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the golden asse-第30章

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im) defend him now at the point of death by the like meane?  Yet at least; thou shouldest have taken him upon thy backe; and so brought him from the cruell hands of the theeves : where contrary thou runnest away alone; forsaking thy good Master; thy pastor and conductor。  Knowest thou not; that such as denie their wholsome help and aid to them which lie in danger of death; ought to be punished; because they have offended against good manners; and the law naturall? But I promise thee; thou shalt not long rejoyce at my harmes; thou shalt feele the smart of thy homicide and offence; I will see what I can doe。  And therewithall she unclosed her apron; and bound all my feete together; to the end I might not help my selfe; then she tooke a great barre; which accustomed to bar the stable doore; and never ceased beating me till she was so weary that the bar fell out of her hands; whereupon she (complaining of the soone faintnesse of her armes) ran to her fire and brought a firebrand and thrust it under my taile; burning me continually; till such time as (having but one remedy) I arayed her face and eies with my durty dunge; whereby (what with the stinke thereof; and what with the filthinesse that fell in her eies) she was welnigh blinded : so I enforced the queane to leave off; otherwise I had died as Meleager did by the sticke; which his mad mother Althea cast into the fire。



How a young man came and declared the miserable death of Lepolemus and his wife Charites。

 About midnight came a young man; which seemed to be one of the family of the good woman Charites; who sometimes endured so much misery and calamity with mee amongst the theeves; who after that hee had taken a stoole; and sate downe before the fireside;  in the company of the servants; began to declare many terrible things that had happened unto the house of Charites; saying: O yee house…keepers; shepheards and cowheards; you shall understand that wee have lost our good mistris Charites miserably and by evill adventure: and to the end you may learne and know all the whole matter; I purpose to tell you the circumstances of every point; whereby such as are more learned then I (to whom fortune hath ministred more copious stile) may painte it out in paper in forme of an History。 There was a young Gentleman dwelling in the next City; borne of good parentage; valiant in prowesse; and riche in substance; but very much given and adicted to whorehunting; and continuall revelling。  Whereby he fell in company with Theeves; and had his hand ready to the effusion of humane blood; his name was Thrasillus。 The matter was this according to the report of every man。  Hee demanded Charites in marriage; who although he were a man more comely then the residue that wooed her; and also had riches abundantly; yet because he was of evill fame; and a man of wicked manners and conversation; he had the repulse and was put off by Charites; and so she married with Lepolemus。  Howbeit this young man secretly loved her; yet moved somewhat at her refusall; hee busily searched some meanes to worke his damnable intent。 And (having found occasion and opportunity to accomplish his purpose; which he had long time concealed) brought to passe; that the same day that Charites was delivered by the subtill meane and valiant audacity of her husband; from the puissance of the Theeves; he mingled himselfe among the assembly; faining that he was glad of the new marriage; and comming home againe of the maiden; Whereby (by reason that he came of so noble parents) he was received and entertained into the house as one of their chiefe and principall friends : Howbeit under cloake of a faithfull welwiller; hee dissimuled his mischievous mind and intent : in continuance of time by much familiarity and often conversation and banketting together; he fell more and more in favour; like as we see it fortuneth to Lovers; who first doe little delight themselves in love : till as by continuall acquaintance they kisse and imbrace each other。 Thrasillus perceiving that it was a hard matter to breake his minde secretly to Charites; whereby he was wholly barred from the accomplishment of his luxurious appetite; and on the other side perceiving that the love of her and her husband was so strongly lincked together; that the bond betweene them might in no wise be dissevered; moreover; it was a thing impossible to ravish her; although he had consented thereto; yet was hee still provoked forward by vehement lust; when as hee saw himselfe unable to bring his purpose to passe。  Howbeit at length the thing which seemed so hard and difficill; thorough hope of his fortified love; did now appeare easie and facill : but marke I pray you diligently to what end the furious force of his inordinate desire came。  On a day Lepolemus went to the chase with Thrasillus; to hunt for Goates; for his wife Charites desired him earnestly to meddle with no other beasts; which were of more fierce and wilde nature。  When they were come within the chase to a great thicket fortressed about with bryers and thornes; they compassed round with their Dogs and beset every place with nets : by and by warning was given to let loose。  The Dogs rushed in with such a cry; that all the Forrest rang againe with the noyse; but behold there leaped out no Goat; nor Deere; nor gentle Hinde; but an horrible and dangerous wild Boare; hard and thicke skinned; bristeled terribly with thornes; foming at the mouth; grinding his teeth; and looking direfully with fiery eyes。 The Dogs that first set upon him; he tare and rent with his tuskes; and then he ranne quite through the nets; and escaped away。 When wee saw the fury of this beast; wee were greatly striken with feare; and because wee never accustomed to chase such dreadfull Boares; and further because we were unarmed and without weapons; we got and hid our selves under bushes and trees。  Then Thrasillus having found opportunity to worke his treason; said to Lepolemus : What stand we here amazed?  Why show we our selves like dastards?  Why leese we so worthy a prey with our feminine hearts?  Let us mount upon our Horses; and pursue him incontinently : take you a hunting staffe; and I will take a chasing speare。  By and by they leaped upon their Horses; and followed the beast。  But hee returning against them with furious force; pryed with his eyes; on whom hee might first assayle with his tuskes : Lepolemus strooke the beast first on the backe with his hunting staffe。  Thrasillus faining to ayde and assist him; came behind; and cut off the hinder legges of Lepolemus Horse; in such sort that hee fell downe to the ground with his master : and sodainely the Boare came upon Lepolemus and furiously tare and rent him with his teeth。  Howbeit; Thrasillus was not sufficed to see him thus wounded; but when he desired his friendly help; he thrust Lepolemus through the right thigh with his speare; the more because he thought the wound of the speare would be taken for a wound of the Boars teeth; then he killed the beast likewise; And when he was thus miserably slaine; every one of us came out of our holes; and went towards our slaine master。 But although that Thrasillus was joyfull of the death of Lepolemus; whom he did greatly hate; yet he cloked the matter with a sorrowfull countenance; he fained a dolorous face; he often imbraced the body which himselfe slew; he played all the parts of a mourning person; saving there fell no teares from his eyes。  Thus hee resembled us in each point; who verily and not without occasion had cause to lament for our master; laying all the blame of this homicide unto the Boare。  Incontinently after the sorrowfull newes of the death of Lepolemus; came to the eares of all the family; but especially to Charites; who after she had heard such pitifull tydings; as a mad and raging woman; ran up and down the streets; crying and howling lamentably。 All the Citizens gathered together; and such as they met bare them company running towards the chasse。  When they came to the slaine body of Lepolemus; Charites threw her selfe upon him weeping and lamenting grievously for his death; in such sort; that she would have presently ended her life; upon the corps of her slaine husband; whom shee so entirely loved; had it not beene that her parents and friends did comfort her; and pulled her away。 The body was taken up; and in funerall pompe brought to the City and buried。  In the meane season; Thrasillus fained much sorrow for the death of Lepolemus; but in his heart he was well pleased and joyfull。  And to counterfeit the matter; he would come to Charites and say : O what a losse have I had of my friend; my fellow; my companion Lepolemus? O Charites comfort your selfe; pacifie your dolour; refraine your weeping; beat not your breasts : and with such other and like words and divers examples he endeavoured to suppresse her great sorrow; but he spake not this for any other intent but to win the heart of the woman; and to nourish his odious love with filthy delight。  Howbeit Charites after the buriall of her husband sought the meanes to follow him; and (not sustaining the sorrows wherein she was Wrapped) got her secretly into a chamber and purposed to finish her life there with dolour and 
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