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the voice of the city-第26章

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sat at a little table on the same balcony。  A discreet

waiter brought ices and small glasses of claret cup。

Madame Beaumont wore the same beautiful even…

ing gown that she had worn each day at dinner。  She

seemed thoughtful。  Near her hand on the table lay a

small chatelaine purse。  After she had eaten her ice

she opened the purse and took out a one…dollar bill。

〃Mr。 Farrington;〃 she said; with the smile that

had won the Hotel Lotus; 〃I want to tell you some…

thing。  I'm going to leave before breakfast in the

morning; because I've got to go back to my work。

I'm behind the hosiery counter at Casey's Mammoth

Store; and my vacation's up at eight o'clock to…

morrow。  That paper…dollar is the last cent I'll see

till I draw my eight dollars salary next Saturday

night。  You're a real gentleman; and you've been

good to me; and I wanted to tell you before I went。

I've been saving up out of my wages for a year

just for this vacation。  I wanted to spend one week

like a lady if I never do another one。  I wanted to

get up when I please instead of having to crawl out

at seven every morning; and I wanted to live on the

best and be waited on and ring bells for things just

like rich folks do。  Now I've done it; and I've had the

happiest time I ever expect to have in my life。  I'm

going back to my work and my little hall bedroom

satisfied for another year。  I wanted to tell you

about it; Mr。 Farrington; because I  I thought you

kind of liked me; and I  I liked you。  But; oh; I

couldn't help deceiving you up till now; for it was all

just like a fairy tale to me。  So I talked about Eu…

rope and the things I've read about in other countries;

and made you think I was a great lady。

〃This dress I've got on  it's the only one I have

that's fit to wear  I bought from O'Dowd & Levin…

sky on the instalment plan。〃

〃Seventy…five dollars is the price; and it was made

to measure。  I paid 10 down; and they're to collect

1 a week till it's paid for。  That'll be about all I

have to say; Mr。 Farrington; except that my name is

Mamie Siviter instead of Madame Beaumont; and I

thank you for your attentions。  This dollar will pay

the instalment due on the dress to…morrow。  I guess

I'll go up to my room now。〃

Harold Farrington listened to the recital of the

Lotus's loveliest guest with an impassive countenance。

When she had concluded he drew a small book like a

checkbook from his coat pocket。  He wrote upon a

blank form in this with a stub of pencil; tore out the

leaf; tossed it over to his companion and took up the

paper dollar。

〃I've got to go to work; too; in the morning;〃 he

said; 〃and I might as well begin now。  There's a

receipt for the dollar instalment。  I've been a col…

lector for O'Dowd & Levinsky for three years。

Funny; ain't it; that you and me both had the same

idea about spending our vacation?  I've always

wanted to put up at a swell hotel; and I saved up out

of my twenty per; and did it。  Say; Mame; how about

a trip to Coney Saturday night on the boat


The face of the pseudo Madame Heloise D'Arcy

Beaumont beamed。

〃Oh; you bet I'll go; Mr。 Farrington。  The store

closes at twelve on Saturdays。  I guess Coney'll be

all right even if we did spend a week with the swells。〃

Below the balcony the sweltering city growled and

buzzed in the July night。  Inside the Hotel Lotus

the tempered; cool shadows reigned; and the solicitous

waiter single…footed near the low windows; ready at

a nod to serve Madame and her escort。

At the door of the elevator Farrington took his

leave; and Madame Beaumont made her last ascent。

But before they reached the noiseless cage be said:

〃Just forget that 'Harold Farrington;' will you?

