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the voice of the city-第18章

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story in the evenin' paper that I am readin'。  Men

are divin' in the seas for a treasure; and pirates are

watchin' them from behind a reef。  And there ain't

a woman on land or water or in the air。  Good…

evenin'。〃 And he trundled his pushcart down the

alley and back to the musty court where he lived。

Incredibly to him who has not learned woman;

Mademoiselle sat at the window each day and spread

her nets for the ignominious game。  Once she kept a

grand cavalier waiting in her reception chamber for

half an hour while she battered in vain the candy

man's tough philosophy。  His rough laugh chafed her

vanity to its core。  Daily he sat on his cart in the

breeze of the alley while her hair was being ministered

to; and daily the shafts of her beauty rebounded

from his dull bosom pointless and ineffectual。  Un…

worthy pique brightened her eyes。  Pride…hurt she

glowed upon him in a way that would have sent her

higher adorers into an egoistic paradise。  The candy

man's hard eyes looked upon her with a half…con…

cealed derision that urged her to the use of the sharp…

est arrow in her beauty's quiver。

One afternoon she leaned far over the sill; and she

did not challenge and torment him as usual。

〃Candy man;〃 said she; 〃stand up and look into

my eyes。〃

He stood up and looked into her eyes; with his

harsh laugh like the sawing of wood。  He took out

his pipe; fumbled with it; and put it back into big

pocket with a trembling band。

〃That will do;〃 said Mademoiselle; with a slow

smile。  〃I must go now to my masseuse。  Good…


The next evening at seven the candy man came and

rested his cart under the window。  But was it the

candy man?  His clothes were a bright new check。

His necktie was a flaming red; adorned by a glit…

tering horseshoe pin; almost life…size。  His shoes were

polished; the tan of his cheeks had paled  his hands

had been washed。  The window was empty; and he

waited under it with his nose upward; like a hound

hoping for a bone。

Mademoiselle came; with Sidonie carrying her load

of hair。  She looked at the candy man and smiled a

slow smile that faded away into ennui。  Instantly she

knew that the game was bagged; and so quickly

she wearied of the chase。  She began to talk to


〃Been a fine day;〃 said the candy man; hollowly。

〃First time in a month I've felt first…class。  Hit it

up down old Madison; hollering out like I useter。

Think it'll rain to…morrow?〃

Mademoiselle laid two round arms on the cushion

on the window…sill; and a dimpled chin upon them。

〃Candy man;〃 said she; softly; 〃do you not

love me? 〃

The candy man stood up and leaned against the

brick wall。

〃Lady;〃 said be; chokingly; 〃I've got 800 saved

up。 Did I say you wasn't beautiful?  Take it every

bit of it and buy a collar for your dog with it。〃

A sound as of a hundred silvery bells tinkled in the

room of Mademoiselle。  The laughter filled the alley

and trickled back into the court; as strange a thing to

enter there as sunlight itself。  Mademoiselle was

amused。  Sidonie; a wise echo; added a sepulchral but

faithful contralto。  The laughter of the two seemed

at last to penetrate the candy man。  He fumbled

with his horseshoe pin。  At length Mademoiselle; ex…

hausted; turned her flushed; beautiful face to the win…


〃Candy man;〃 said she; 〃go away。  When I

laugh Sidonie pulls my hair。  I can but laugh while

you remain there。〃

〃Here is a note for Mademoiselle;〃 said Fe1ice;

coming to the window in the room。

〃There is no justice;〃 said the candy man; lift…

ing the handle of his cart and moving away。

Three yards he moved; and stopped。  Loud shriek

after shriek came from the window of Mademoiselle。

Quickly he ran back。  He heard a body thumping

upon the floor and a sound as though heels beat alter…

nately upon it。

〃What is it?〃 be called。

Sidonie's severe head came into the window。

〃Mademoiselle is overcome by bad news;〃 she said。

〃One whom she loved with all her soul has gone 

you may have beard of him  he is Monsieur Ives。

He sails across the ocean to…morrow。  Oh; you men!〃


At the hazard of wearying you this tale of vehe…

ment emotions must be prefaced by a discourse on


Nature moves in circles; Art in straight lines。

The natural is rounded; the artificial is made up

of angles。  A man lost in the snow wanders; in spite

of himself; in perfect circles; the city man's feet;

denaturalized by rectangular streets and floors; carry

him ever away from himself。

The round eyes of childhood typify innocence;

the narrowed line of the flirt's optic proves the in…

vasion of art。  The horizontal mouth is the mark of

determined cunning; who has not read Nature's most

spontaneous lyric in lips rounded for the candid kiss?

