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C1。 Notice the epic tone now adopted; or rather swum into; or rather
which floats the writer up of its own motion。

C1。2 ff。 On the whole this description of the battle is; for Xenophon;

C1。5…6。 Xenophon; Artist。 This military criticism and technical
discussion juxtaposed to the epic prelude and the epic sequel is a
clever device enough。 We are pleased。

C1。8…9。 Final injunctions somewhat obscure; I think。

C1。24 ff。 The epic and Homeric vein。

C1。33。 The Egyptians have the advantage。 This is noticeable in
reference to Cyrus' criticisms of their arms before battle。 That is
not a slip; but a dramatic touch on the part of the author; I think。
And Cyrus is speaking of cavalry there; and anticipates the result。

C1。34 fin。 A singular feature this in ancient battles。 Is it simply
and solely Oriental; or general; and Hellenic also? Has it any
analogue nowadays anywhere? Probably with Egyptian troops in the
Soudan it has (hgd。 1884)。

C2。6…7。 The archic man through an act of bad discipline makes good
discipline more acceptable。

C2。13。 The civilised method of dealing with a conquered city。 Instead
of pillage and rapine; an indemnity; which will bring in to the
conquerors wealth; and yet not destroy the arts of the population;
which are the fountain…heads of beauty。 || Modern。 So the archic man
asserts his superiority once more。

C2。24。 Is this also Xenophon's view? If so; it throws light on his
theory of rank and caste。

C3。2。 Curious Cyrus should be so little suspicious of Abradatas'
death; is it not? Because the victory was not bloodless。 Notice; too;
how little is said of the bloodshed; that is Hellenic as well as
Xenophontine; I fancy。

C3。7。 Something epic in all this。 Cf。 Archilles sacrificing at the
tomb of Patroklos。

C3。8 ff。 The pathos of the situation and the /Eironeia/ at its
maximum。 〃Euripidean〃 touches throughout。

C3。16。 'This is bracketed in most editions; no doubt rightly; as an
interpolation。 It was not translated in Mr。 Dakyns' manuscript; but
his marginal note is characteristic; and evidently he would have
translated the section in a footnote。 It may be rendered thus: 〃It is
said that a monument was raised above the eunuchs and is in existence
to this day。 On the upper slab the names of the husband and the wife
are written in Syrian letters; and below are three other slabs;
inscribed 'To the chamberlains。'〃'

C3。16。 Interesting; especially if of later insertion; and perhaps
given the historical basis of the story in some monument on the
Pactolus; known to Xenophon。 I wish a new Schliemann would find it。

C4。 Semi…historical? The version is to be found; I think; in C4。2;
which is the /pièce justicative/。 The episode itself is full of
humour; as good as a play: Xenophon has seen these duplicities often。
Brer Fox outwitted by Brer Rabbit。

C4。4。 Can these rival fastnesses of the Carians be identified? All
this country is well known to Xenophon (/vide Hellenica/; III。 c。 4;

C4。6。 Beautiful renewal of the peaceful arts; festivals; and merry…
makings after the internecine party strife。

C4。9。 This again is a district Xenophon is well acquainted with。 Has
he one eye on the old insurrection against Persia; /tempore/
Histiaeus; and another on the new arrangements; /tempore/ Antalcidas?

C4。12…13。 Croesus and his bills of lading。 Some humour。 It also brings
out the archic man in opposition to the shop…keeper man of the mere
business type。 But still the bills of lading are needed。 Croesus only
doesn't 〃twig〃 the right persons to check。 It's the opposition between
Despot and true Ruler。

C5。9。 Cyrus has an idea; the nature of which we shall discover later。

C5。15。 Belshazzar's feast; /vide/ Daniel; cf。 Hdt。 Why plural; 〃the
trenches〃? Is Xenophon obscure? His obscurity is mostly this: he
expects his reader intelligently to follow him。

C5。32。 Jars somewhat on our feelings; perhaps; in its thirst for
revenge: but cf。 the feeling against the assassins of Lord Frederick
Cavendish and Mr。 Burke。 'Written at the time of the Phoenix Park

C5。37。 Is a turning…point in the rise of the archic man (and yet
hardly yet; but at C5。58 we shall come to bodyguards and eunuchs)。 At
this highest pinnacle of {arkhe} Cyrus desires to furnish himself as
befits a king。 It is an historical difficulty which Xenophon has to
get over or round; or is Xenophon himself in the same condemnation; so
to speak? Does he also desire his archic man to be got up in a manner
befitting royalty at a certain date? Consider。

