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the drums of jeopardy-第43章

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had known。  That was the odd phase of it。  She hadn't come blindly。
What mood had urged her to share the danger along with the lark?
Somehow; she was always just beyond his reach; this girl。  He would
never forget that fan popping out of the pistol; the egg burning in
the pan。

The apartment was only three blocks away when Kitty decided to drop
her mask。  〃I'd give a good deal to see a policeman。  They are never
around when you really want them。  Johnny Two…Hawks; I'm a little
fool!  You wouldn't have left the apartment but for me。  Will you
forgive me?〃

〃It is I who should ask forgiveness。  I say; how much farther is it?〃

〃Only about two blocks; but they may be long ones。  Let's step into
this doorway for a moment。  I see a taxicab。  It looks to be standing
opposite the building。  Don't like it。  Suppose we watch it for a few

Hawksley was grateful for the respite; and together they stared at
the unwinking red eye of the tail light。  But no man approached the
cab or left it。

〃I believe I've hit upon a plan;〃 said Kitty。  〃Certainly we have
not been followed。  In that event they would have had a dozen
chances。  If someone saw us leave together; naturally they will
expect us to return together。  We'll walk to the corner of our block;
then turn east; but I shall remain just out of sight while you will
go round the block。  Fifteen minutes should carry you to the south
corner。  I'll be on watch for you。  The moment you turn I'll walk
toward you。  It will give us a bit of a handicap in case that taxi
is a menace。  If any one appears; run for it。  Where's the cane you

〃What a jolly ass I am!  I remember now。  I left the stick against
the wall of the opera house。  Blockhead!  With a stick; now! 。。。 I'm

〃Never mind。  Let's start。  That taxi may be perfectly honest。  It's
our guilty consciences that are peopling the shadows with goblins。
What really bothers us is that we have broken our word to the
kindliest man in all this world。〃

Hawksley wondered if he could walk round the block without falling
down。  He saw that he was facing a physical collapse; hastened by
the knowledge that the safety of the girl depended largely upon
himself。  What he had accepted at the beginning as strength had
been nothing more than exhilaration and nerve energy。  There was now
nothing but the latter; and only feeble straws at that。  Oh; he
would manage somehow; he jolly well had to; and there was a bare
chance of falling in with a bobby。  But run?  Honestly; now; how
the devil was a chap to run on a pair of spools?

Arriving at the appointed spot they separated。  He waved his hand
airily and marched off。  If he fell it would be out of sight; where
the girl could not see him。  Clever chap … what?  Damned rotter!
For himself he did not care。  He was weary of this game of hide and
seek。  But to have lured the girl into it!  When he turned the
first corner of his journey he paused and leaned against the wall;
his eyes shut。  When he opened them the sidewalk and the street
lamps were normal again。

As soon as he disappeared a new plan came to Kitty。  She put it
into execution at once; on the basis that yonder taxicab was an
enemy machine。  She left her retreat and walked boldly down the
street; her eyes alert for the least suspicious sign。  If she
could make the entrance before they suspected the trick; she could
obtain help before Johnny Two…Hawks made the south turn。  She
reached her objective; pushed through the revolving doors; and
turned。  Dimly she could see the taxi driver; but he appeared to
be dozing on the seat。

As a matter of fact; one of the three men in the taxi recognized
Kitty; but too late to intercept her。  Her manoeuvre had confused
him temporarily。  And while he and his companions were debating;
Kitty had time to summon Cutty's man from Elevator Four。

〃Step into the car!〃 he roughly ordered; after she had given him a
gist of her suspicions。  He turned off the lights; stepped out; and
shut the gates with a furious bang。  〃And stick to the corner!  I'll
attend to the other fool。〃

He rushed into the street; his automatic ready; eyed the taxicab
speculatively; wheeled suddenly; and ran south at a dog…trot。  He
rounded the south corner; but he did not see Hawksley anywhere。  The
dog…trot became a dead run。  As he wheeled round the corner of the
parallel street he almost bumped into Hawksley; who had a policeman
in tow。

〃Officer;〃 said the man with the boy's face; 〃this is Federal
business。  Aliens。  Come along。  There may be trouble。  If there
should be any shooting don't bother with the atmosphere。  Pick out
a real target。〃


