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reducing their audience to tears! What would you have said about us
then? Why; even now; when you know we only wish to amuse you; not to
make you suffer; you must needs hold us up to shame。〃

'14' 〃And is not the shame justified?〃 Agla?tadas replied。 〃The man
who sets himself to make his fellows laugh does far less for them than
he who makes them weep。 If you will but think; you will admit that
what I say is true。 It is through tears our fathers teach self…control
unto their sons; and our tutors sound learning to their scholars; and
the laws themselves lead the grown man to righteousness by putting him
to sit in the place of penitence。 But your mirth…makers; can you say
they benefit the body or edify the soul? Can smiles make a man a
better master or a better citizen? Can he learn economy or
statesmanship from a grin?〃

'15' But Hystaspas answered back:

〃Take my advice; Agla?tadas; pluck up heart and spend this precious
gift of yours on your enemies: make them sit in the seat of the
sorrowful; and fling away on us; your friends; that vile and worthless
laughter。 You must have an ample store of it in reserve: it cannot be
said you have squandered it on yourself; or ever wasted a smile on
friend or foreigner if you could help it。 So you have no excuse to be
niggardly now; and cannot refuse us a smile。〃

〃I see;〃 said Agla?tadas; 〃you are trying to get a laugh out of me;
are you not?〃

But the brigadier interposed; 〃Then he is a fool for his pains; my
friend: one might strike fire out of you; perhaps; but not a laugh;
not a laugh。〃

'16' At this sally all the others shouted with glee; and even
Agla?tadas could not help himself: he smiled。

And Cyrus; seeing the sombre face light up said:

〃Brigadier; you are very wrong to corrupt so virtuous a man; luring
him to laughter; and that too when he is the sworn foe of gaiety。〃

So they talked and jested。 '17' And then Chrysantas began on another

'18' 〃Cyrus;〃 he said; 〃and gentlemen all; I cannot help seeing that
within our ranks are men of every kind; some better and some worse;
and yet if anything is won every man will claim an equal share。 Now to
my mind nothing is more unfair than that the base man and the good
should be held of equal account。〃

〃Perhaps it would be best; gentlemen;〃 said Cyrus in answer; 〃to bring
the matter before the army in council and put it to them; whether; if
God grant us success; we should let all share and share alike; or
distribute the rewards and honours in proportion to the deserts of

'19' 〃But why;〃 asked Chrysantas; 〃why discuss the point? Why not
simply issue a general order that you intend to do this? Was not that
enough in the case of the competitions?〃

〃Doubtless;〃 Cyrus answered; 〃but this case is different。 The troops;
I take it; will feel that all they win by their services on the
campaign should belong to them in common: but they hold that the
actual command of the expedition was mine by right even before we left
home; so that I was fully entitled; on their view; to appoint umpires
and judges at my own will。〃

'20' 〃And do you really expect;〃 asked Chrysantas; 〃that the mass of
the army will pass a resolution giving up the right of all to an equal
share in order that the best men should receive the most?〃

〃Yes; I do;〃 said Cyrus; 〃partly because we shall be there to argue
for that course; but chiefly because it would seem too base to deny
that he who works the hardest and does most for the common good
deserves the highest recompense。 Even the worst of men must admit that
the brave should gain the most。〃

'21' It was; however; as much for the sake of the Peers themselves as
for any other reason that Cyrus wished the resolution to be passed。
They would prove all the better men; he thought; if they too were to
be judged by their deeds and rewarded accordingly。 And this was the
right moment; he felt; to raise the question and put it to the vote;
now when the Peers were disposed to resent being put on a level with
the common people。 In the end it was agreed by all the company that
the question should be raised; and that every one who claimed to call
himself a man was bound to argue in its favour。

'22' And on that one of the brigadiers smiled to himself and said: 〃I
know at least one son of the soil who will be ready to agree that the
principle of share and share alike should not be followed everywhere。〃

〃And who is he?〃 another asked。

〃Well;〃 said the first; 〃he is a member of our quarters; I can tell
you that; and he is always hunting after the lion's share of every
single thing。〃

