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the magic skin-第35章

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everywhere。 It is twelve o'clock。 Allow me to go to bed。'

〃 'And in two hours' time you will cry to yourself; AH; MON DIEU!'

〃 'Like the day before yesterday! Yes;' she said; 'I was thinking of

my stockbroker; I had forgotten to tell him to convert my five per

cent stock into threes; and the three per cents had fallen during the


〃I looked at her; and my eyes glittered with anger。 Sometimes a crime

may be a whole romance; I understood that just then。 She was so

accustomed; no doubt; to the most impassioned declarations of this

kind; that my words and my tears were forgotten already。

〃 'Would you marry a peer of France?' I demanded abruptly。

〃 'If he were a duke; I might。'

〃I seized my hat and made her a bow。

〃 'Permit me to accompany you to the door;' she said; cutting irony in

her tones; in the poise of her head; and in her gesture。

〃 'Madame'

〃 'Monsieur?'

〃 'I shall never see you again。'

〃 'I hope not;' and she insolently inclined her head。

〃 'You wish to be a duchess?' I cried; excited by a sort of madness

that her insolence roused in me。 'You are wild for honors and titles?

Well; only let me love you; bid my pen write and my voice speak for

you alone; be the inmost soul of my life; my guiding star! Then; only

accept me for your husband as a minister; a peer of France; a duke。 I

will make of myself whatever you would have me be!'

〃 'You made good use of the time you spent with the advocate;' she

said smiling。 'There is a fervency about your pleadings。'

〃 'The present is yours;' I cried; 'but the future is mine! I only

lose a woman; you are losing a name and a family。 Time is big with my

revenge; time will spoil your beauty; and yours will be a solitary

death; and glory waits for me!'

〃 'Thanks for your peroration!' she said; repressing a yawn; the wish

that she might never see me again was expressed in her whole bearing。

〃That remark silenced me。 I flung at her a glance full of hatred; and

hurried away。

〃Foedora must be forgotten; I must cure myself of my infatuation; and

betake myself once more to my lonely studies; or die。 So I set myself

tremendous tasks; I determined to complete my labors。 For fifteen days

I never left my garret; spending whole nights in pallid thought。 I

worked with difficulty; and by fits and starts; despite my courage and

the stimulation of despair。 The music had fled。 I could not exorcise

the brilliant mocking image of Foedora。 Something morbid brooded over

every thought; a vague longing as dreadful as remorse。 I imitated the

anchorites of the Thebaid。 If I did not pray as they did; I lived a

life in the desert like theirs; hewing out my ideas as they were wont

to hew their rocks。 I could at need have girdled my waist with spikes;

that physical suffering might quell mental anguish。

〃One evening Pauline found her way into my room。

〃 'You are killing yourself;' she said imploringly; 'you should go out

and see your friends'

〃 'Pauline; you were a true prophet; Foedora is killing me; I want to

die。 My life is intolerable。'

〃 'Is there only one woman in the world?' she asked; smiling。 'Why

make yourself so miserable in so short a life?'

〃I looked at Pauline in bewilderment。 She left me before I noticed her

departure; the sound of her words had reached me; but not their sense。

Very soon I had to take my Memoirs in manuscript to my literary…

contractor。 I was so absorbed by my passion; that I could not remember

how I had managed to live without money; I only knew that the four

hundred and fifty francs due to me would pay my debts。 So I went to

receive my salary; and met Rastignac; who thought me changed and


〃 'What hospital have you been discharged from?' he asked。

〃 'That woman is killing me;' I answered; 'I can neither despise her

nor forget her。'

〃 'You had much better kill her; then perhaps you would think no more

of her;' he said; laughing。

〃 'I have often thought of it;' I replied; 'but though sometimes the

thought of a crime revives my spirits; of violence and murder; either

or both; I am really incapable of carrying out the design。 The

countess is an admirable monster who would crave for pardon; and not

every man is an Othello。'

〃 'She is like every woman who is beyond our reach;' Rastignac


〃 'I am mad;' I cried; 'I can feel the madness raging at times in my

brain。 My ideas are like shadows; they flit before me; and I cannot

grasp them。 Death would be preferable to this life; and I have

carefully considered the best way of putting an end to the struggle。 I

am not thinking of the living Foedora in the Faubourg Saint Honore;

but of my Foedora here;' and I tapped my forehead。 'What to you say to


〃 'Pshaw! horrid agonies;' said Rastignac。

〃 'Or charcoal fumes?'

