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safe; and then turned back; and the Cadousians at last found safety in
their own camp; though even the vanguard only reached it late in the
afternoon。 '17' When Cyrus saw what had happened he went out to meet
them; succouring every wounded man and sending him off to Gadatas at
once; to have his wounds dressed; while he helped to house the others
in their quarters; and saw that they had all they needed; his Peers
aiding him; for at such times noble natures will give help with all
their hearts。 '18' Still it was plain to see that he was sorely vexed;
and when the hour for dinner came; and the others went away; he was
still there on the ground with the attendants and the surgeons; not a
soul would he leave uncared for if anything could be done: he either
saw to it himself or sent for the proper aid。

'19' So for that night they rested。 But with daybreak Cyrus sent out a
herald and summoned a gathering of all the officers and the whole
Cadousian army; and spoke as follows:

〃My friends and allies; what has happened is only natural; for it is
human nature to err; and I cannot find it astonishing。 Still we may
gain at least one advantage from what has occurred; if we learn that
we must never cut off from our main body a detachment weaker than the
force of the enemy。 '20' I do not say that one is never to march
anywhere; if necessary; with an even smaller fraction than the
Cadousians had; but; before doing so you must communicate with some
one able to bring up reinforcements; and then; though you may be
trapped yourself; it is at least probable that your friends behind you
may foil the foilers; and divert them from your own party: there are
fifty ways in which one can embarrass the enemy and save one's
friends。 Thus separation need not mean isolation; and union with the
main force may still be kept; whereas if you sally forth without
telling your plan; you are no better off than if you were alone in the
field。 '21' However; God willing; we shall take our revenge for this
ere long; indeed; as soon as you have breakfasted; I will lead you out
to the scene of yesterday's skirmish; and there we will bury those who
fell; and show our enemies that the very field where they thought
themselves victorious is held by those who are stronger than they:
they shall never look again with joy upon the spot where they slew our
comrades。 Or else; if they refuse to come out and meet us; we will
burn their villages and harry all their land; so that in lieu of
rejoicing at the sight of what they did to us; they shall gnash their
teeth at the spectacle of their own disasters。 '22' Go now;〃 said he;
〃the rest of you; and take your breakfast forthwith; but let the
Cadousians first elect a leader in accordance with their own laws; and
one who will guide them well and wisely; by the grace of God; and with
our human help; if they should need it。 And when you have chosen your
leader; and had your breakfast; send him hither to me。〃

'23' So they did as Cyrus bade them; and when he led the army out; he
stationed their new general close to his own person; and told him to
keep his detachment there; 〃So that you and I;〃 said he; 〃may rekindle
the courage in their souls。〃

In this order they marched out; and thus they buried the Cadousian
dead and ravaged the country。 Which done; they went back to the
province of Gadatas; laden with supplies taken from the foe。

'24' Now Cyrus felt that those who had come over to his side and who
dwelt in the neighbourhood of Babylon would be sure to suffer unless
he were constantly there himself; and so he bade all the prisoners he
set free take a message to the king; and he himself despatched a
herald to say that he would leave all the tillers of the soil
unmolested and unhurt if the Assyrian would let those who had come
over to him continue their work in peace。 '25' 〃And remember;〃 he
added; 〃that even if you try to hinder my friends; it is only a few
whom you could stop; whereas there is a vast territory of yours that I
could allow to be cultivated。 As for the crops;〃 he added; 〃if we have
war; it will be the conqueror; I make no doubt; who will reap them;
but if we have peace; it will be you。 If; however; any of my people
take up arms against you; or any of yours against me; we must; of
course; each of us; defend ourselves as best we can。〃

'26' With this message Cyrus despatched the herald; and when the
Assyrians heard it; they urged the king to accept the proposal; and so
limit the war as much as possible。 '27' And he; whether influenced by
his own people or because he desired it himself; consented to the
terms。 So an agreement was drawn up; proclaiming peace to the tillers
of the soil and war to all who carried arms。

'28' Thus Cyrus arranged matters for the husbandmen; and he asked his
own supporters among the drovers to bring their herds; if they liked;
into his dominions and leave them there; while he treated the enemy's
cattle as booty wherever he could; so that his allies found attraction
in the campaign。 For the risk was no greater if they took what they
needed; while the knowledge that they were living at the enemy's
expense certainly seemed to lighten the labour of the war。

'29' When the time came for Cyrus to go back; and the final
preparations were being made; Gadatas brought him gifts of every kind;
the produce of a vast estate; and among the cattle a drove of horses;
taken from cavalry of his own; whom he distrusted owing to the late
conspiracy。 '30' And when he brought them he said; 〃Cyrus; this day I
give you these for your own; and I would pray you to make such use of
them as you think best; but I would have you remember that all else
which I call mine is yours as well。 For there is no son of mine; nor
can there ever be; sprung from my own loins; to whom I may leave my
wealth: when I die myself; my house must perish with me; my family and
my name。 '31' And I must suffer this; Cyrus; I swear to you by the
great gods above us; who see all things and hear all things; though
never by word or deed did I commit injustice or foulness of any kind。〃

But here the words died on his lips; he burst into tears over his
sorrows; and could say no more。 '32' Cyrus was touched with pity at
his suffering and said to him:

〃Let me accept the horses; for in that I can help you; if I set loyal
riders on them; men of a better mind; methinks; than those who had
them before; and I myself can satisfy a wish that has long been mine;
to bring my Persian cavalry up to ten thousand men。 But take back; I
pray you; all these other riches; and guard them safely against the
time when you may find me able to vie with you in gifts。 If I left you
now so hugely in your debt; heaven help me if I could hold up my head
again for very shame。〃

'33' Thereto Gadatas made answer; 〃In all things I trust you; and will
trust you; for I see your heart。 But consider whether I am competent
to guard all this myself。 '34' While I was at peace with the king; the
inheritance I had from my father was; it may be; the fairest in all
the land: it was near that mighty Babylon; and all the good things
that can be gathered from a great city fell into our laps; and yet
from all the trouble of it; the noise and the bustle; we could be free
at once by turning our backs and coming home here。 But now that we are
at war; the moment you have left us we are sure to be attacked;
ourselves and all our wealth; and methinks we shall have a sorry life
of it; our enemies at our elbow and far stronger than ourselves。 '35'
I seem to hear some one say; why did you not think of this before you
revolted? But I answer; Cyrus; because the soul within me was stung
beyond endurance by my wrongs; I could not sit and ponder the safest
course; I was always brooding over one idea; always in travail of one
dream; praying for the day of vengeance on the miscreant; the enemy of
God and man; whose hatred never rested; once aroused; once he
suspected a man; not of doing wrong; but of being better than himself。
'36' And because he is a villain; he will always find; I know; worse
villains that himself to aid him; but if one day a nobler rival should
appearhave no concern; Cyrus; you will never need to do battle with
such an one; yonder fiend would deal with him and never cease to plot
against him until he had dragged him in the dust; only because he was
the better man。 And to work me trouble and disaster; he and his wicked
tools will; I fear me; have strength enough and to spare。〃

'37' Cyrus thought there was much in what he said; and he answered

〃Tell me; Gadatas; did we not put a stout garrison in your fortress;
so as to make it safe for you whenever you needed it; and are you not
taking the field with us now; so that; if the gods be on our side as
they are to…day; that scoundrel may fear you; not you him? Go now;
bring with you all you have that is sweet to look on and to love; and
then join our march: you shall be; I am persuaded; of the utmost
service to me; and I; so far as in me lies; will give you help for

'38' When Gadatas heard that; he breathed again; and he said:

〃Could I really be in time to make my preparations and be back before
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