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C6。11。 The Oriental feeling again。

C6。12; fin。 One of the nicest (monarchical) remarks ever uttered。

C6。13。 Marked Greek Testament parallel S。 Joan。 13; 13。 Surely the
evangelist had read this at school: I mean; the Greek scribe who
Hellenised the evangel。

C6。23。 Free trade or favoured…nation principle and commercial treaty。

C7。10。 Prototype: Socrates and his sons。 Perhaps also Xenophon and
his。 One seems to hear his own voice addressing Gryllus。

C7。14。 A very noble passage。

C7。27。 That's also nice: 〃Summon the Persians to rejoice with me at my
joyous release;〃 a refined form of funeral festival〃nothing is here
for tears〃nor have we; perhaps; arrived beyond it。

C7。28。 His last remark is Xenophon…Hellenic; but less edifying;
fortunately it is only the penultimate; for there is the final
{khairete} 'good…bye' and message to his wife。 Why was she not
present? I suppose she was at home in Babylon。

'C8。 It has been doubted whether C8 is by Xenophon at all。 C8。3; with
its reference to the /Anabasis/; certainly looks as though it might
have been written after his death。 Some scholars have also thought the
style unlike Xenophon's; but it is clear from his marginal notes that
Mr。 Dakyns did not lean towards this view。 To stress the degeneracy of
the Persians is; no doubt; to make a curious comment on the
institutions of 〃the born ruler;〃 but on the other hand the preceding
chapter (C7) is full of grave warnings; and; throughout; Xenophon has
been at pains to insist that everything depends on the continuous and
united effort of the ruling classes towards virtue and self…control。
Again; as Mr。 Dakyns pointed out (in his /Sketch of Xenophon's Life/;
Works; Vol。 I。 p。 cxxxvii。); the epilogue bears a marked analogy to
the account of Spartan degeneracy in c。 xiv。 of the /Laconian Polity/
(see Vol。 II。 p。 322); a chapter he took to be genuine。 On the whole;
therefore; we may conclude that he would have considered this epilogue
to be genuine also。F。M。S。'

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