〃 'A low dodge。'

〃 'Or the Seine?'

〃 'The drag…nets; and the Morgue too; are filthy。'

〃 'A pistol…shot?'

〃 'And if you miscalculate; you disfigure yourself for life。 Listen to

me;' he went on; 'like all young men; I have pondered over suicide。

Which of us hasn't killed himself two or three times before he is

thirty? I find there is no better course than to use existence as a

means of pleasure。 Go in for thorough dissipation; and your passion or

you will perish in it。 Intemperance; my dear fellow; commands all

forms of death。 Does she not wield the thunderbolt of apoplexy?

Apoplexy is a pistol…shot that does not miscalculate。 Orgies are

lavish in all physical pleasures; is not that the small change for

opium? And the riot that makes us drink to excess bears a challenge to

mortal combat with wine。 That butt of Malmsey of the Duke of

Clarence's must have had a pleasanter flavor than Seine mud。 When we

sink gloriously under the table; is not that a periodical death by

drowning on a small scale? If we are picked up by the police and

stretched out on those chilly benches of theirs at the police…station;

do we not enjoy all the pleasures of the Morgue? For though we are not

blue and green; muddy and swollen corpses; on the other hand we have

the consciousness of the climax。

〃 'Ah;' he went on; 'this protracted suicide has nothing in common

with the bankrupt grocer's demise。 Tradespeople have brought the river

into disrepute; they fling themselves in to soften their creditors'

hearts。 In your place I should endeavor to die gracefully; and if you

wish to invent a novel way of doing it; by struggling with life after

this manner; I will be your second。 I am disappointed and sick of

everything。 The Alsacienne; whom it was proposed that I should marry;

had six toes on her left foot; I cannot possibly live with a woman who

has six toes! It would get about to a certainty; and then I should be

ridiculous。 Her income was only eighteen thousand francs; her fortune

diminished in quantity as her toes increased。 The devil take it; if we

begin an outrageous sort of life; we may come on some bit of luck;


〃Rastignac's eloquence carried me away。 The attractions of the plan

shone too temptingly; hopes were kindled; the poetical aspects of the

matter appealed to a poet。

〃 'How about money?' I said。

〃 'Haven't you four hundred and fifty francs?'

〃 'Yes; but debts to my landlady and the tailor'

〃 'You would pay your tailor? You will never be anything whatever; not

so much as a minister。'

〃 'But what can one do with twenty louis?'

〃 'Go to the gaming…table。'

〃I shuddered。

〃 'You are going to launch out into what I call systematic

dissipation;' said he; noticing my scruples; 'and yet you are afraid

of a green table…cloth。'

〃 'Listen to me;' I answered。 'I promised my father never to set foot

in a gaming…house。 Not only is that a sacred promise; but I still feel

an unconquerable disgust whenever I pass a gambling…hell; take the

money and go without me。 While our fortune is at stake; I will set my

own affairs straight; and then I will go to your lodgings and wait for


〃That was the way I went to perdition。 A young man has only to come

across a woman who will not love him; or a woman who loves him too

well; and his whole life becomes a chaos。 Prosperity swallows up our

energy just as adversity obscures our virtues。 Back once more in my

Hotel de Saint…Quentin; I gazed about me a long while in the garret

where I had led my scholar's temperate life; a life which would

perhaps have been a long and honorable one; and that I ought not to

have quitted for the fevered existence which had urged me to the brink

of a precipice。 Pauline surprised me in this dejected attitude。

〃 'Why; what is the matter with you?' she asked。

〃I rose and quietly counted out the money owing to her mother; and

added to it sufficient to pay for six months' rent in advance。 She

watched me in some alarm。

〃 'I am going to leave you; d
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