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lin mclean-第44章

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brief courage had gone; and he lay beneath McLean; who himself could not

rise。 Barker pulled them apart。

〃Lin; boy; you're not hurt?〃 he asked; affectionately; and lifted the


McLean sat passive; with dazed eyes; letting himself be supported。

〃You're not hurt?〃 repeated Barker。

〃No;〃 answered the cow…puncher; slowly。 〃I guess not。〃 He looked about

the room and at the door。 〃I got interrupted;〃 he said。

〃You'll be all right soon;〃 said Barker。

〃Nobody cares for me!〃 cried Lusk; suddenly; and took to querulous


〃Get up;〃 ordered Barker; sternly。

〃Don't accuse me; Governor;〃 screamed Lusk。 〃I'm innocent。〃 And he rose。

Barker looked at the woman and then at the husband。 〃I'll not say there

was much chance for her;〃 he said。 〃But any she had is gone through you。

She'll die。〃

〃Nobody cares for me!〃 repeated the man。 〃He has learned my boy to scorn

me。〃 He ran out aimlessly; and away into the night; leaving peace in the


〃Stay sitting;〃 said Barker to McLean; and went to Mrs。 Lusk。

But the cow…puncher; seeing him begin to lift her toward the bed without

help; tried to rise。 His strength was not sufficiently come back; and he

sank as he had been。 〃I guess I don't amount to much;〃 said he。 〃I feel

like I was nothing。〃

〃Well; I'm something;〃 said Barker; coming back to his friend; out of

breath。 〃And I know what she weighs。〃 He stared admiringly through his

spectacles at the seated man。

The cow…puncher's eyes slowly travelled over his body; and then sought

Barker's face。 〃Doc;〃 said he; 〃ain't I young to have my nerve quit me

this way?〃

His Excellency broke into his broad smile。

〃I know I've racketed some; but ain't it ruther early?〃 pursued McLean;


〃You six…foot infant!〃 said Barker。 〃Look at your hand。〃

Lin stared at itthe fingers quivering and bloody; and the skin grooved

raw between them。 That was the buckle of her belt; which in the struggle

had worked round and been held by him unknowingly。 Both his wrists and

his shirt were ribbed with the pink of her sashes。 He looked over at the

bed where lay the woman heavily breathing。 It was a something; a sound;

not like the breath of life; and Barker saw the cow…puncher shudder。

〃She is strong;〃 he said。 〃Her system will fight to the end。 Two hours

yet; maybe。 Queer world!〃 he moralized。 〃People half killing themselves

to keep one in it who wanted to goand one that nobody wanted to stay!〃

McLean did not hear。 He was musing; his eyes fixed absently in front of

him。 〃I would not want;〃 he said; with hesitating utterance〃I'd not

wish for even my enemy to have a thing like what I've had to do


Barker touched him on the arm。 〃If there had been another man I could


〃Trust!〃 broke in the cow…puncher。 〃Why; Doc; it is the best turn yu'

ever done me。 I know I am a man nowif my nerve ain't gone。〃

I've known you were a man since I knew you!〃 said the hearty Governor。

And he helped the still unsteady six…foot to a chair。 〃As for your nerve;

I'll bring you some whiskey now。 And after〃he glanced at the bed〃 and

tomorrow you'll go try if Miss Jessamine won't put the nerve〃

〃Yes; Doc; I'll go there; I know。 But don't yu'don't let's while she's

I'm going to be glad about this; Doc; after awhile; but〃

At the sight of a new…comer in the door; he stopped in what his soul was

stammering to say。 〃What do you want; Judge?〃 he inquired; coldly。

〃I understand;〃 began Slaghammer to Barker〃I am informed〃

〃Speak quieter; Judge;〃 said the cow…puncher。

〃I understand;〃 repeated Slaghammer; more official than ever; 〃that there

was a case for the coroner。〃

〃You'll be notified;〃 put in McLean again。 〃Meanwhile you'll talk quiet

in this room。〃

Slaghammer turned; and saw the breathing mass on the bed。

〃You are a little early; Judge;〃 said Barker; 〃but〃

〃But your ten dollars are safe;〃 said McLean。

The coroner shot one of his shrewd glances at the cow…puncher; and sat

down with an amiable countenance。 His fee was; indeed; ten dollars; and

he was desirous of a second term。

〃Under the apprehension that it had already occurredthe

misapprehensionI took steps to impanel a jury;〃 said he; addressing

both Barker and McLean。 〃They areahwaiting outside。 Responsible men;