Beauty is Nature in perfection; circularity is its

chief attribute。  Behold the full moon; the enchant…

ing golf ball; the domes of splendid temples; the

huckleberry pie; the wedding ring; the circus ring;

the ring for the waiter; and the 〃round〃 of drinks。

On the other hand; straight lines show that Na…

ture has been deflected。  Imagine Venus's girdle

transformed into a 〃straight front〃!

When we begin to move in straight lines and turn

sharp corners our natures begin to change。  The

consequence is that Nature; being more adaptive than

Art; tries to conform to its sterner regulations。  The

result is often a rather curious product  for in…

stance: A prize chrysanthemum; wood alcohol whis…

key; a Republican Missouri; cauliflower au gratin;

and a New Yorker;

Nature is lost quickest in a big city。  The cause

is geometrical; not moral。  The straight lines of its

streets and architecture; the rectangularity of its

laws and social customs; the undeviating pavements;

the hard; severe; depressing; uncompromising rules

of all its ways  even of its recreation and sports  

coldly exhibit a sneering defiance of the curved line

of Nature。

Wherefore; it may be said that the big city has

demonstrated the problem of squaring the circle。

And it may be added that this mathematical intro…

duction precedes an account of the fate of a Kentucky

feud that was imported to the city that has a habit

of making its importations conform to its angles。

The feud began in the Cumberland Mountains be…

tween the Folwell and the Harkness families。  The

first victim of the homespun vendetta was a 'possum

dog belonging to Bill Harkness。  The Harkness

family evened up this dire loss by laying out the

chief of the Folwell clan。  The Folwells were prompt

at repartee。  They oiled up their squirrel rifles and

made it feasible for Bill Harkness to follow his dog

to a land where the 'possums come down when treed

without the stroke of an ax。

The feud flourished for forty years。  Harknesses

were shot at the plough; through their lamp…lit cabin

windows; coming from camp…meeting; asleep; in duello;

sober and otherwise; singly and in family groups;

prepared and unprepared。 Folwells had the

branches of their family tree lopped off in similar

ways; as the traditions of their country prescribed

and authorized。

By and by the pruning left but a single member

of each family。  And then Cal Harkness; probably

reasoning that further pursuance of the controversy

would give a too decided personal flavor to the feud;

suddenly disappeared from the relieved Cumberlands;

baulking the avenging hand of Sam; the ultimate op…

posing Folwell。

A year afterward Sam Folwell learned that his

hereditary; unsuppressed enemy was living in New

York City。  Sam turned over the big iron wash…pot

in the yard; scraped off some of the soot; which he

mixed with lard and shined his boots with the com…

pound。  He put on his store clothes of butternut

dyed black; a white shirt and collar; and packed a

carpet…sack with Spartan lingerie。  He took his

squirrel rifle from its hooks; but put it back again

with a sigh。  However ethical and plausible the habit

might be in the Cumberlands; perhaps New York

would not swallow his pose of hunting squirrels among

the skyscrapers along Broadway。  An ancient but

reliable Colt's revolver that he resurrected from a

bureau drawer seemed to proclaim itself the pink of

weapons for metropolitan adventure and vengeance。

This and a hunting…knife in a leather sheath; Sam

packed in the carpet…sack。  As he started; Muleback;

for the lowland railroad station the last Folwell

turned in his saddle and looked grimly at the little

cluster of white…pine slabs in the clump of cedars that

marked the Folwell burying…ground。

Sam Folwell arrived in New York in the night。

Still moving and living in the free circles of nature;

he did not perceive the formidable; pitiless; restless;

fierce angles of the great city waiting i
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