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lady baltimore-第4章

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She was astonished。〃 You don't know? And I thought you were quite a clever YaI beg your pardonNortherner。

〃Please tell me; since I know you're quite a clever RebI beg your pardonSoutherner。〃

〃Why; it's his own! Couldn't you see that from his bashfulness?〃

〃Ordering his own wedding cake?〃 Amazement held me。 But the door opened; one of the elderly ladies entered; the girl behind the counter stiffened to primness in a flash; and I went out into Royal Street as the curly dog's tail wagged his greeting to the newcomer。

III: Kings Port Talks

Of course I had at once left the letters of introduction which Aunt Carola had given me; but in my ignorance of Kings Port hours I had found everybody at dinner when I made my first round of calls between half…past three and fivean experience particularly regrettable; since I had hurried my own dinner on purpose; not then aware that the hours at my boarding…house were the custom of the whole town。 (These hours even since my visit to Kings Port; are beginning to change。 But such backsliding is much condemned。) Upon an afternoon some days later; having seen in the extra looking…glass; which I had been obliged to provide for myself; that the part in my back hair was perfect; I set forth again; better informed。

As I rang the first doorbell; another visitor came up the steps; a beautiful old lady in widow's dress; a cardcase in her hand。

〃Have you rung; sir?〃 said she; in a manner at once gentle and voluminous。

〃Yes; madam。〃

Nevertheless she pulled it again。 〃It doesn't always ring;〃 she explained; 〃unless one is accustomed to it; which you are not。〃

She addressed me with authority; exactly like Aunt Carola; and with even greater precision in her good English and good enunciation。 Unlike the girl at the Exchange; she had no accent; her language was simply the perfection of educated utterance; it also was racy with the free censoriousness which civilized people of consequence are apt to exercise the world over。 〃I was sorry to miss your visit;〃 she began (she knew me; you see; perfectly); 〃you will please to come again soon; and console me for my disappointment。 I am Mrs。 Gregory St。 Michael; and my house is in Le Maire Street (Pronounced in Kings Port; Lammarree) as you have been so civil as to find out。 And how does your Aunt Carola do in these contemptible times? You can tell her from me that vulgarization is descending; even upon Kings Port。〃

〃I cannot imagine that!〃 I exclaimed。

〃You cannot imagine it because you don't know anything about it; young gentleman! The manners of some of our own young people will soon be as dishevelled as those in New York。 Have you seen our town yet; or is it all books with you? You should not leave without a look at what is still left of us。 I shall be happy if you will sit in my pew on Sunday morning。 Your Northern shells did their best in the bombardmentdid you say that you rang? I think you had better pull it again; all the way out; yes; like thatin the bombardment; but we have our old church still; in spite of you。 Do you see the crack in that wall? The earthquake did it。 You're spared earthquakes in the North; as you seem to be spared pretty much everything disastrousexcept the prosperity that's going to ruin you all。 We're better off with our poverty than you。 Just ring the bell once more; and then we'll go。 I fancy JuliaI fancy Mrs。 Weguelin St。 Michaelhas run out to stare at the Northern steam yacht in the harbor。 It would be just like her。 This house is historic itself。 Shabby enough now; to be sure! The great…aunt of my cousin; John Mayrant (who is going to be married next Wednesday; to such a brute of a girl; poor boy!); lived here in 1840; and made an answer to the Earl of Mainridge that put him in his place。 She was our famous Kings Port wit; and at the reception which her father (my mother's uncle) gave the English visitor; he conducted himself as so many Englishmen seem to think they can in this country。 Miss Beaufain (pronounced in Kings Port; Bowfayne); as she was then; asked the Earl how he liked America; and he replied; very well; except for the people; who were so vulgar。 'What can you expect?' said Miss Beaufain; 'we're descended from the English。' Mrs。 St。 Michael is out; and the servant has gone home。 Slide this card under the door; with your own; and come away。〃

She took me with her; moving through the quiet South Place with a leisurely grace and dignity at which my spirit rejoiced; she was so beautiful; and so easy; and afraid of nothing and nobody! (This must be modified。 I came later to suspect that they all stood in some dread of their own immediate families。)