Governor; and have sat before。 Drybone has few responsible men to…night;

but I procured these at a little game where they wereahlosing。 You

may go back; gentlemen;〃 said he; going to the door。 〃I will summon you

in proper time。〃 He looked in the room again。 〃Is the husband not


〃That's enough; Judge;〃 said McLean。 〃There's too many here without

adding him。〃

〃Judge;〃 spoke a voice at the door; 〃ain't she ready yet?〃

〃She is still passing away;〃 observed Slaghammer; piously。

〃Because I was thinking;〃 said the man 〃I was justYou see; us jury is

dry and dead broke。 Doggonedest cards I've held this year; andJudge;

would there be anything out of the way in me touching my fee in advance;

if it's a sure thing?〃

〃I see none; my friend;〃 said Slaghammer; benevolently; 〃since it must

be。〃 He shook his head and nodded it by turns。 Then; with full…blown

importance; he sat again; and wrote a paper; his coroner's certificate。

Next door; in Albany County; these vouchers brought their face value of

five dollars to the holder; but on Drybone's neutral soil the saloons

would always pay four for them; and it was rare that any jury…man could

withstand the temptation of four immediate dollars。 This one gratefully

received his paper; and; cherishing it like a bird in the hand; he with

his colleagues bore it where they might wait for duty and slake their


In the silent room sat Lin McLean; his body coming to life more readily

than his shaken spirit。 Barker; seeing that the cow…puncher meant to

watch until the end; brought the whiskey to him。 Slaghammer drew

documents from his pocket to fill the time; but was soon in slumber over

them。 In all precincts of the quadrangle Drybone was keeping it up late。

The fiddle; the occasional shouts; and the crack of the billiard…balls

travelled clear and far through the vast darkness outside。 Presently

steps unsteadily drew near; and round the corner of the door a voice;

plaintive and diffident; said; 〃Judge; ain't she most pretty near ready?〃

〃Wake up; Judge!〃 said Barker。 〃Your jury has gone dry again。〃

The man appeared round the doora handsome; dishevelled fellowwith hat

in hand; balancing himself with respectful anxiety。 Thus was a second

voucher made out; and the messenger strayed back happy to his friends。

Barker and McLean sat wakeful; and Slaghammer fell at once to napping。

From time to time he was roused by new messengers; each arriving more

unsteady than the last; until every juryman had got his fee and no more

messengers came。 The coroner slept undisturbed in his chair。 McLean and

Barker sat。 On the bed the mass; with its pink ribbons; breathed and

breathed; while moths flew round the lamp; tapping and falling with light

sounds。 So did the heart of the darkness wear itself away; and through

the stone…cold air the dawn began to filter and expand。

Barker rose; bent over the bed; and then stood。 Seeing him; McLean stood


〃Judge;〃 said Barker; quietly; 〃you may call them now。〃 And with careful

steps the judge got himself out of the room to summon his jury。

For a short while the cow…puncher stood looking down upon the woman。 She

lay lumped inher gaudiness; the ribbons darkly stained by the laudanum;

but into the stolid; bold features death had called up the faint…colored

ghost of youth; and McLean remembered all his Bear Creek days。 〃Hind

sight is a turruble clear way o' seein' things;〃 said he。 〃I think I'll

take a walk。〃

〃Go;〃 said Barker。 〃The jury only need me; and I'll join you。〃

But the jury needed no witness。 Their long waiting and the advance pay

had been too much for these responsible men。 Like brothers they had

shared each others' vouchers until responsibility had melted from their

brains and the whiskey was finished。 Then; no longer entertained and

growing weary of Drybone; they had remembered nothing but their distant

beds。 Each had mounted his pony; holding trustingly to the saddle; and

thus; unguided; the experienced ponies had taken them right。 Across the

wide sagebrush and up and down the river they were now asleep or riding;

dispersed irrevocably。 But the coroner was here。 He duly received

Barker's testimony; brought his verdict in; and signed it; and even while

he was issuing to himself his own proper voucher for ten dollars came

Chalkeye and Toothpick Kid on their ponies; galloping; eager in their

hopes and good wishes for Mrs。 Lusk。 Life ran strong in them both。 The

night had gone well with them。 Here was the new day going to be fine。 It

must be well with everybod
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