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the voice of the city-第15章

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awhile。  I never went to pieces like this before; and

I've had a good many hard knocks。  Do you think

you could hustle something in the way of a little

lunch; old man?  I'm afraid my nerve's too far gone

to try any panhandling〃

Vallance led his companion up almost deserted

Fifth Avenue; and then westward along the Thirties

toward Broadway。  〃Wait here a few minutes;〃 he

said; leaving Ide in a quiet and shadowed spot。  He

entered a familiar hotel; and strolled toward the bar

quite in his old assured way。

〃There's a poor devil outside; Jimmy;〃 he said to

the bartender; 〃who says he's hungry and looks it。

You know what they do when you give them money。

Fix up a sandwich or two for him; and I'll see that

he doesn't throw it away。〃

〃Certainly; Mr。 Vallance;〃 said the bartender。

〃They ain't all fakes。  Don't like to see anybody go


Ide folded a liberal supply of the free lunch into a

napkin。  Vallance went with it and joined his com…

panion。  Ide pounced upon the food ravenously。  〃I

haven't had any free lunch as good as this in a

year;〃 be said。  〃Aren't you going to eat any;


〃I'm not hungry … thanks;〃 said Vallance。

〃We'll go back to the Square;〃 said Ide。  〃The

cops won't bother us there。  I'll roll up the rest of

this ham and stuff for our breakfast。  I won't eat

any more; I'm afraid I'll get sick。  Suppose I'd die

of cramps or something to…night; and never get to

touch that money again!  It's eleven hours yet till

time to see that lawyer。 You won't leave me; will

you; Dawson? I'm afraid something might happen。

You haven't any place to go; have you?〃

〃No;〃 said Vallance; 〃nowhere to…night。 I'll

have a bench with you。〃

〃You take it cool;〃 said Ide; 〃if you've told it to

me straight。  I should think a man put on the bum

from a good job just in one day would be tearing his


〃I believe I've already remarked;〃 said Vallance;

laughing; 〃that I would have thought that a man

who was expecting to come into a fortune on the

next day would be feeling pretty easy and quiet。〃

〃It's funny business;〃 philosophized Ide; 〃about

the way people take things; anyhow。  Here's your

bench; Dawson; right next to mine。  The light don't

shine in your eyes here。  Say; Dawson; I'll get the

old man to give you a letter to somebody about a job

when I get back home。 You've helped me a lot to…

night。  I don't believe I could have gone through

the night if I hadn't struck you。〃

〃Thank you;〃 said Vallance。  〃Do you lie down

or sit up on these when you sleep?

For hours Vallance gazed almost without winking

at the stars through the branches of the trees and

listened to the sharp slapping of horses' hoofs on the

sea of asphalt to the south  His mind was active;

but his feelings were dormant。  Every emotion

seemed to have been eradicated。  Ide felt no regrets;

no fears; no pain or discomfort。  Even when be

thought of the girl; it was as of an inhabitant of one

of those remote stars at which be gazed。  He re…

membered the absurd antics of his companion and

laughed softly; yet without a feeling of mirth。  Soon

the daily army of milk wagons made of the city a

roaring drum to which they marched。  Vallance fell

asleep on his comfortless bench。

At ten o'clock on the next day the two stood at the

door of Lawyer Mead's office in Ann Street。

Ide's nerves fluttered worse than ever when the

hour approached; and Vallance could not decide to

leave him a possible prey to the dangers he dreaded。

When they entered the office; Lawyer Mead looked

at them wonderingly。  He and Vallance were old

friends。  After his greeting; he turned to Ide; who

stood with white face and trembling limbs before the

expected crisis。

〃I sent a second letter to your address last night;