McManus is the name  James McManus。  Some

call me Jimmy。〃

〃Good…night; Jimmy;〃 said Madame。


Miss Posie Carrington had earned her suc…

cess。  She began life handicapped by the family name

of 〃Boggs;〃 in the small town known as Cranberry

Corners。  At the age of eighteen she had acquired

the name of 〃Carrington〃 and a position in the

chorus of a metropolitan burlesque company。

Thence upward she had ascended by the legitimate and

delectable steps of 〃broiler;〃 member of the famous

〃Dickey…bird〃 octette; in the successful musical

comedy; 〃Fudge and Fellows;〃 leader of the potato…

bug dance in 〃Fol…de…Rol;〃 and at length to the part

of the maid 〃'Toinette〃 in 〃The King's Bath…Robe;〃

which captured the critics and gave her her chance。

And when we come to consider Miss Carrington she

is in the heydey of flattery; fame and fizz; and that

astute manager; Herr Timothy Goldstein; has her

signature to iron…clad papers that she will star the

coming season in Dyde Rich's new play; 〃Paresis by


Promptly there came to Herr Timothy a capable

twentieth…century young character actor by the name

of Highsmith; who besought engagement as 〃Sol

Haytosser;〃 the comic and chief male character part

in 〃Paresis by Gaslight。〃

〃My boy;〃 said Goldstein; 〃take the part if you

can get it。  Miss Carrington won't listen to any of

my suggestions。  She has turned down half a dozen

of the best imitators of the rural dub in the city。

She declares she won't set a foot on the stage un…

less 'Haytosser' is the best that can be raked up 

She was raised in a village; you know; and when a

Broadway orchid sticks a straw in his hair and tries

to call himself a clover blossom she's on; all right。

I asked her; in a sarcastic vein; if she thought Den…

man Thompson would make any kind of a show in the

part。  'Oh; no;' says she。  'I don't want him or

John Drew or Jim Corbett or any of these swell

actors that don't know a turnip from a turnstile。  I

want the real article。' So; my boy; if you want to

play I 'Sol Haytosser' you will have to convince Miss

Carrington。  Luck be with you。〃

Highsmith took the train the next day for Cran…

berry Corners。  He remained in that forsaken and

inanimate village three days。  He found the Boggs

family and corkscrewed their history unto the third

and fourth generation。  He amassed the facts and the

local color of Cranberry Corners。  The village had

not grown as rapidly as had Miss Carrington。  The

actor estimated that it had suffered as few actual

changes since the departure of its solitary follower

of Thespis as had a stage upon which 〃four years

is supposed to have elapsed。〃 He absorbed Cran…

berry Corners and returned to the city of chameleon


It was in the rathskeller that Highsmith made the

hit of his histrionic career。  There is no need to

name the place; there is but one rathskeller where

you could hope to find Miss Posie Carrington after a

performance of 〃The King's Bath…Robe。〃

There was a jolly small party at one of the tables

that drew many eyes。  Miss Carrington; petite; mar…

vellous; bubbling; electric; fame…drunken; shall be

named first。  Herr Goldstein follows; sonorous; curly…

haired; heavy; a trifle anxious; as some bear that had

caught; somehow; a butterfly in his claws。  Next;

a man condemned to a newspaper; sad; courted;

armed; analyzing for press agent's dross every sen…

tence that was poured over him; eating his a la New…

burg in the silence of greatness。  To conclude; a

youth with parted hair; a name that is ochre to red

journals and gold on the back of a supper check。

These sat at a table while the musicians played; while

waiters moved in the mazy performance of their duties

with their backs toward all who desired their service;

and all was bizarre and merry because it was nine feet

below the level of the sidewalk。

At 11。45 a being entered the rathskeller。 The

first violin perceptibly flatted a C that should have

been natural; the clarionet blew a bubble instead of a

grace note; Miss Carrington giggled and the youth

with parted hair swallowed an olive seed。

Exquisitely and irreproachably rural was the new

entry。  A lank; disconcerted; hesitating young man

it was; flaxen…haired; gaping of mouth; awkward;

stricken to misery by the lights and company。  His

clothing was butternut; with bright blue tie; showing

four inches of bony wrist and white…socked ankle。

He upset a chair; sat in another one; curled a foot

around a table leg and cringed at the approach of

a waiter。

〃You may fetch me a glass of lager beer;〃 he said;

in response to the discreet questioning of the


The eyes of the rathskeller were upon him。  He was

as fresh as a collard and as ingenuous as a hay rake。

He let his eye rove about the place as one who re…

gards; big…eyed; hogs in the potato patch。  His gaze

rested at length upon Miss Carrington。  He rose and

went to her table with a lateral; shining smile and

a blush of pleased trepidation。

〃How're ye; Miss Posie?〃  he said in accents not

to be doubted。  〃
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