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over the teacups-第1章

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Over the Teacups

by Oliver W。 Holmes


The kind way in which this series of papers has been received has

been a pleasure greater than I dared to anticipate。  I felt that I

was a late comer in the midst of a crowd of ardent and eager

candidates for public attention; that I had already had my day; and

that if; like the unfortunate Frenchman we used read about; I had

〃come again;〃 I ought not to surprised if I received the welcome of

〃Monsieur Tonson。〃

It has not proved so。  My old readers have come forward in the

pleasantest possible way and assured me that they were glad to see me

again。  There is no need; therefore; of apologies or explanations。  I

thought I had something left to say and I have found listeners。  In

writing these papers I have had occupation and kept myself in

relation with my fellow…beings。  New sympathies; new sources of

encouragement; if not of inspiration; have opened themselves before

me and cheated the least promising season of life of much that seemed

to render it dreary and depressing。  What particularly pleased me has

been the freedom of criticisms which I have seen from disadvantageous

comparisons of my later with my earlier writings。

I should like a little rest from literary work before the requiescat

ensures my repose from earthly labors; but I will not be rash enough

to promise that I will not even once again greet my old and new

readers if the impulse becomes irresistible to renew a companionship

which has been to me such a source of happiness。

BEVERLY FARM; Mass。; August; 1891。

O。  W。  H。




This series of papers was begun in March; 1888。  A single number was

printed; when it was interrupted the course of events; and not

resumed until nearly years later; in January; 1890。  The plan of the

series was not formed in my mind when I wrote the number。  In

returning to my task I found that my original plan had shaped itself

in the underground laboratory of my thought so that some changes had

to be made in what I had written。  As I proceeded; the slight story

which formed a part of my programme eloped itself without any need of

much contrivance on my; part。  Given certain characters in a writer's

conception; if they are real to him; as they ought to be they will

act in such or such a way; according to the law of their nature。  It

was pretty safe to assume that intimate relations would spring up

between some members of our mixed company; and it was not rash

conjecture that some of these intimacies might end in such attachment

as would furnish us hints; at least; of a love…story。

As to the course of the conversations which would take place; very

little could be guessed beforehand。  Various subjects of interest

would be likely to present themselves; without definite order;

oftentimes abruptly and; as it would seem; capriciously。

Conversation in such a mixed company as that of 〃The Teacups〃 is

likely to be suggestive rather than exhaustive。  Continuous discourse

is better adapted to the lecture…room than to the tea…table。  There

is quite enough of it; I fear too much;in these pages。  But the

reader must take the reports of our talks as they were jotted down。

A patchwork quilt is not like a piece of Gobelin tapestry; but it has

its place and its use。

Some will feel a temptation to compare these conversations with those

earlier ones; and remark unamiably upon their difference。  This is

hardly fair; and is certainly not wise。  They are produced under very

different conditions; and betray that fact in every line。  It is

better to take them by themselves; and; if my reader finds anything

to please or profit from; I shall be contented; and he; I feel sure;

will not be ungrateful。

The readers who take up this volume may recollect a series of

conversations held many years ago over the breakfast…table; and

reported for their more or less profitable entertainment。  Those were

not very early breakfasts at which the talks took place; but at any

rate the sun was rising; and the guests had not as yet tired

themselves with the labors of the day。  The morning cup of coffee has

an exhilaration about it which the cheering influence of the

afternoon or evening cup of tea cannot be expected to reproduce。  The

toils of the forenoon; the heats of midday; in the warm season; the

slanting light of the descending sun; or the sobered translucency of

twilight have subdued the vivacity of the early day。  Yet under the

influence of the benign stimulant many trains of thought which will

bear recalling; may suggest themselves to some of our quiet circle

and prove not uninteresting to a certain number of readers。

How early many of my old breakfast companions went off to bed!  I am

thinking not merely of those who sat round our table; but of that

larger company of friends who listened to our conversations as

reported。  Dear girl with the silken ringlets; dear boy with the

down…shadowed cheek; your grandfather; your grandmother; turned over

the freshly printed leaves that told the story of those earlier

meetings around the plain board where so many things were said and

sung; not all of which have quite faded from memory of this

overburdened and forgetful time。  Your father; your mother; found the

scattered leaves gathered in a volume; and smiled upon them as not

uncompanionable acquaintances。  My tea…table makes no promises。

There is no programme of exercises to studied beforehand。  What if I

should content myself with a single report of what was said and done

over our teacups?  Perhaps my young reader would be glad to let me

off; for there are talkers enough who have not yet left their

breakfast…tables; and nobody can blame the young people for

preferring the thoughts and the language of their own generation;

with all its future before it; to those of their grandfathers


My reader; young or old; will please to observe that I have left

myself entire freedom as to the sources of what may be said over the

teacups。  I have not told how many cups are commonly on the board;

but by using the plural I have implied that there is at least one

other talker or listener beside myself; and for all that appears

there may be a dozen。  There will be no regulation length to my

reports; … no attempt to make out a certain number of pages。  I have

no contract to fill so many columns; no pledge to contribute so many

numbers。  I can stop on this first page if I do not care to say

anything more; and let this article stand by itself if so minded。

What a sense of freedom it gives not to write by the yard or the


When one writes for an English review or magazine at so many guineas

a sheet; the temptation is very great to make one's contribution

cover as many sheets as possible。  We all know the metallic taste of

articles written under this powerful stimulus。  If Bacon's Essays had

been furnished by a modern hand to the 〃Quarterly Review〃 at fifty

guineas a sheet; what a great book it would have taken to hold them!

The first thing which suggests itself to me; as I contemplate my

slight project; is the liability of repeating in the evening what I

may have said in the morning in one form or another; and printed in

these or other pages。  When it suddenly flashes into the

consciousness of a writer who had been long before the public; 〃Why;

I have said all that once or oftener in my books or essays; and here

it is again; the same old thought; the same old image; the same old

story!〃 it irritates him; and is likely to stir up the monosyllables

of his unsanctified vocabulary。  He sees in imagination a thousand

readers; smiling or yawning as they say to themselves; 〃We have had

all that before;〃 and turn to another writer's performance for

something not quite so stale and superfluous。  This is what the

writer says to himself about the reader。

The idiot!  Does the simpleton really think that everybody has read

all he has written?  Does he really believe that everybody remembers

all of his; writer's; words he may happen to have read?  At one of

those famous dinners of the Phi Beta Kappa Society; where no reporter

was ever admitted; and which nothing ever leaks out about what is

said and done; Mr。 Edward Everett; in his after…dinner speech; quoted

these lines from the AEneid; giving a liberal English version of

them; which he applied to the Oration just delivered by Mr。  Emerson:

     Tres imbris torti radios; tres nubis aquosae

     Addiderant; rutili tres ignis; et alitis Austri。

His nephew; the ingenious; inventive; and inexhaustible。  Edward

Everett Hale; tells the story of this quotation; and of the various

uses to which it might plied in after…dinner speeches。  How often he

ventured to repeat it at the Phi Beta Kappa dinners I am not sure;

but as he reproduced it with his lively e
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