;

what is the same thing; whatever part of its price is over and

above this share; he naturally endeavours to reserve to himself

as the rent of his land; which is evidently the highest the

tenant can afford to pay in the actual circumstances of the land。

Sometimes; indeed; the liberality; more frequently the ignorance;

of the landlord; makes him accept of somewhat less than this

portion; and sometimes too; though more rarely; the ignorance of

the tenant makes him undertake to pay somewhat more; or to

content himself with somewhat less than the ordinary profits of

farming stock in the neighbourhood。 This portion; however; may

still be considered as the natural rent of land; or the rent for

which it is naturally meant that land should for the most part be


     The rent of land; it may be thought; is frequently no more

than a reasonable profit or interest for the stock laid out by

the landlord upon its improvement。 This; no doubt; may be partly

the case upon some occasions; for it can scarce ever be more than

partly the case。 The landlord demands a rent even for unimproved

land; and the supposed interest or profit upon the expense of

improvement is generally an addition to this original rent。 Those

improvements; besides; are not always made by the stock of the

landlord; but sometimes by that of the tenant。 When the lease

comes to be renewed; however; the landlord commonly demands the

same augmentation of rent as if they had been all made by his


     He sometimes demands rent for what is altogether incapable

of human improvement。 Kelp is a species of sea…weed; which; when

burnt; yields an alkaline salt; useful for making glass; soap;

and for several other purposes。 It grows in several parts of

Great Britain; particularly in Scotland; upon such rocks only as

lie within the high water mark; which are twice every day covered

with the sea; and of which the produce; therefore; was never

augmented by human industry。 The landlord; however; whose estate

is bounded by a kelp shore of this kind; demands a rent for it as

much as for his corn fields。

     The sea in the neighbourhood of the islands of Shetland is

more than commonly abundant in fish; which makes a great part of

the subsistence of their inhabitants。 But in order to profit by

the produce of the water; they must have a habitation upon the

neighbouring land。 The rent of the landlord is in proportion; not

to what the farmer can make by the land; but to what he can make

both by the land and by the water。 It is partly paid in sea…fish;

and one of the very few instances in which rent makes a part of

the price of that commodity is to be found in that country。

     The rent of the land; therefore; considered as the price

paid for the use of the land; is naturally a monopoly price。 It

is not at all proportioned to what the landlord may have laid out

upon the improvement of the land; or to what he can afford to

take; but to what the farmer can afford to give。

     Such parts only of the produce of land can commonly be

brought to market of which the ordinary price is sufficient to

replace the stock which must be employed in bringing them

thither; together with its ordinary profits。 If the ordinary

price is more than this; the surplus part of it will naturally go

to the rent of land。 If it is not more; though the commodity may

be brought to market; it can afford no rent to the landlord。

Whether the price is or is not more depends upon the demand。

     There are some parts of the produce of land for which the

demand must always 
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