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the voice of the city-第20章

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〃That would be a good guess in Wall Street or in

a campaign for the presidency of a woman's club;〃

said Ravenel; quietly。  〃Now; there is a poem … if

you will allow me to call it that … of my own in this

number of the magazine。〃

〃Read it to me;〃 said Sammy; watching a cloud

of pipe…smoke be had just blown out the window。

Ravenel was no greater than Achilles。  No one is。

There is bound to be a spot。  The Somebody…or…Other

must take bold of us somewhere when she dips us in

the Something…or…Other that makes us invulnerable。

He read aloud this verse in the magazine:


'One rose I twined within your hair 

  (White rose; that spake of worth);

And one you placed upon your breast 

  (Red rose; love's seal of birth)。

You plucked another from its stem 

  (Tea rose; that means for aye);

And one you gave  that bore for me

  The thorns of memory。〃

〃That's a crackerjack;〃 said Sammy; admiringly。

There are five more verses;〃 said Ravenel; pa…

tiently sardonic。  〃One naturally pauses at the end

of each。  Of course  〃

〃Oh; let's have the rest; old man;〃 shouted Sammy;

contritely; 〃 I didn't mean to cut you off。  I'm not

much of a poetry expert; you know。  I never saw a

poem that didn't look like it ought to have terminal

facilities at the end of every verse。  Reel off the rest

of it。〃

Ravenel sighed; and laid the magazine down。  〃All

right;〃 said Sammy; cheerfully; 〃we'll have it next

time。  I'll be off now。  Got a date at five o'clock。〃

He took a last look at the shaded green garden

and left; whistling in an off key an untuneful air from

a roofless farce comedy。

The next afternoon Ravenel; while polishing a

ragged line of a new sonnet; reclined by the window

overlooking the besieged garden of the unmercenary

baron。  Suddenly he sat up; spilling two rhymes and

a syllable or two。;

Through the trees one window of the old mansion

could be seen clearly。  In its window; draped in flow…

ing white; leaned the angel of all his dreams of ro…

mance and poesy。  Young; fresh as a drop of dew;

graceful as a spray of clematis; conferring upon the

garden hemmed in by the roaring traffic the air

of a princess's bower; beautiful as any flower sung

by poet  thus Ravenel saw her for the first time。

She lingered for a while; and then disappeared within;

leaving a few notes of a birdlike ripple of song to

reach his entranced ears through the rattle of cabs

and the snarling of the electric cars。

Thus; as if to challenge the poet's flaunt at ro…

mance and to punish him for his recreancy to the

undying spirit of youth and beauty; this vision bad

dawned upon him with a thrilling and accusive power。

And so metabolic was the power that in an instant

the atoms of Ravenel's entire world were redistrib…

uted。  The laden drays that passed the house in which

she lived rumbled a deep double…bass to the tune of

love。  The newsboys' shouts were the notes of singing

birds; that garden was the pleasance of the Capulets;

the janitor was an ogre; himself a knight; ready with

sword; lance or lute。

Thus does romance show herself amid forests of

brick and stone when she gets lost in the city; and

there has to be sent out a general alarm to find her


At four in the afternoon Ravenel looked out across

the garden。  In the window of his hopes were set

four small vases; each containing a great; full…blown

rose … red and white。  And; as he gazed; she leaned

above them; shaming them with her loveliness and

seeming to direct her eyes pensively toward his own

window。  And then; as though she had caught his

respectful but ardent regard; she melted away; leaving

the fragrant emblems on the window…sill。

〃Yes; emblems!  he would be unworthy if be had

not understood。  She had read his poem; 〃The Four

Roses〃; it had reached her heart; and this was its

romantic answer。  Of course she must know that

Ravenel; the poet; lived there across her garden。  His

picture; too; she must have seen in the magazines。

The delicate; tender; modest; flattering message could

not be ignored。

Ravenel noticed beside the roses a small flowering…

pot containing a plant。  Without shame be brought

his opera…glasses and employed them from the cover

of his window…curtain。  A nutmeg geranium!

