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on Babylon; if Babylon is the centre of the enemy's strength。 They are
numerous; you say; and if they are in good heart; we shall soon know
it。 '32' Now; if they cannot find us and imagine that we have
disappeared from fear of them; you may take it as certain that they
will be quit of the terror we have inspired。 Courage will spring up in
its place; and grow the greater the longer we lie hid。 But if we march
straight on then; we shall find them still mourning for the dead whom
we have slain; still nursing the wounds we have inflicted; still
trembling at the daring of our troops; still mindful of their own
discomfiture and flight。 '33' Gobryas;〃 he added; 〃be assured of this;
men in the mass; when aflame with courage; are irresistible; and when
their hearts fail them; the more numerous they are the worse the panic
that seizes them。 '34' It comes upon them magnified by a thousand
lies; blanched by a thousand pallors; it gathers head from a thousand
terror…stricken looks; until it grows so great that no orator can
allay it by his words; no general arouse the old courage by a charge;
or revive the old confidence by retreat; the more their leader cheers
them on; the worse do the soldiers take their case to be。 '35' Now by
all means let us see exactly how things stand with us。 If from
henceforward victory must fall to those who can reckon the largest
numbers; your fears for us are justified; and we are indeed in fearful
danger; but if the old rule still holds; and battles are decided by
the qualities of those who fight; then; I say; take heart and you will
never fail。 You will find far more stomach for the fight among our
ranks than theirs。 '36' And to hearten you the more; take note of
this: our enemies are far fewer now than when we worsted them; far
weaker than when they fled from us; while we are stronger because we
are conquerors; and greater because fortune has been ours; yes; and
actually more numerous because you and yours have joined us; for I
would not have you hold your men too low; now that they are side by
side with us。 In the company of conquerors; Gobryas; the hearts of the
followers beat high。 '37' Nor should you forget;〃 he added; 〃that the
enemy is well able to see us as it is; and the sight of us will
certainly not be more alarming if we wait for him where we are than if
we advance against him。 That is my opinion; and now you must lead us
straight for Babylon。〃

'C。3' And so the march continued; and on the fourth day they found
themselves at the limit of the territory over which Gobryas ruled。
Since they were now in the enemy's country Cyrus changed the
disposition of his men; taking the infantry immediately under his own
command; with sufficient cavalry to support them; and sending the rest
of the mounted troops to scour the land。 Their orders were to cut down
every one with arms in his hands; and drive in the rest; with all the
cattle they could find。 The Persians were ordered to take part in this
raid; and though many came home with nothing for their trouble but a
toss from their horses; others brought back a goodly store of booty。

'2' When the spoil was all brought in; Cyrus summoned the officers of
the Medes and the Hyrcanians; as well as his own peers; and spoke as

〃My friends; Gobryas has entertained us nobly; he has showered good
things upon us。 What say you then? After we have set aside the
customary portion for the gods and a fair share for the army; shall we
not give all the rest of the spoil to him? Would it not be a noble
thing; a sign and symbol at the outset that we desire to outdo in
well…doing those who do good to us?〃

'3' At that all his hearers with one consent applauded; and a certain
officer rose and said:

〃By all means; Cyrus; let us do so。 I myself cannot but feel that
Gobryas must have thought us almost beggars because we were not laden
with coins of gold and did not drink from golden goblets。 But if we do
this; he will understand that men may be free and liberal without the
help of gold。〃

'4' 〃Come then;〃 said Cyrus; 〃let us pay the priests our debt to
heaven; select what the army requires; and then summon Gobryas and
give the rest to him。〃

So they took what they needed and gave all the rest to Gobryas。

'5' Forthwith Cyrus pressed on towards Babylon; his troops in battle
order。 But as the Assyrians did not come out to meet them; he bade
Gobryas ride forward and deliver this message:

〃If the king will come out to fight for his land; I; Gobryas; will
fight for him; but; if he will not defend his own country; we must
yield to the conquerors。〃

'6' So Gobryas rode forward; just far enough to deliver the message in
safety。 And the king sent a messenger to answer him:

