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the yellow crayon-第11章

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You look like a death's head。〃

Felix roused himself。

〃You will go your own way;〃 he said。  〃Now that you have chosen I
will tell you this。  I am glad。  Yes; let Duson bring wine。  I will
drink to your health and to your success。  There have been times
when men have performed miracles。  I shall drink to that miracle。〃

Duson brought also a letter; which Mr。 Sabin; with a nod towards
Felix; opened。  It was from Helene。

〃15 Park Lane; London;
〃Thursday Morning。


〃I want you to come to luncheon to…day。  The Princess de Catelan is
here; and I am expecting also Mr。 Brott; the Home Secretary … our
one great politician; you know。  Many people say that he is the
most interesting man in England; and must be our next Prime Minister。
Such people interest you; I know。  Do come。

                                                  〃Yours sincerely;

Mr。 Sabin repeated the name to himself as he stood for a moment with
the letter in his hand。

〃Brott!  What a name for a statesman!  Well; here is your health;
Felix。  I do not often drink wine in the morning; but … 〃

He broke off in the middle of his sentence。  The glass which Felix
had been in the act of raising to his lips lay shattered upon the
floor; and a little stream of wine trickled across the carpet。
Felix himself seemed scarcely conscious of the disaster。  His cheeks
were white; and he leaned across the table towards Mr。 Sabin。

〃What name did you say … what name?〃

Mr。 Sabin referred again to the letter which he held in his hand。

〃Brott!〃 he repeated。  〃He is Home Secretary; I believe。〃

〃What do you know about him?〃

〃Nothing;〃 Mr。 Sabin answered。  〃My niece; the Countess of
Camperdown; asks me to meet him to…day at luncheon。  Explain
yourself; my young friend。  There is a fresh glass by your side。〃

Felix poured himself out a glass and drank it off。  But he remained


Felix picked up his gloves and stick。

〃You are asked to meet Mr。 Brott at luncheon to…day?〃


〃Are you going?〃


Felix nodded。

〃Very good;〃 he said。  〃I should advise you to cultivate his
acquaintance。  He is a very extraordinary man。〃

〃Come; Felix;〃 Mr。 Sabin said。  〃You owe me something more lucid in
the way of explanations。  Who is be?〃

〃A statesman … successful; ambitious。  He expects to be Prime

〃And what have I to do with him; or he with me?〃 Mr。 Sabin asked

Felix shook his head。

〃I cannot tell you;〃 he said。  〃Yet I fancy that you and he may
some time be drawn together。〃

Mr。 Sabin asked no more questions; but he promptly sat down and
accepted his niece's invitation。  When he looked round Felix had
gone。  He rang the bell for Duson and handed him the note。

〃My town clothes; Duson;〃 he ordered。  〃I am lunching out。〃

The man bowed and withdrew。  Mr。 Sabin remained for a few moments
in deep thought。

〃Brott!〃 he repeated。  〃Brott!  It is a singular name。


So this was the man!  Mr。 Sabin did not neglect his luncheon; nor
was he ever for a moment unmindful of the grey…headed princess who
chatted away by his side with all the vivacity of her race and sex。
But he watched Mr。 Brott。

A man this!  Mr。 Sabin was a judge; and he appraised him rightly。
He saw through that courteous geniality of tone and gesture; the
ready…made smile; although it seemed natural enough; did not
deceive him。  Underneath was a man of iron; square…jawed; nervous;
forceful。  Mr。 Brott was probably at that time the ablest
politician of either party in the country。  Mr。 Sabin knew it。
He found himself wondering exactly at what point of their lives
this man and he would come into contact。

After luncheon Helene brought them together。

〃I believe;〃 she said to Mr。 Brott; 〃that you have never met my
UNCLE。  May I make you formally acquainted?  UNCLE; this is Mr。
Brott; whom you must know a great deal about even though you have
been away for so long … the Duc 
de Souspennier。〃

The two men bowed and Helene passed on。  Mr。 Sabin leaned upon his
stick and watched keenly for any sign in the other's face。  If he
expected to find it he was disappointed。  Either this man had no
knowledge of who he was; or those things which were to come between
them were as yet unborn。

They strolled together after the other guests into the winter
gardens; which were the envy of every hostess in London。  Mr。 Sabin
lit a cigarette; Mr。 Brott regretfully declined。  He neither smoked
nor drank wine。  Yet he was disposed to be friendly; and selected
a seat where they were a little apart from the other guests。