With the true poetic instinct be dragged a book

of useless information from his shelves; and tore open

the leaves at 〃The Language of Flowers。〃

〃Geranium; Nutmeg … I expect a meeting。〃

So! Romance never does things by halves。  If she

comes back to you she brings gifts and her knitting;

and will sit in your chimney…corner if you will let


And now Ravenel smiled。  The lover smiles

when be thinks he has won。  The woman who loves

ceases to smile with victory。  He ends a battle; she

begins hers。  What a pretty idea to set the four roses

in her window for him to see!  She must have

a sweet; poetic soul。  And now to contrive the


A whistling and slamming of doors preluded the

coming of Sammy Brown。

Ravenel smiled again。  Even Sammy Brown was

shone upon by the far…flung rays of the renaissance。

Sammy; with his ultra clothes; his horseshoe pin; his

plump face; his trite slang; his uncomprehending

admiration of Ravenel  the broker's clerk made an

excellent foil to the new; bright unseen visitor to the

poet's sombre apartment。

Sammy went to his old seat by the window; and

looked out over the dusty green foliage in the

garden。  Then he looked at his watch; and rose


〃By grabs!〃 he exclaimed。  〃Twenty after four!

I can't stay; old man; I've got a date at 4:30。〃

〃Why did you come; then?〃 asked Ravenel; with

sarcastic jocularity; 〃if you had an engagement at

that time。  I thought you business men kept better

account of your minutes and seconds than that。〃

Sammy hesitated in the doorway and turned


〃Fact is; Ravvy;〃 be explained; as to a customer

whose margin is exhausted; 〃I didn't know I had it

till I came。  I'll tell you; old man … there's a dandy

girl in that old house next door that I'm dead gone

on。 I put it straight  we're engaged。  The old

man says 'nit' but that don't go。  He keeps her

pretty close。  I can see Edith's window from yours

here。  She gives me a tip when she's going shopping;

and I meet her。  It's 4:30 to…day。  Maybe I ought

to have explained sooner; but I know it's all right

with you  so long。〃

〃How do you get your 'tip;' as you call it?〃 asked

Ravenel; losing a little spontaneity from his smile。

〃Roses;〃 said Sammy; briefly。 Four of 'em to…

day。  Means four o'clock at the corner of Broadway

and Twenty…third。〃

〃But the geranium?〃 persisted Ravenel; clutch…

ing at the end of flying Romance's trailing robe。

〃Means half…past 5;〃 shouted Sammy from the hall。

〃See you to…morrow。〃


〃During the recent warmed…over spell;〃 said my

friend Carney; driver of express wagon No。 8;606;

〃a good many opportunities was had of observing

human nature through peekaboo waists。

〃The Park Commissioner and the Commissioner

of Polis and the Forestry Commission gets together

and agrees to let the people sleep in the parks until

the Weather Bureau gets the thermometer down again

to a living basis。  So they draws up open…air resolu…

tions and has them 0。 K。'd by the Secretary of Agri…

culture; Mr。 Comstock and the Village Improvement

Mosquito Exterminating Society of South Orange;

N。 J。

〃When the proclamation was made opening up to

the people by special grant the public parks that be…

long to 'em; there was a general exodus into Central

Park by the communities existing along its borders。

In ten minutes after sundown you'd have thought

that there was an undress rehearsal of a potato

famine in Ireland and a Kishineff massacre。  They

come by families; gangs; clambake societies; clans;

clubs and tribes from all sides to enjoy a cool sleep on

the grass。  Them that didn't have oil stoves brought

along plenty of blankets; so as not to be upset with

the cold and discomforts of sleeping outdoors。  By

building fires of the shade trees and huddling together

in the bridle paths; and burrowing under the grass

where the ground was soft enough; the likes of 5;000

head of people successfully battled against the night

air in Central Park alone。

〃Ye know I live in the elegant furnished apart…

ment house called the Beersheba Flats; over against

the elevated portion of the New York Central Rail…


〃When the order come to the flats that all hands

must turn out and sleep in the park; according to the

instructions of the consulting committee of the City

Club and the Murphy Draying; Returfing and Sod…

ding Company; there was a look of a couple of fires

and an eviction all
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