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the professor(教授)-第76章

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and he is instilling God knows what principles into his ear。 Victor 

looks well just now; for he listens with a sort of smiling interest; he 

never     looks   so   like  his   mother     as  when     he   smiles   —pity     the 

sunshine       breaks     out   so   rarely!   Victor    has    a  preference      for 

Hunsden;   full   as   strong   as   I   deem   desirable;   being   considerably 

more      potent    decided;     and    indiscriminating;       than    any   I  ever 

entertained       for  that  personage      myself。    Frances;    too;   regards    it 

with     a  sort   of  unexpressed       anxiety;    while    her    son   leans    on 

Hunsden’s       knee;    or  rests   against    his  shoulder;     she   roves   with 

restless movement   round;   like   a   dove   guarding   its   young   from   a 

hovering hawk; she says she wishes Hunsden had children of his 

own;   for   then   he   would   better   know   the   danger   of   inciting   their 

pride end indulging their foibles。 

    Frances      approaches        my    library    window;       puts    aside    the 

honeysuckle which half covers it; and tells me tea is ready; seeing 

that I continue busy she enters the room; comes near me quietly; 

and puts her hand on my shoulder。 

    “Monsieur est trop appliqué。” 

    “I shall soon have done。” 

    She    draws     a  chair   near;   and    sits  down     to  wait   till  I  have 

finished; her presence is as pleasant to my mind as the perfume of 

the fresh hay and spicy flowers; as the glow of the westering sun; 

as the repose of the midsummer eve are to my senses。 

    But Hunsden comes;   I   hear  his   step;  and   there   he   is;  bending 

Charlotte Bronte                                                      ElecBook Classics 

… Page 316…

                                  The Professor                                  316 

through the lattice; from which he has thrust away the woodbine 

with unsparing hand; disturbing two bees and a butterfly。 

    “Crimsworth! I say; Crimsworth! take that pen out of his hand; 

mistress; and make him lift up his head。” 

    “Well; Hunsden ? I hear you。” 

    “I was at X— yesterday! your brother Ned is getting richer than 

Croesus by railway speculations; they call him in the Piece Hall a 

stag    of  ten;   and   I  have   heard    from    Brown。     M。  and    Madame 

Vandenhuten   and   Jean   Baptiste   talk   of   coming   to   see   you   next 

month。      He    mentions     the   Pelets    too;  he   says    their  domestic 

harmony   is   not   the   finest   in   the   world;   but   in   business   they   are 

doing ‘on ne peut mieux;’ which circumstance he concludes will be 

a    sufficient   consolation     to  both    for  any    little  crosses   in   the 

affections。 Why don’t you invite the Pelets to —shire; Crimsworth? 

I should so like to see your first flame; Zoraide。 Mistress; don’t be 

jealous; but he loved that lady to distraction; I know it for  a   fact。 

Brown   says   she   weighs   twelve   stones   now;   you   see   what   you’ve 

lost; Mr。 Professor。 Now; Monsieur and Madame; if you don’t come 

to tea; Victor and I will begin without you。” 

    “Papa; come!” 

                                     The End 

Charlotte Bronte                                                    ElecBook Classics 

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