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time to escape。〃

'10' That was the counsel of Cyrus; and Cyaxares approved it。 He
thought no more of sending for a larger force; but set about preparing
the equipment he had been asked for; and all was in readiness just
about the time when the Peers arrived from Persia at the head of their
own troops。 '11' Then; so says the story; Cyrus called the Peers
together and spoke to them as follows: 〃Men of Persia; my friends and
comrades; when I looked at you first and saw the arms you bore and how
you were all on fire to meet the enemy; hand to hand; and when I
remembered that your squires are only equipped for fighting on the
outskirts of the field; I confess my mind misgave me。 Few and forlorn
they will be; I said to myself; swallowed up in a host of enemies; no
good can come of it。 But to…day you are here; and your men behind you;
stalwart and stout of limb; and to…morrow they shall have armour like
our own。 None could find fault with their thews and sinews; and as for
their spirit; it is for us to see it does not fail。 A leader must not
only have a stout heart himself; he must see to it that his followers
are as valiant as he。〃

'12' Thus Cyrus spoke; and the Peers were well satisfied at his words;
feeling that on the day of battle they would have more to help them in
the struggle。 '13' And one of them said; 〃Perhaps it will seem strange
if I ask Cyrus to speak in our stead to our fellow…combatants when
they receive their arms; and yet I know well that the words of him who
has the greatest power for weal or woe sink deepest into the
listener's heart。 His very gifts; though they should be less than the
gifts of equals; are valued more。 These new comrades of ours;〃 he went
on; 〃would rather be addressed by Cyrus himself than by us; and now
that they are to take their place among the Peers their title will
seem to them far more secure if it is given them by the king's own son
and our general…in…chief。 Not that we have not still our own duties
left。 We are bound to do our best in every way to rouse the spirit of
our men。 Shall we not gain ourselves by all they gain in valour?〃

'14' So it came about that Cyrus had the new armour placed before him
and summoned a general meeting of the Persian soldiery; and spoke to
them as follows:

'15' 〃Men of Persia; born and bred in the same land as ourselves;
whose limbs are as stout and as strong as our own; your hearts should
be as brave。 I know they are; and yet at home in the land of our
fathers you did not share our rights; not that we drove you out
ourselves; but you were banished by the compulsion that lay upon you
to find your livelihood for yourselves。 Now from this day forward;
with heaven's help; it shall be my care to provide it for you; and
now; if so you will; you have it in your power to take the armour that
we wear ourselves; face the same perils and win the same honours; if
so be you make any glorious deed your own。 '16' In former days you
were trained; like ourselves; in the use of bow and javelin; and if
you were at all inferior to us in skill; that was not to be wondered
at; you had not the same leisure for practice as we; but now in this
new accoutrement we shall have no pre…eminence at all。 Each of us will
wear a corslet fitted to his breast and carry a shield on his left arm
of the type to which we are all accustomed; and in his right hand a
sabre or a battle…axe。 With these we shall smite the enemy before us;
and need have no fear that we shall miss the mark。 '17' How can we
differ from one another with these arms? There can be no difference
except in daring。 And daring you may foster in your hearts as much as
we in ours。 What greater right have we than you to love victory and
follow after her; victory who wins for us and preserves to us all
things that are beautiful and good? Why should you; any more than we;
be found lacking in that power which takes the goods of weaklings and
bestows them on the strong?〃

'18' He ended: 〃Now you have heard all。 There lie your weapons; let
him who chooses take them up and write his name with the brigadier in
the same roll as ours。 And if a man prefers to remain a mercenary; let
him do so; he carries the arms of a servant。〃

'19' Thus spoke Cyrus; and the Persians; every man of them; felt they
would be ashamed for the rest of their days; and deservedly; if they
drew back now; when they were offered equal honour in return for equal
toil。 One and all they inscribed their names and took up the new arms。

'20' And now in the interval; before the enemy were actually at hand;
but while rumour said they were advancing; Cyrus took on himself a
three…fold task: to bring the physical strength of his men to the
highest pitch; to teach them tactics; and to rouse their spirit for
martial deeds。 '21' He asked Cyaxares for a body of assistants whose
duty it should be to provide each of his soldiers with all they could
possibly need; thus leaving the men themselves free for the art of
war。 He had learnt; he thought; that success; in whatever sphere; was
only to be won by refusing to attempt a multitude of tasks and
concentrating the mind on one。

Thus in the military training itself he gave up the practice with bow
and javelin; leaving his men to perfect themselves in the use of
sabre; shield; and corslet; accustoming them from the very first to
the thought that they must close with the enemy; or confess themselves
worthless as fellow…combatants; a harsh conclusion for those who knew
that they were only protected in order to fight on behalf of their
protectors。 '22' And further; being convinced that wherever the
feeling of emulation can be roused; there the eagerness to excel is
greatest; he instituted competitions for everything in which he
thought his soldiers should be trained。 The private soldier was
challenged to prove himself prompt to obey; anxious to work; eager for
danger; and yet ever mindful of discipline; an expert in the science
of war; an artist in the conduct of his arms; and a lover of honour in
all things。 The petty officer commanding a squad of five was not only
to equal the leading private; he must also do what he could to bring
his men to the same perfection; the captain of ten must do the same
for his ten; and the company's captain for the company; while the
commander of the whole regiment; himself above reproach; must take the
utmost care with the officers under him so that they in their turn
should see that their subordinates were perfect in all their duties。
'23' For prizes; Cyrus announced that the brigadier in command of the
finest regiment should be raised to the rank of general; the captain
of the finest company should be made a brigadier; the captain of the
finest squad of ten captain of a company; and the captain of the best
five a captain of ten; while the best soldiers from the ranks should
become captains of five themselves。 Every one of these officers had
the privilege of being served by those beneath him; and various other
honours also; suited to their several grades; while ampler hopes were
offered for any nobler exploits。 '24' Finally prizes were announced to
be won by a regiment or a company or a squad taken as a whole; by
those who proved themselves most loyal to their leaders and most
zealous in the practice of their duty。 These prizes; of course; were
such as to be suitable for men taken in the mass。

Such were the orders of the Persian leader; and such the exercises of
the Persian troops。 '25' For their quarters; he arranged that a
separate shelter should be assigned to every brigadier; and that it
should be large enough for the whole regiment he commanded; a regiment
consisting of 100 men。 Thus they were encamped by regiments; and in
the mere fact of common quarters there was this advantage; Cyrus
thought; for the coming struggle; that the men saw they were all
treated alike; and therefore no one could pretend that he was
slighted; and no one sink to the confession that he was a worse man
than his neighbours when it came to facing the foe。 Moreover the life
in common would help the men to know each other; and it is only by
such knowledge; as a rule; that a common conscience is engendered;
those who live apart; unknowing and unknown; seem far more apt for
mischief; like those who skulk in the dark。 '26' Cyrus thought the
common life would lead to the happiest results in the discipline of
the regiments。 By this system all the officersbrigadiers; company…
captains; captains of the squadscould keep their men in as perfect
order as if they were marching before them in single file。 '27' Such
precision in the ranks would do most to guard against disorder and
re…establish order if ever it were broken; just as when timbers and
stones have to be fitted together it is easy enough to put them into
place; wherever they chance to lie; provided only that they are marked
so as to leave no doubt where each belongs。 '28' And finally; he felt;
there was the fact that those who live together are the less likely to
desert one another; even the wild animals; Cyrus knew; who are reared
together suffer terribly from loneliness when they are severed from
each other。

'29' There was a further matter; t
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