〃What? Of everything?〃 said a third。 〃Of work as well?〃 〃Oh; no!〃 said
the first; 〃you have caught me there。 I was wrong to say so much; I
must confess。 When it comes to work; I must admit; he is quite ready
to go short: he will give up his own share of that; without a murmur;
to any man whatever。〃

'23' 〃For my part; gentlemen;〃 said Cyrus; 〃I hold that all such
idlers ought to be turned out of the army; that is; if we are ever to
cultivate obedience and energy in our men。 The bulk of our soldiers; I
take it; are of the type to follow a given lead: they will seek after
nobleness and valour if their leaders are valiant and noble; but after
baseness if these are base。 '24' And we know that only too often the
worthless will find more friends than the good。 Vice; passing lightly
along her path of pleasure; wins the hearts of thousands with her
gifts; but Virtue; toiling up the steep ascent; has little skill to
snare the souls of men and draw them after her; when all the while
their comrades are calling to them on the easy downward way。 '25' It
is true there are degrees; and where the evil springs only from sloth
and lethargy; I look on the creatures as mere drones; only injuring
the hive by what they cost: but there are others; backward in toil and
forward in greed; and these are the captains in villainy: for not
seldom can they show that rascality has its advantages。 Such as they
must be removed; cut out from among us; root and branch。 '26' And I
would not have you fill their places from our fellow…citizens alone;
but; just as you choose your horses from the best stocks; wherever you
find them; not limiting yourselves to the national breed; so you have
all mankind before you; and you should choose those; and those only;
who will increase your power and add to your honour。 Let me clinch my
argument by examples: no chariot can travel fast if the horses in the
team are slow; or run straight if they will not be ruled; no house can
stand firm if the household is evil: better empty walls than traitors
who will bring it to the ground。

'27' 〃And be sure; my friends;〃 he added; 〃the removal of the bad
means a benefit beyond the sheer relief that they are taken away and
will trouble us no more: those who are left and were ripe for
contagion are purified; and those who were worthy will cleave to
virtue all the closer when they see the dishonour that falls on

'28' So Cyrus spoke; and his words won the praise of all his friends;
and they set themselves to do as he advised。

But after that Cyrus began to jest again。 His eye fell on a certain
captain who had chosen for his comrade at the feast a great hairy lad;
a veritable monster of ugliness; and Cyrus called to the captain by
name: 〃How now; Sambulas? Have you adopted the Hellenic fashion too?
And will you roam the world together; you and the lad who sits beside
you; because there is none so fair as he?〃 〃By heaven;〃 answered
Sambulas; 〃you are not far wrong。 It is bliss to me to feast my eyes
upon him。〃 '29' At that all the guests turned and looked on the young
man's face; but when they saw how ugly it was; they could not help
laughing outright。 〃Heavens; Sambulas; tell us the valiant deed that
knit your souls together! How has he drawn you to himself?〃 '30'
〃Listen then;〃 he answered; 〃and I will tell you the whole truth。
Every time I call him; morning; noon; or night; he comes to me; never
yet has he excused himself; never been too busy to attend; and he
comes at a run; he does not walk。 Whatever I have bidden him do; he
has always done it; and at the top of his speed。 He has made all the
petty captains under him the very models of industry; he shows them;
not by word but deed; what they ought to be。〃 '31' 〃And so;〃 said
another; 〃for all these virtues you give him; I take it; the kiss of
kinship?〃 But the ugly lad broke out: 〃Not he! He has no great love
for work。 And to kiss me; if it came to that; would mean more effort
than all his exercises。〃

'C。3' So the hours passed in the general's tent; from grave to gay;
until at last the third libation was poured out; and the company bent
in prayer to the gods〃Grant us all that is good〃and so broke up;
and went away to sleep。

But the next day Cyrus assembled the soldiers in full conclave; and
spoke to them: '2' 〃My men;〃 he said; 〃my friends; the day of struggle
is at hand; and the enemy are near。 The prizes of victory; if victory
is to be oursand we must believe it will be ours; we must make it
oursthe prizes of victory will be nothing short of the enemy himself
and all that he possesses。 
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