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somewhat higher than it was in those ancient times。 The nature of
the commodity renders it not quite so proper for being
transported to distant markets as wool。 It suffers more by
keeping。 A salted hide is reckoned inferior to a fresh one; and
sells for a lower price。 This circumstance must necessarily have
some tendency to sink the price of raw hides produced in a
country which does not manufacture them; but is obliged to export
them; and comparatively to raise that of those produced in a
country which does manufacture them。 It must have some tendency
to sink their price in a barbarous; and to raise it in an
improved and manufacturing country。 It must have had some
tendency; therefore; to sink it in ancient and to raise it in
modern times。 Our tanners; besides; have not been quite so
successful as our clothiers in convincing the wisdom of the
nation that the safety of the commonwealth depends upon the
prosperity of their particular manufacture。 They have accordingly
been much less favoured。 The exportation of raw hides has;
indeed; been prohibited; and declared a nuisance; but their
importation from foreign countries has been subjected to a duty;
and though this duty has been taken off from those of Ireland and
the plantations (for the limited time of five years only); yet
Ireland has not been confined to the market of Great Britain for
the sale of its surplus hides; or of those which are not
manufactured at home。 The hides of common cattle have but within
these few years been put among the enumerated commodities which
the plantations can send nowhere but to the mother country;
neither has the commerce of Ireland been in this case oppressed
hitherto in order to support the manufactures of Great Britain。
Whatever regulations tend to sink the price either of wool
or of raw hides below what it naturally would be must; in an
improved and cultivated country; have some tendency to raise the
price of butcher's meat。 The price both of the great and small
cattle; which are fed on improved and cultivated land; must be
sufficient to pay the rent which the landlord and the profit
which the farmer has reason to expect from improved and
cultivated land。 If it is not; they will soon cease to feed them。
Whatever part of this price; therefore; is not paid by the wool
and the hide must be paid by the carcase。 The less there is paid
for the one; the more must be paid for the other。 In what manner
this price is to be divided upon the different parts of the beast
is indifferent to the landlords and farmers; provided it is all
paid to them。 In an improved and cultivated country; therefore;
their interest as landlords and farmers cannot be much affected
by such regulations; though their interest as consumers may; by
the rise in the price of provisions。 It would be quite otherwise;
however; in an unimproved and uncultivated country; where the
greater part of the lands could be applied to no other purpose
but the feeding of cattle; and where the wool and the hide made
the principal part of the value of those cattle。 Their interest
as landlords and farmers would in this case be very deeply
affected by such regulations; and their interest as consumers
very little。 The fall in the price of wool and the hide would not
in this case raise the price of the carcase; because the greater
part of the lands of the country being applicable to no other
purpose but the feeding of cattle; the same number would still
continue to be fed。 The same quantity of butcher's meat would
still come to market。 The demand for it would be no greater than
before。 Its price; therefore; would be the same as before。 The
whole price of cattle would fall; and along with it both the rent
and the profit of all those lands of which cattle was the
principal produce; that is; of the greater part of the lands of
the country。 The perpetual prohibition of the exportation of
wool; which is commonly; but very falsely; ascribed to Edward
III; would; in the then circumstances of the country; have been
the most destructive regulation which could well have been
thought of。 It would not only have reduced the actual value of
the greater part of the lands of the kingdom; but by reducing the
price of the most important species of small cattle it would have
retarded very much its subsequent improvement。
The wool of Scotland fell very considerably in its price in
consequence of the union with England; by which it was excluded
from the great market of Europe; and confined to the narrow one
of Great Britain。 The value of the greater part of the lands in
the southern counties of Scotland; which are chiefly a sheep
country; would have been very deeply affected by this event; had
not the rise in the price of butcher's meat fully compensated the
fall in the price of wool。
As the efficacy of human industry; in increasing the
quantity either of wool or of raw hides; is limited; so far as it
depends upon the produce of the country where it is exerted; so
it is uncertain so far as it depends upon the produce of other
countries。 It so far depends; not so much upon the quantity which
they produce; as upon that which they do not manufacture; and
upon the restraints which they may or may not think proper to
impose upon the exportation of this sort of rude produce。 These
circumstances; as they are altogether independent of domestic
industry; so they necessarily render the efficacy of its efforts
more or less uncertain。 In multiplying this sort of rude produce;
therefore; the efficacy of human industry is not only limited;
but uncertain。
In multiplying another very important sort of rude produce;
the quantity of fish that is brought to market; it is likewise
both limited and uncertain。 It is limited by the local situation
of the country; by the proximity or distance of its different
provinces from the sea; by the number of its lakes and rivers;
and by what may be called the fertility or barrenness of those
seas; lakes; and rivers; as to this sort of rude produce。 As
population increases; as the annual produce of the land and
labour of the country grows greater and greater; there come to be
more buyers of fish; and those buyers; too; have a greater
quantity and variety of other goods; or; what is the same thing;
the price of a greater quantity and variety of other goods to buy
with。 But it will generally be impossible to supply the great and
extended market without employing a quantity of labour greater
than in proportion to what had been requisite for supplying the
narrow and confined one。 A market which; from requiring only one
thousand; comes to require annually ten thousand tons of fish;
can seldom be supplied without employing more than ten times the
quantity of labour which had before been sufficient to supply it。
The fish must generally be fought for at a greater distance;
larger vessels must be employed; and more expensive machinery of
every kind made use of。 The real price of this commodity;
therefore; naturally rises in the progress of improvement。 It has
accordingly done so; I believe; more or less in every country。
Though the success of a particular day's fishing may be a
very uncertain matter; yet; the local situation of the country
being supposed; the general efficacy of industry in bringing a
certain quantity of fish to market; taking the course of a year;
or of several years together; it may perhaps be thought is
certain enough; and it no doubt is so。 As it depends more;
however; upon the local situation of the country than upon the
state of its wealth and industry; as upon this account it may in
different countries be the same in very different periods of
improvement; and very different in the same period; its
connection with the state of improvement is uncertain; and it is
of this sort of uncertainty that I am here speaking。
In increasing the quantity of the different minerals and
metals which are drawn from the bowels of the earth; that of the
more precious ones particularly; the efficacy of human industry
seems not to be limited; but to be altogether uncertain。
The quantity of the precious metals which is to be found in
any country is not limited by anything in its local situation;
such as the fertility or barrenness of its own mines。 Those
metals frequently abound in countries which possess no mines。
Their quantity in every particular country seems to depend upon
two different circumstances; first; upon its power of purchasing;
upon the state of its industry; upon the annual produce of its
land and labour; in consequence of which it can afford to employ
a greater or a smaller quantity of labour and subsistence in
bringing or purchasing such superfluities as gold and silver;
either from its own mines or from those of other countries; and;
secondly; upon the fertility or barrenness of the mines which may
happen at any particular time to supply the commercial wo