C5。42…47。 These sections pose the difficulty well; and it is a
difficulty; and no mistake。

C5。42 ff。  Xenophon…Hellenic theory of life。 The leisure to invite
one's own soul and see one's friends which is needed to make life
worth living; versus /negotia/; /negotia/; /negotia/。 How far are we
to be consciously self…regarding? Cyrus versus Buddha。 The Hellenic
hero is not equal to absolute non…self…regarding devotion to mere
work。 The Buddha might be。

C5。48。 Perhaps nothing is cleverer in the neat and skilful mosaic work
of this composition than the fitting…in here of Artabazus' personal
view with theat last necessaryimpersonal or public theory of
leadership。 It is pretty also that Artabazus should at length get his
reward; and humorous that he doesn't; after all; get it in the old

C5。49 ff。 He keenly remembers each tantalizing moment of approach and
separation。 A splendid speech of the humorous type。 Xenophon himself
must be credited with so much fun; and real fun it is。

C5。56 ff。 Curious on this page (a) Xenophon's domestic hearth theory
without which {arkhe} is a tinkling cymbal and empire no burthen to be
borne。 His feeling for the sweetness of home || modern。 In this the
secret of his happiness; || hgd。 (b) His /justification/ or /raison
d'être/ explanation of the eunuch system。 Why doesn't he point out its
hollowness also? Not from any lack of sympathy with this barren
mankind。 Cf。 Gadatas。 I think this all logically follows if the
{arkhon} is to rule political enemies as well as friends: to do so
{epistamenos} '〃asian expert〃' some strange devices must be resorted
towhat think you; Dakyns?

C5。58。 The need of a bodyguard。 The dragon…fly must wing his flight in
armour cased: that is the law of his development。 So Cyrus must be in
the end an ideal 〃tyrannus;〃 the one spoken of by Simonides the poet
to Hiero '/vide/ the dialogue /Hiero/; and the notes thereto in Mr。
Dakyns' translation; Vol。 III。'。

C5。64。 The faithfulness of the eunuch has its parallel in that of the
old negro slave。

C5。67。 These are the sort of fellows Xenophon would have chosen
himself; I take it。 Again the historical basis has to be taken account
of。 Xenophon has to explain to himself the existence of their body and
how the archic man came to invent it。 Throughout we must compare the
/Hiero/ for Xenophon's own political theory apart from his romantic
and philosophical interest in Cyrus。

C5。69。 Not a pleasant picture of subject and ruling race。 Cf。 the
Austrians in Italy。

C5。73。 The Hellenic || the modern theory; but more rudely expressed。
The conquerors right to the land he has taken; and what Cyrus proceeds
to say is quite up to the modern mark。

C5。74。 Of course this is precisely what the Persians as they
degenerated did come to; nor did the good example of the archic man
nor his precepts nor his institutions save them。

C5。77…79。 〃Military〃 theory of virtue: almost barbaric (/ex mea
sententia/ hgd。)。 But Xenophon is not absolutely = Cyrus。

C5。80 ff。 This is the Socratico…Xenophontine hedonism…and…stoicism

C5。82 ff。 A noble sermon on the need of straining every nerve to
virtuous training。 Splendidly rhetorical and forceful。

C5。84。 Cyrus (i。e。 Xenophon) is aware of the crisis he and his are
going through。 If externalism has to be adopted to hedge royalty;
still a further inner change is demanded: there must be a
corresponding spiritual growth。

C5。86。 One of the noblest sayings in all Xenophon。 The one somehow
which touches me most。 The best way to improve ourselves is to see
that we set our boys the best examples。

                              BOOK VIII

'C。1' Such were the words of Cyrus; and Chrysantas rose up after him;
saying; 〃Gentlemen; this is not the first time I have had occasion to
observe that a good ruler differs in no respect from a good father。
Even as a father takes thought that blessings may never fail his
children; so Cyrus would commend to us the ways by which we can
preserve our happiness。 And yet; on one point; it seemed to me he had
spoken less fully than he might; and I will try to explain it for the
benefit of those who have not learnt it。 '2' I would have you ask
yourselves; was ever a hostile city captured by an undisciplined
force? Did ever an undisciplined garrison save a friendly town? When
discipline was gone; did ever an army conquer? Is ever disaster nearer
than when each solider thinks about his private safety only? Nay; in
peace as in war; can any good be gained if men will not obey their
betters? What city could be at rest; lawful; and orderly? What
household could be safe? What ship sail h
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