Mr。 Ide;〃 he said。  〃I learned this morning that

you were not there to receive it。  It will inform you

that Mr。 Paulding has reconsidered his offer to take

you back into favor。  He has decided not to do so;

and desires you to understand that no change will be

made in the relations existing between you and


Ide's trembling suddenly ceased。  The color came

back to his face; and be straightened his back。  His

jaw went forward half an inch; and a gleam came

into his eye。  He pushed back his battered bat with

one hand; and extended the other; with levelled fin…

gers; toward the lawyer。  He took a long breath and

then laughed sardonically。

〃Tell old Paulding he may go to the devil;〃 he

said; loudly and clearly; and turned and walked out

of the office with a firm and lively step。

Lawyer Mead turned on his heel to Vallance and


〃I am glad you came in;〃 he said; genially。

〃Your uncle wants you to return home at once。  He

is reconciled to the situation that led to his hasty

action; and desires to say that all will be as  〃

〃Hey; Adams!〃 cried Lawyer Mead; breaking his

sentence; and calling to his clerk。  〃Bring a glass of

water Mr。 Vallance has fainted。〃


There are a few editor men with whom I am privi…

leged to come in contact。  It has not been long since

it was their habit to come in contact with me。  There

is a difference。

They tell me that with a large number of the

manuscripts that are submitted to them come advices

(in the way of a boost) from the author asseverating

that the incidents in the story are true。  The des…

tination of such contributions depends wholly upon

the question of the enclosure of stamps。  Some are

returned; the rest are thrown on the floor in a corner

on top of a pair of gum shoes; an overturned statu…

ette of the Winged Victory; and a pile of old maga…

zines containing a picture of the editor in the act

of reading the latest copy of Le Petit Journal; right

side up … you can tell by the illustrations。  It is

only a legend that there are waste baskets in editors'


Thus is truth held in disrepute。  But in time truth

and science and nature will adapt themselves to art。

Things will happen logically; and the villain be dis…

comfited instead of being elected to the board of

directors。  But in the meantime fiction must not only

be divorced from fact; but must pay alimony and be

awarded custody of the press despatches。

This preamble is to warn you off the grade cross…

ing of a true story。  Being that; it shall be told sim…

ply; with conjunctions substituted for adjectives

wherever possible; and whatever evidences of style

may appear in it shall be due to the linotype man。

It is a story of the literary life in a great city; and

it should be of interest to every author within a 20…

mile radius of Gosport; Ind。; whose desk holds a MS。

story beginning thus: 〃While the cheers following

his nomination were still ringing through the old

courthouse; Harwood broke away from the congrat…

ulating handclasps of his henchmen and hurried to

Judge Creswell's house to find Ida。〃

Pettit came up out of Alabama to write fiction。

The Southern papers had printed eight of his stories

under an editorial caption identifying the author as

the son of 〃the gallant Major Pettingill Pettit; our

former County Attorney and hero of the battle of

Lookout Mountain。〃

Pettit was a rugged fellow; with a kind of shame…

faced culture; and my good friend。  His father kept

a general store in a little town called Hosea。  Pettit

had been raised in the pine…woods and broom…sedge

fields adjacent thereto。  He had in his gripsack two

manuscript novels of the adventures in Picardy of

one Gaston Laboulaye; Vicompte de Montrepos; in

the year 1329。  That's nothing。  We all do that。

And some day when we make a hit with the little

sketch about a newsy and his lame dog; the editor

prints the other one for us  or 〃on us;〃 as the say…

ing is  and then  and then we have to get a big

valise and peddle those patent air…draft gas burners。

At 1。25 everybody should have 'em。

I took Pettit to the red…brick house which was to

appear in an article entitled 〃Literary Landmarks

of Old New York;〃 some day when we got through

with it。 He engaged a room there; drawing on the

general store for his expenses。 I showed New York

to him; and he did not mention how much narrower

Broadway is than Lee Avenue in Hosea。  This

seemed a good sign; so I put the final test。

〃Suppose you try your band at a descriptive arti…

cle;〃 I suggested; 〃giving your impressions of New

York as seen from the Brooklyn Bridge。  The fresh

point of view; the  〃

〃Don't be a fool;〃 said Pettit。 〃Let's go have

some beer。  On the whole I rather like the city。〃

We discovered and enjoyed the only true Bohemia。

Every day and night we repaired to one of those

palaces of marble and glass and tilework; where goes

on a tremendous and sounding epic of life。  Valhalla

itself could not be more glorious and
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