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the voice of the city-第8章

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〃No man would kick a woman;〃 said Peters; vir…

tuously。  〃A little choking … just a touch on the

windpipe … that gets away with 'em … and no marks

left。  Wait for me。  I'll bring back that dollar; boys。〃

High up in a tenement…house between Second Ave…

nue and the river lived the Peterses in a back room

so gloomy that the landlord blushed to take the rent

for it。  Mrs。 Peters worked at sundry times; doing

odd jobs of scrubbing and washing。  Mr。 Peters had

a pure; unbroken record of five years without having

earned a penny。  And yet they clung together; shar…

ing each other's hatred and misery; being creatures

of habit。  Of habit; the power that keeps the earth

from flying to pieces; though there is some silly

theory of gravitation。

Mrs。 Peters reposed her 200 pounds on the safer

of the two chairs and gazed stolidly out the one win…

dow at the brick wall opposite。  Her eyes were red

and damp。  The furniture could have been carried

away on a pushcart; but no pushcart man would have

removed it as a gift。

The door opened to admit Mr。 Peters。 His fox…

terrier eyes expressed a wish。  His wife's diagnosis

located correctly the seat of it; but misread it hun…

ger instead of thirst。

〃You'll get nothing more to eat till night;〃 she

said; looking out of the window again。 Take your

hound…dog's face out of the room。〃

Mr。 Peters's eye calculated the distance between

them。  By taking her by surprise it might be pos…

sible to spring upon her; overthrow her; and apply

the throttling tactics of which he had boasted to

his waiting comrades。  True; it had been only a

boast; never yet had be dared to lay violent bands

upon her; but with the thoughts of the delicious; cool

bock or Culmbacher bracing his nerves; he was near

to upsetting his own theories of the treatment due by

a gentleman to a lady。  But; with his loafer's love

for the more artistic and less strenuous way; he chose

diplomacy first; the high card in the game  the as…

sumed attitude of success already attained。

〃You have a dollar;〃 he said; loftily; but signifi…

cantly in the tone that goes with the lighting of a

cigar … when the properties are at hand。〃

〃I have;〃 said Mrs。 Peters; producing the bill

from her bosom and crackling it; teasingly。

〃I am offered a position in a  in a tea store;〃

said Mr。 Peters。  〃I am to begin work to…morrow。

But it will be necessary for me to buy a pair of 〃

〃You are a liar;〃 said Mrs。 Peters; reinterring

the note。 〃No tea store; nor no A B C store; nor

no junk shop would have you。  I rubbed the skin off

both me hands washin' jumpers and overalls to make

that dollar。  Do you think it come out of them suds

to buy the kind you put into you? Skiddoo!  Get

your mind off of money。〃

Evidently the poses of Talleyrand were not worth

one hundred cents on that dollar。  But diplomacy is

dexterous。  The artistic temperament of Mr。 Peters

lifted him by the straps of his congress gaiters and

set him on new ground。  He called up a look of des…

perate melancholy to his eyes。

〃Clara;〃 he said; hollowly; 〃to struggle further

is useless。  You have always misunderstood me。

Heaven knows I have striven with all my might to

keep my head above the waves of misfortune;

but … 〃

〃Cut out the rainbow of hope and that stuff about

walkin' one by one through the narrow isles of

Spain;〃 said Mrs。 Peters; with a sigh。  〃I've heard

it so often。  There's an ounce bottle of carbolic on the

shelf behind the empty coffee can。  Drink hearty。〃

Mr。 Peters reflected。  What next!  The old ex…

pedients had failed。  The two musty musketeers were

awaiting him hard by the ruined chateau  that is

to say; on a park bench with rickety cast…iron legs。

His honor was at stake。  He had engaged to storm

the castle single…handed and bring back the treas…

ure that was to furnish them wassail and solace。  And

all that stood between him and the coveted dollar

was his wife; once a little girl whom he could  aha!

 why not again?  Once with soft words he could; as

they say; twist her around his little finger。  Why not

again?  Not for years had he tried it。  Grim poverty

and mutual hatred had killed all that。  But Ragsy

and Kidd were waiting for him to bring the dollar!

