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the golden threshold(金色的门槛)-第7章

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sumptuous festival。 


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                                THE GOLDEN THRESHOLD 

                                STREET CRIES 

    When   dawn's   first   cymbals   beat   upon   the   sky;   Rousing   the   world   to 

labour's various cry; To tend the flock; to bind the mellowing grain; From 

ardent toil to forge a little gain; And fasting men go forth on hurrying feet; 

BUY BREAD; BUY BREAD; rings down the eager street。 

    When   the   earth   falters   and   the   waters   swoon   With   the   implacable 

radiance of noon; And in dim shelters koils hush their notes; And the faint; 

thirsting blood in languid throats Craves liquid succour from the cruel heat; 

BUY FRUIT; BUY FRUIT; steals down the panting street。 

    When twilight twinkling o'er the gay bazaars; Unfurls a sudden canopy 

of   stars;   When   lutes   are   strung   and   fragrant   torches   lit   On   white   roof… 

terraces where lovers sit Drinking together of life's poignant sweet; BUY 

FLOWERS; BUY FLOWERS; floats down the singing street。 

                                     TO INDIA 

    O    young    through    all  thy  immemorial      years!   Rise;   Mother;    rise; 

regenerate from thy gloom; And; like a bride high…mated with the spheres; 

Beget new glories from thine ageless womb! 

    The   nations   that   in   fettered   darkness   weep   Crave   thee   to   lead   them 

where great mornings break 。 。 。 。 Mother; O Mother; wherefore dost thou 

sleep? Arise and answer for thy children's sake! 

    Thy   Future   calls   thee   with   a   manifold   sound   To   crescent   honours; 

splendours; victories vast; Waken; O slumbering Mother and be crowned; 

Who once wert empress of the sovereign Past。 


    I muse among these silent fanes Whose spacious darkness guards your 

dust; Around   me   sleep   the   hoary   plains   That   hold   your   ancient   wars   in 

trust。 I pause; my dreaming spirit hears; Across the wind's unquiet tides; 


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                                THE GOLDEN THRESHOLD 

The glimmering music of your spears; The laughter of your royal brides。 

     In   vain;   O   Kings;   doth   time   aspire   To   make   your   names   oblivion's 

sport; While yonder hill wears like a tier The ruined grandeur of your fort。 

Though centuries falter and decline; Your proven strongholds shall remain 

Embodied memories of your line; Incarnate legends of your reign。 

     O   Queens;   in   vain   old   Fate   decreed   Your   flower…like   bodies   to   the 

tomb;   Death   is   in   truth the   vital   seed   Of   your   imperishable bloom  Each 

new…born year the bulbuls sing Their songs of your renascent loves; Your 

beauty wakens with the spring To kindle these pomegranate groves。 


     Lord Buddha; on thy Lotus…throne; With praying eyes and hands elate; 

What mystic rapture dost thou own; Immutable and ultimate? What peace; 

unravished of our ken; Annihilate from the world of men? 

     The wind of change for ever blows Across the tumult of our way; To… 

morrow's      unborn   griefs   depose   The   sorrows    of  our   yesterday。   Dream 

yields to dream; strife follows       strife; 

    And Death unweaves the webs of Life。 

    For us the travail and the heat; The broken secrets of our pride; The 

strenuous lessons of defeat; The flower deferred; the fruit denied; But not 

the peace; supremely won; Lord Buddha; of thy Lotus…throne。 

    With   futile   hands   we   seek   to   gain   Our   inaccessible   desire;   Diviner 

summits to attain; With faith that sinks and feet that tire; But nought shall 

conquer or control The heavenward hunger of our soul。 

     The end; elusive and afar; Still lures us with its beckoning flight; And 

all our mortal moments are A session of the Infinite。 How shall we reach 

the great; unknown Nirvana of thy Lotus…throne? 



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