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when the world shook-第25章

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to the edge of the volcano and found; as we expected; the usual

depression out of which fire and lava had once been cast; as from

Hecla or Vesuvius。 It was now a lake more than a quarter of a

mile across。 Indeed it had been thus in the ancient days when the

buildings stood upon the terraces; for we saw the remains of

steps leading down to the water。 Perhaps it had served as the

sacred lake of the temple。

We gazed with wonderment and then; wearied out; scrambled back

through the ruins; which; by the way; were of a different stone

from the lava of the mountain; to the mouth of the great cave。

Chapter X

The Dwellers in the Tomb

By now it was drawing towards sunset; so we made such

preparations as we could for the night。 One of these was to

collect dry driftwood; of which an abundance lay upon the shore;

to serve us for firing; though unfortunately we had nothing that

we could cook for our meal。

While we were thus engaged we saw a canoe approaching the

table…rock and perceived that in it were the chief Marama and a

priest。 After hovering about for a while they paddled the canoe

near enough to allow of conversation which; taking no notice of

their presence; we left it to them to begin。

〃O; Friend…from…the…Sea;〃 called Marama; addressing myself; 〃we

come to pray you and the Great Healer to return to us to be our

guests as before。 The people are covered with darkness because of

the loss of your wisdom; and the sick cry aloud for the Healer;

indeed two of those whom he has cut with knives are dying。〃

〃And what of the Bellower?〃 I asked; indicating Bastin。

〃We should like to see him back also; Friend…from…the…Sea; that

we may sacrifice and eat him; who destroyed our god with fire and

caused the Healer to kill his priest。〃

〃That is most unjust;〃 exclaimed Bastin。 〃I deeply regret the

blood that was shed on the occasion; unnecessarily as I think。〃

〃Then go and atone for it with your own;〃 said Bickley; 〃and

everybody will be pleased。〃

Waving to them to be silent; I said:

〃Are you mad; Marama; that you should ask us to return to

sojourn among people who tried to kill us; merely because the

Bellower caused fire to burn an image of wood and its head to fly

from its shoulders; just to show you that it had no power to hold

itself together; although you call it a god? Not so; we wash our

hands of you; we leave you to go your own way while we go ours;

till perchance in a day to come; after many misfortunes have

overtaken you; you creep about our feet and with prayers and

offerings beg us to return。〃

I paused to observe the effect of my words。 It was excellent;

for both Marama and the priest wrung their hands and groaned。

Then I went on:

〃Meanwhile we have something to tell you。 We have entered the

cave where you said no man might set a foot; and have seen him

who sits within; the true god。〃 (Here Bastin tried to interrupt;

but was suppressed by Bickley。)

They looked at each other in a frightened way and groaned more

loudly than before。

〃He sends you a message; which; as he told us of your approach;

we came to the shore to deliver to you。〃

〃How can you say that?〃 began Bastin; but was again violently

suppressed by Bickley。

〃It is that he; the real Oro; rejoices that the false Oro;

whose face is copied from his face; has been destroyed。 It is

that he commands you day by day to bring food in plenty and lay

it upon the Rock of Offerings; not forgetting a supply of fresh

fish from the sea; and with it all those things that are stored

in the house wherein we; the strangers from the sea; deigned to

dwell awhile until we left you because in your wickedness you

wished to murder us。〃

〃And if we refusewhat then?〃 asked the priest; speaking for

the first time。

〃Then Oro will send death and destruction upon you。 Then your

food shall fail and you shall perish of sickness and want; and

the Oromatuas; the spirits of the great dead; shall haunt you in

your sleep; and Oro shall eat up your souls。〃

At these horrible threats both of them uttered a kind of wail;

after which; Marama asked:

〃And if we consent; what then; Friend…from…the…Sea?〃

〃Then; perchance;〃 I answered; 〃in some day to come we may

return to you; that I may give you of my wisdom and the Great

Healer may cure your sick and the Bellower may lead you through

his gate; and in his kindness make you to see with his eyes。〃

This last clause of my ultimatum did not seem to appeal to the

priest; who argued a while with Marama; though what he said we

could not hear。 In the end he appeared to give way。 At any rate

Marama called out that all should be done as we wished; and that

meanwhile they prayed us to intercede with Oro in the cave; and

to keep back the ghosts from haunting them; and to protect them

from misfortune。 I replied that we would do our best; but could

guarantee nothing since their offence was very great。

Then; to show that the conversation was at an end; we walked

away with dignity; pushing Bastin in front of us; lest he should

spoil the effect by some of his ill…timed and often over…true


〃That's capital;〃 said Bickley; when we were out of hearing。

〃The enemy has capitulated。 We can stop here as long as we like;

provisioned from the mainland; and if for any reason we wish to

leave; be sure of our line of retreat。〃

〃I don't know what you call capital;〃 exclaimed Bastin。 〃It

seems to me that all the lies which Arbuthnot has just told are

sufficient to bring a judgment upon us。 Indeed; I think that I

will go back with Marama and explain the truth。〃

〃I never before knew anybody who was so anxious to be cooked

and eaten;〃 remarked Bickley。 〃Moreover; you are too late; for

the canoe is a hundred yards away by now; and you shan't have

ours。 Remember the Pauline maxims; old fellow; which you are so

fond of quoting; and be all things to all men; and another that

is more modern; that when you are at Rome; you must do as the

Romans do; also a third; that necessity has no law; and for the

matter of that; a fourth; that all is fair in love and war。〃

〃I am sure; Bickley; that Paul never meant his words to bear

the debased sense which you attribute to them〃 began Bastin;

but at this point I hustled him off to light a firea process at

which I pointed out he had shown himself an expert。

We slept that night under the overhanging rock just to one side

of the cave; not in the mouth; because of the draught which drew

in and out of the great place。 In that soft and balmy clime this

was no hardship; although we lacked blankets。 And yet; tired

though I was; I could not rest as I should have done。 Bastin

snored away contentedly; quite unaffected by his escape which to

him was merely an incident in the day's work; and so; too;

slumbered Bickley; except that he did not snore。 But the

amazement and the mystery of all that we had discovered and of

all that might be left for us to discover; held me back from


What did it mean? What could it mean? My nerves were taut as

harp strings and seemed to vibrate to the touch of invisible

fingers; although I could not interpret the music that they made。

Once or twice also I thought I heard actual music with my

physical ears; and that of a strange quality。 Soft and low and

dreamful; it appeared to well from the recesses of the vast cave;

a wailing song in an unknown tongue from the lips of women; or of

a woman; multiplied mysteriously by echoes。 This; however; must

have been pure fancy; since there was no singer there。

Presently I dozed off; to be awakened by the sudden sound of a

great fish leaping in the lake。 I sat up and stared; fearing lest

it might be the splash of a paddle; for I could not put from my

mind the possibility of attack。 All I saw; however; was the low

line of the distant shore; and above it the bright and setting

stars that heralded the coming of the sun。 Then I woke the

others; and we washed and ate; since once the sun rose time would

be precious。

At length it appeared; splendid in a cloudless sky; and; as I

had hoped; directly opposite to the mouth of the cave。 Taking our

candles and some stout pieces of driftwood which; with our

knives; we had shaped on the previous evening to serve us as

levers and rough shovels; we entered the cave。 Bickley and I were

filled with excitement and hope of what we knew not; but Bastin

showed little enthusiasm for our quest。 His heart was with his

half…converted savages beyond the lake; and of them; quite

rightly I have no doubt; he thought more than he did of all the

archaeological treasures in the whole earth。 Still; he came;

bearing the blackened head of Oro with him which; with

unconscious humour; he had used as a pillow through the night

because; as he said; 〃it was after all softer than stone。〃 Also;

I believe that in his heart he ho
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