Mr。 Peters took a surreptitiously keen look at his

wife。  Her formless bulk overflowed the chair。  She

kept her eyes fixed out the window in a strange kind

of trance。  Her eyes showed that she had been re…

cently weeping。

〃I wonder;〃 said Mr。 Peters to himself; 〃if there'd

be anything in it。〃

The window was open upon its outlook of brick

walls and drab; barren back yards。 Except for the

mildness of the air that entered it might have been

midwinter yet in the city that turns such a frown…

ing face to besieging spring。  But spring doesn't

come with the thunder of cannon。  She is a sapper

and a miner; and you must capitulate。

〃I'll try it;〃 said Mr。 Peters to himself; making a

wry face。

He went up to his wife and put his arm across

her shoulders。

〃Clara; darling;〃 he said in tones that shouldn't

have fooled a baby seal; 〃why should we have hard

words?  Ain't you my own tootsum wootsums?

〃A black mark against you; Mr。 Peters; in the sa…

red ledger of Cupid。  Charges of attempted graft are

filed against you; and of forgery and utterance of

two of Love's holiest of appellations。

But the miracle of spring was wrought。  Into the

back room over the back alley between the black

walls had crept the Harbinger。  It was ridiculous;

and yet … Well; it is a rat trap; and you; madam

and sir and all of us; are in it。

Red and fat and crying like Niobe or Niagara;

Mrs。 Peters threw her arms around her lord and

dissolved upon him。  Mr。 Peters would have striven

to extricate the dollar bill from its deposit vault;

but his arms were bound to his sides。

〃Do you love me; James?〃 asked Mrs。 Peters。

〃Madly;〃 said James; 〃but  〃

〃You are ill! 〃 exclaimed Mrs。 Peters。  〃Why

are you so pale and tired looking?〃

〃I feel weak;〃 said Mr。 Peters。 〃I  〃

〃Oh; wait; I know what it is。  Wait; James。  I'll

be back in a minutes''

With a parting bug that revived in Mr。 Peters

recollections of the Terrible Turk; his wife hurried

out of the room and down the stairs。

Mr。 Peters hitched his thumbs under his sus…


〃All right;〃 he confided to the ceiling。  〃I've got

her going。  I hadn't any idea the old girl was soft

any more under the foolish rib。  Well; sir; ain't I

the Claude Melnotte of the lower East Side?  What?

It's a 100 to 1 shot that I get the dollar。  I wonder

what she went out for。  I guess she's gone to tell

Mrs。 Muldoon on the second floor; that we're recon…

ciled。 I'll remember this。   Soft soap! And Ragsy

was talking about slugging her!

Mrs。 Peters came back with a bottle of sarsapa…


〃I'm glad I happened to have that dollar;〃 she

said。  〃You're all run down; boney。〃

Mr。 Peters had a tablespoonful of the stuff in…

serted into him。  Then Mrs。 Peters sat on his lap

and murmured:

〃Call me tootsum wootsums again; James。〃

He sat still; held there by his materialized goddess

of spring。

Spring had come。

On the bench in Union Square Mr。 Ragsdale and

Mr。 Kidd squirmed; tongue…parched; awaiting

D'Artagnan and his dollar。

〃I wish I had choked her at first;〃 said Mr。 Peters

to himself。


Promptly at the beginning of twilight; came

again to that quiet corner of that quiet; small park

the girl in gray。  She sat upon a bench and read a

book; for there was yet to come a half hour in which

print could be accomplished。

To repeat: Her dress was gray; and plain enough

to mask its impeccancy of style and fit。  A large…

meshed veil imprisoned her turban hat and a face

that shone through it with a calm and unconscious

beauty。  She had come there at the same hour on the

day previous; and on the day before that; and there

was one who knew it。

The young man who knew it hovered near; relying

upon burnt sacrifices to the great joss; Luck。  His

piety was rewarded; for; in turning a page; her book

slipped from her fingers and bounded from the bench

a full yard away。

The young man pounced upon it with instant avid…

ity; returning it to its owner with that air that seems

to flourish in parks and public places … a compound

of gallantry and hope; tempered with respect for the

policeman on the beat。  In a pleasant voice; be risked

an inconsequent remark upon the weather that in…

troductory topic responsible for so much of the

world's unhappiness…and stood poised for a mo…

ment; awaiting his fate。

The girl looked him over leisurely; at his ordinary;

neat dress and his features distinguished by nothing

particular in the way of expression。

〃You may sit dow
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