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crime and punishment(罪与罚)-第19章

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predestined turning…point of his fate。 He could never understand and        
explain to himself why; when he was tired and worn out; when it             
would have been more convenient for him to go home by the shortest and      
most direct way; he had returned by the Hay Market where he had no          
need to go。 It was obviously and quite unnecessarily out of his way;        
though not much so。 It is true that it happened to him dozens of times      
to return home without noticing what streets he passed through。 But         
why; he was always asking himself; why had such an important; such a        
decisive and at the same time such an absolutely chance meeting             
happened in the Hay Market (where he had moreover no reason to go)          
at the very hour; the very minute of his life when he was just in           
the very mood and in the very circumstances in which that meeting           
was able to exert the gravest and most decisive influence on his whole      
destiny? As though it had been lying in wait for him on purpose!            
  It was about nine o'clock when he crossed the Hay Market。 At the          
tables and the barrows; at the booths and the shops; all the market         
people were closing their establishments or clearing away and               
packing up their wares and; like their customers; were going home。          
Ragpickers and costermongers of all kinds were crowding round the           
taverns in the dirty and stinking courtyards of the Hay Market。             
Raskolnikov particularly liked this place and the neighbouring alleys;      
when he wandered aimlessly in the streets。 Here his rags did not            
attract contemptuous attention; and one could walk about in any attire      
without scandalising people。 At the corner of an alley a huckster           
and his wife had two tables set out with tapes; thread; cotton              
handkerchiefs; &c。 They; too; had got up to go home; but were               
lingering in conversation with a friend; who had just come up to them。      
This friend was Lizaveta Ivanovna; or; as every one called her;             
Lizaveta; the younger sister of the old pawnbroker; Alyona Ivanovna;        
whom Raskolnikov had visited the previous day to pawn his watch and         
make his experiment。。。。 He already knew all about Lizaveta and she          
knew him a little too。 She was a single woman of about thirty…five;         
tall; clumsy; timid; submissive and almost idiotic。 She was a complete      
slave and went in fear and trembling of her sister; who made her            
work day and night; and even beat her。 She was standing with a              
bundle before the huckster and his wife; listening earnestly and            
doubtfully。 They were talking of something with special warmth。 The         
moment Raskolnikov caught sight of her; he was overcome by a strange        
sensation as it were of intense astonishment; though there was nothing      
astonishing about this meeting。                                             
  〃You could make up your mind for yourself; Lizaveta Ivanovna;〃 the        
huckster was saying aloud。 〃Come round tomorrow about seven。 They will      
be here too。〃                                                               
  〃To…morrow?〃 said Lizaveta slowly and thoughtfully; as though unable      
to make up her mind。                                                        
  〃Upon my word; what a fright you are in of Alyona Ivanovna;〃 gabbled      
the huckster's wife; a lively little woman。 〃I look at you; you are         
like some little babe。 And she is not your own sister either…               
nothing but a stepsister and what a hand she keeps over you!〃               
  〃But this time don't say a word to Alyona Ivanovna;〃 her husband          
interrupted; 〃that's my advice; but come round to us without asking。        
It will be worth your while。 Later on your sister herself may have a        
  〃Am I to come?〃                                                           
  〃About seven o'clock to…morrow。 And they will be here。 You will be        
able to decide for yourself。〃                                               
  〃And we'll have a cup of tea;〃 added his wife。                            
  〃All right; I'll come;〃 said Lizaveta; still pondering; and she           
began slowly moving away。                                                   
  Raskolnikov had just passed and heard no more。 He passed softly;          
unnoticed; trying not to miss a word。 His first amazement was followed      
by a thrill of horror; like a shiver running down his spine。 He had         
learnt; he had suddenly quite unexpectedly learnt; that the next day        
at seven o'clock Lizaveta; the old woman's sister and only                  
companion; would be away from home and that therefore at seven o'clock      
precisely the old woman would be left alone。                                
  He was only a few steps from his lodging。 He went in like a man           
condemned to death。 He thought of nothing and was incapable of              
thinking; but he felt suddenly in his whole being that he had no            
more freedom of thought; no will; and that everything was suddenly and      
irrevocably decided。                                                        
  Certainly; if he had to wait whole years for a suitable opportunity;      
he could not reckon on a more certain step towards the success of           
the plan than that which had just presented itself。 In any case; it         
would have been difficult to find out beforehand and with certainty;        
with greater exactness and less risk; and without dangerous                 
inquiries and investigations; that next day at a certain time an old        
woman; on whose life an attempt was contemplated; would be at home and      
entirely alone。                                                             


                             Chapter Six                                    
  LATER on Raskolnikov happened to find out why the huckster and his        
wife had invited Lizaveta。 It was a very ordinary matter and there was      
nothing exceptional about it。 A family who had come to the town and         
been reduced to poverty were selling their household goods and              
clothes; all women's things。 As the things would have fetched little        
in the market; they were looking for a dealer。 This was Lizaveta's          
business。 She undertook such jobs and was frequently employed; as           
she was very honest and always fixed a fair price and stuck to it。 She      
spoke as a rule little and; as we have said already; she was very           
submissive and timid。                                                       
  But Raskolnikov had become superstitious of late。 The traces of           
superstition remained in him long after; and were almost ineradicable。      
And in all this he was always afterwards disposed to see something          
strange and mysterious; as it were the presence of some peculiar            
influences and coincidences。 In the previous winter a student he            
knew called Pokorev; who had left for Harkov; had chanced in                
conversation to give him the address of Alyona Ivanovna; the old            
pawnbroker; in case he might want to pawn anything。 For a long while        
he did not go to her; for he had lessons and managed to get along           
somehow。 Six weeks ago he had remembered the address; he had two            
articles that could be pawned: his father's old silver watch and a          
little gold ring with three red stones; a present from his sister at        
parting。 He decided to take the ring。 When he found the old woman he        
had felt an insurmountable repulsion for her at the first glance;           
though he knew nothing special about her。 He got two roubles from           
her and went into a miserable little tavern on his way home。 He             
asked for tea; sat down and sank into deep thought。 A strange idea was      
pecking at his brain like a chicken in the egg; and very; very much         
absorbed him。                                                               
  Almost beside him at the next table there was sitting a student;          
whom he did not know and had never seen; and with him a young officer。      
They had played a game of billiards and began drinking tea。 All at          
once he heard the student mention to the officer the pawnbroker Alyona      
Ivanovna and give him her address。 This of itself seemed strange to         
Raskolnikov; he had just come from her and here at once he heard her        
name。 Of course it was a chance; but he could not shake off a very          
extraordinary impression; and here some one seemed to be speaking           
expressly for him; the student b
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