In the North; everybody is afraid of something: afraid of the legislature; afraid of the trusts; afraid of the strikes; afraid of what the papers will say; of what the neighbors will say; of what the cook will say; and most of all; and worst of all; afraid to be different from the general pattern; afraid to take a step or speak a syllable that shall cause them to be thought unlike the monotonous millions of their fellow…citizens; the land of the free living in ceaseless fear! Well; I was already afraid of Mrs。 Gregory St。 Michael。 As we walked and she talked; I made one or two attempts at conversation; and speedily found that no such thing was the lady's intention: I was there to listen; and truly I could wish nothing more agreeable; in spite of my desire to hear further about next Wednesday's wedding and the brute of a girl。 But to this subject Mrs。 St。 Michael did not return。 We crossed Worship Street and Chancel Street; and were nearing the East Place where a cannon was being shown me; a cannon with a history and an inscription concerning the 〃war for Southern independence; which I presume your prejudice calls the Rebellion;〃 said my guide。 〃There's Mrs。 St。 Michael now; coming round the corner。 Well; Julia; could you read the yacht's name with your naked eye? And what's the name of the gambler who owns it? He's a gambler; or he couldn't own a yachtunless his wife's a gambler's daughter。〃

〃How well you're feeling to…day; Maria!〃 said the other lady; with a gentle smile。

〃Certainly。 I have been talking for twenty minutes。〃 I was now presented to Mrs。 Weguelin St。 Michael; also old; also charming; in widow's dress no less in the bloom of age than Mrs。 Gregory; but whiter and very diminutive。 She shyly welcomed me to Kings Port。 〃Take him home with you; Julia。 We pulled your bell three times; and it's too damp for you to be out。 Don't forget;〃 Mrs。 Gregory said to me; 〃that you haven't told me a word about your Aunt Carola; and that I shall expect you to come and do it。〃 She went slowly away from us; up the East Place; tall; graceful; sweeping into the distance like a ship。 No haste about her dignified movement; no swinging of elbows; nothing of the present hour!

〃What a beautiful girl she must have been!〃 I murmured aloud; unconsciously。

〃No; she was not a beauty in her youth;〃 said my new guide in her shy voice; 〃but always fluent; always a wit。 Kings Port has at times thought her tongue too downright。 We think that wit runs in her family; for young John Mayrant has it; and her first…cousin…once…removed put the Earl of Mainridge in his place at her father's ball in 1840。 Miss Beaufain (as she was then) asked the Earl how he liked America; and he replied; very well; except for the people; who were so vulgar。 'What can you expect?' said Miss Beaufain; 'we're descended from the English。' I am very sorry for Mariafor Mrs。 St。 Michaeljust at present。 Her young cousin; John Mayrant; is making an alliance deeply vexatious to her。 Do you happen to know Miss Hortense Rieppe?〃

I had never heard of her。

〃No? She has been North lately。 I thought you might have met her。 Her father takes her North; I believe; whenever any one will invite them。 They have sometimes managed to make it extend through an unbroken year。 Newport; I am credibly informed; greatly admires her。 We in Kings Port have never (except John Mayrant; apparently) seen anything in her beauty; which Northerners find so exceptional。〃

〃What is her type?〃 I inquired。

〃I consider that she looks like a steel wasp。 And she has the assurance to call herself a Kings Port girl。 Her father calls himself a general; and it is repeated that he ran away at the battle of Chattanooga。 I hope you will come to see me another day; when you can spare time from the battle of Cowpens。 I am Mrs。 Weguelin St。 Michael; the other lady is Mrs。 Gregory St。 Michael。 I wonder if you will keep us all straight?〃 And smiling; the little lady; whose shy manner and voice I had found to veil as much spirit as her predecessor's; dismissed me and went up her steps; letting herself into her own house。

The boy in question; the boy of the cake; John Mayrant; was coming out of the gate at which I next rang。 The appearance of his boyish figure and well…carried head struck me anew; as it had at first; from his whole person one got at once a strangely romantic impression。 He looked at me; made as if he would speak; but passed on。 Probably he had been hearing as much about me as I had been hearing about him。 At this house the black servant had not gone home for the night; and if the mistress had been out to take a l
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