〃Thy master says to thee: 'It repents me; Gobryas; not that I slew thy
son; but that I stayed my hand from slaying thee。 And now if ye will
do battle; come again on the thirtieth day from hence。 We have no
leisure now; our preparations are still on foot。'〃

'7' And Gobryas made answer:

〃It repents thee: may that repentance never cease! I have begun to
make thee suffer; since the day repentance took hold on thee。〃

'8' Then Gobryas brought back the words of the king to Cyrus; and
Cyrus led his army off; and then he summoned Gobryas and said to him:

〃Surely you told me that you thought the man who was made an eunuch by
the king would be upon our side?〃

〃And I am sure he will;〃 answered Gobryas; 〃for we have spoken freely
to each other many a time; he and I。〃 '9' 〃Then;〃 said Cyrus; 〃you
must go to him when you think the right moment has come: and you must
so act at first that only he and you may know what he intends; and
when you are closeted with him; if you find he really wishes to be a
friend; you must contrive that his friendship remain a secret: for in
war a man can scarcely do his friends more good than by a semblance of
hostility; or his enemies more harm than under the guise of
friendship。〃 '10' 〃Aye;〃 answered Gobryas; 〃and I know that Gadatas
would pay a great price to punish the king of Assyria。 But it is for
us to consider what he can best do。〃 '11' 〃Tell me now;〃 rejoined
Cyrus; 〃you spoke of an outpost; built against the Hyrcanians and the
Sakians; which was to protect Assyria in time of war;could the
eunuch be admitted there by the commandant if he came with a force at
his back?〃 〃Certainly he could;〃 said Gobryas; 〃if he were as free
from suspicion as he is to…day。〃 '12' 〃And free he would be;〃 Cyrus
went on; 〃if I were to attack his strongholds as though in earnest;
and he were to repel me in force。 I might capture some of his men; and
he some of my soldiers; or some messengers sent by me to those you say
are the enemies of Assyria; and these prisoners would let it be known
that they were on their way to fetch an army with scaling…ladders to
attack this fortress; and the eunuch; hearing their story; would
pretend that he came to warn the commandant in time。〃 '13'
〃Undoubtedly;〃 said Gobryas; 〃if things went thus; the commandant
would admit him; he would even beg him to stay there until you

〃And then;〃 Cyrus continued; 〃once inside the walls; he could put the
place into our hands?〃 '14' 〃We may suppose so;〃 said Gobryas。 〃He
would be there to settle matters within; and you would be redoubling
the pressure from without。〃

〃Then be off at once;〃 said Cyrus; 〃and do your best to teach him his
part; and when you have arranged affairs; come back to me; and as for
pledges of good faith; you could offer him none better than those you
received from us yourself。〃

'15' Then Gobryas made haste and was gone; and the eunuch welcomed him
gladly; he agreed to everything and helped to arrange all that was
needed。 Presently Gobryas brought back word that he thought the eunuch
had everything in readiness; and so; without more ado; Cyrus made his
feigned attack on the following day; and was beaten off。 '16' But on
the other hand there was a fortress; indicated by Gadatas himself;
that Cyrus took。 The messengers Cyrus had sent out; telling them
exactly where to go; fell into the hands of Gadatas: some were allowed
to escapetheir business was to fetch the troops and carry the
scaling…laddersbut the rest were narrowly examined in the presence
of many witnesses; and when Gadatas heard the object of their journey
he got his equipment together and set out in the night at full speed
to take the news。 '17' In the end he made his way into the fortress;
trusted and welcomed as a deliverer; and for a time he helped the
commandant to the best of his ability。 But as soon as Cyrus appeared
he seized the place; aided by the Persian prisoners he had taken。 '18'
This done; and having set things in order within the fortress; Gadatas
went out to Cyrus; bowed before him according to the custom of his
land; and said; 〃Cyrus; may joy be yours!〃

'19' 〃Joy is mine already;〃 answered he; 〃for you; God helping you;
have brought it to me。 You must know;〃 he added; 〃that I set great
store by this fortress; and rejoice to leave it in the hands of my
allies here。 And for yourself; Gadatas;〃 he added; 〃if the Assyrian
has robbed you of the ability to beget children; remember he has not
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