〃You at least;〃 he remarked; in answer to an observation of Mr。
Sabin's; 〃are free from the tyranny of politics。  I am assuming; of
course; that your country under its present form of government has
lost its hold upon you。〃

Mr。 Sabin smiled。

〃It is a doubtful boon;〃 he said。  〃It is true that I am practically
an exile。  Republican France has no need of me。  Had I been a
soldier I could still have remained a patriot。  But for one whose
leanings were towards politics; neither my father before me nor I
could be of service to our country。  You should be thankful;〃 he
continued with a slight smile; 〃that you are an Englishman。  No
constitution in the world can offer so much to the politician who
is strong enough and fearless enough。〃

Mr。 Brott glanced towards his twinkling eyes。

〃Do you happen to know what my politics are?〃 he asked。

Mr。 Sabin hesitated。

〃Your views; I know; are advanced;〃 he said。  〃For the rest I have
been abroad for years。  I have lost touch a little with affairs in
this country。〃

〃I am afraid;〃 Mr。 Brott said; 〃that I shall shock you。  You are
an aristocrat of the aristocrats; I a democrat of the democrats。
The people are the only masters whom I own。  They first sent me to

〃Yet;〃 Mr。 Sabin remarked; 〃you are; I understand; in the Cabinet。〃

Mr。 Brott glanced for a moment around。  The Prime Minister was
somewhere in the winter gardens。

〃That;〃 he declared; 〃is an accident。  I happened to be the only
man available who could do the work when Lord Kilbrooke died。  I
am telling you only what is an open secret。  But I am afraid I am
boring you。  Shall we join the others?〃

〃Not unless you yourself are anxious to;〃 Mr。 Sabin begged。  〃It
is scarcely fair to detain you talking to an old man when there
are so many charming women here。  But I should be sorry for you
to think me hidebound in my prejudices。  You must remember that
the Revolution decimated my family。  It was a long time ago; but
the horror of it is still a live thing。〃

〃Yet it was the natural outcome;〃 Mr。 Brott said; 〃of the things
which went before。  Such hideous misgovernment as generations of
your countrymen had suffered was logically bound to bring its own

〃There is truth in what you say;〃 Mr。 Sabin admitted。  He did not
want to talk about the French Revolution。

〃You are a stranger in London; are you not?〃 Mr。 Brott asked。

〃I feel myself one;〃 Mr。 Sabin answered。  〃I have been away for a
few years; and I do not think that there is a city in the world
where social changes are so rapid。  I should perhaps except the
cities of the country from which I have come。  But then America
is a universe of itself。〃

For an instant Mr。 Brott gave signs of the man underneath。  The air
of polite interest had left his face。  He glanced swiftly and keenly
at his companion。  Mr。 Sabin's expression was immutable。  It was
he who scored; for he marked the change; whilst Mr。 Brott could not
be sure whether he had noticed it or not。

〃You have been living in America; then?〃

〃For several years … yes。〃

〃It is a country;〃 Mr。 Brott said; 〃which I am particularly anxious
to visit。  I see my chances; however; grow fewer and fewer as the
years go by。〃

〃For one like yourself;〃 Mr。 Sabin said; 〃whose instincts and
sympathies are wholly with the democracy; a few months in America
would be very well spent。〃

〃And you;〃 Mr。 Brott remarked; 〃how did you get on with the people?〃

Mr。 Sabin traced a pattern with his stick upon the marble floor。

〃I lived in the country;〃 he said; 〃I played golf and read and

〃Were you anywhere near New York?〃 Mr。 Brott asked。

〃A few hours' journey only;〃 Mr。 Sabin answered。  〃My home was in
a very picturesque part; near Lenox。〃

Mr。 Brott leaned a little forward。

〃You perhaps know then a lady who spent some time in that
neighbourhood … a Mrs。 James Peterson。  Her husband was; I believe;
the American consul in Vienna。

Mr。 Sabin smiled very faintly。  His face betrayed no more than a
natural and polite interest。  There was nothing to indicate the
fact that his heart was beating like the heart of a young man; that
the blood was rushing hot through his veins。

〃Yes;〃 he said; 〃I know her very well。  Is she in London?〃

Mr。 Brott hesitated。  He seemed a little uncertain how to continue。

〃To tell you the truth;〃 he said; 〃I believe that she has reasons
for desiring her present whereabouts to remain unknown。  I should
perhaps not have mentioned her name at all。  It was
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