〃About the size of it。〃

〃Miss Conover?〃 asked Hawksley。

〃Safe。  No thanks to you; though。  I'd like to knock your block off;
if you want to know!〃

〃Do it!  Damned little use to me;〃 declared Hawksley; sagging。

〃Here; what's the matter with you?〃 cried the policeman; throwing
his arm round Hawksley。

〃They nearly killed him a few days gone。  A crack on the bean; but
he wasn't satisfied。  Help him along。  I'll be hiking back。〃

But the taxicab was gone。

Before Cutty's lieutenant opened the gate to the apartment he spoke
to Hawksley。  〃The boss is doing everything he can to put you
through; sir。  Miss Conover's wit saved you。  For if you hadn't
separated they'd have nailed you。  I've been running round like a
chicken with its head cut off。  I forgot that door on the
seventeenth floor。  I tell you honestly; you've been playing with
death。  It wasn't fair to Miss Conover。〃

〃It was my fault;〃 volunteered Kitty。

〃Mine;〃 protested Hawksley。

〃Well; they know where you roost now; for a fact。  You've spilled
the beans。  I'm sorry I lost my temper。  The devil fly away with
you both!〃  The boy laughed。  〃You're game; anyhow。  But darn it
all; if anything had happened to you the boss would never have
forgiven me。  He's the whitest old scout God ever put the breath
of life into。  He's always doing something for somebody。  He'd give
you the block if you had the gall to ask for it。  Play the game
fifty…fifty with him and you'll land on both feet。  And you; Miss
Conover; must not come here again。〃

〃I promise。〃

〃I'll tell you a little secret。  It was the boss who sent you out
of town。  He was afraid you'd do something like this。  When you are
ready to go home you'll find Tony Bernini downstairs。  Sore as a
crab; too; I'll bet。〃

〃I'll be glad to go home with him;〃 said Kitty; thoroughly chastened
in spirit。

〃That's all for to…night。〃

Kitty and Hawksley stepped out into the corridor; the problem they
had sought to shake off reestablished in their thoughts; added too;
if anything。

〃How do you feel?〃

〃Top…hole;〃 lied Hawksley。  〃My word; though; I wobbled a bit going
round that block。  I almost kissed the hobby。  I say; he thought I'd
been tilting a few。  But it was a lark!〃

〃Dinner is served;〃 announced Kuroki at their elbows。  His expression
was coldly bland。

〃Dinner!〃 cried Hawksley; brightening。  〃What does the American
soldier say?〃

〃Eats!〃 answered Kitty。

All tension vanished in the double laughter that followed。  They
approached dinner with something of the spirit that had induced
Hawksley to fiddle and Kitty to pass the hat in front of the
Metropolitan Opera House。  Hawksley's recuperative powers promised
well for his future。  By the time coffee was served his head had
cleared and his legs had resumed their normal functions of support。

〃I was so infernally bored!〃

〃And now?〃 asked Kitty; recklessly。

〃Fancy asking me that!〃

〃Do you realize that all this is dreadfully improper?〃

〃Oh; I say; now!  Where's the harm?  If ever there was a young
woman capable of taking care of herself … 〃

〃That isn't it。  It's just being here alone with you。〃

〃But you are not alone with me!〃

〃Kuroki?〃  Kitty shrugged。

〃No。  At my side of the table is Stefani Gregor; at yours the man
who has befriended me。〃

〃Thank you for that。  I don't know of anything nicer you could say。
But the outside world would see neither of our friends。  I did not
come here to see you。〃

〃No need of telling me that。〃

〃I had a problem … a very difficult one … to solve; and I believed
that I might solve it if I came to these rooms。  I had quite
forgotten you。〃

Instantly; upon receiving this blunt explanation; he determined that
she should never cease to remember him after this night。  His vanity
was not touched; it was something far more elusive。  It was perhaps
a recurrence of that inexplicable desire to hurt。  Somehow he sensed
the flexible steel behind which lay the soul of this baffling girl。
He would presently find a chink in the armour with that old Amati。

Blows on the head have few surgical comparisons。  That which kills
one man only temporarily stuns another。  One man loses his identity;
another escapes with all his faculties and suffers but trifling
inconvenience。  In Hawksley's case the blow had probably restricted
some current of thought; and that which would have flowed normally
now shot out obliquely; perversely。  It might be that the natural
perverseness of his blood; unchecked by the noble influe
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