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over the teacups-第53章

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have some influence on your belief in this matter。  Will you take the

trouble to ask your tailor how many persons have their two shoulders

of the same height?  I think be will tell you that the majority of

his customers show a distinct difference of height on the two sides。

Will you ask a portrait…painter how many of those who sit to hint

have both sides of their faces exactly alike?  I believe he will tell

you that one side is always a little better than the other。  What

will your hatter say about the two sides of the head?  Do you see

equally well with both eyes; and hear equally well with both ears?

Few persons past middle age will pretend that they do。  Why should

the two halves of a brain not show a natural difference; leading to

confusion of thought; and very possibly to that instinct of

contradiction of which I was speaking?  A great deal of time is lost

in profitless conversation; and a good deal of ill temper frequently

caused; by not considering these organic and practically insuperable

conditions。  In dealing with them; acquiescence is the best of

palliations and silence the sovereign specific。

I have been the reporter; as you have seen; of my own conversation

and that of the other Teacups。  I have told some of the circumstances

of their personal history; and interested; as I hope; here and there

a reader in the fate of different members of our company。  Here are

our pretty Delilah and our Doctor provided for。  We may take it for

granted that it will not be very long that the young couple will have

to wait; for; as I have told you all; the Doctor is certainly getting

into business; and bids fair to have a thriving practice before he

saddles his nose with an eyeglass and begins to think of a pair of

spectacles。  So that part of our little domestic drama is over; and

we can only wish the pair that is to be all manner of blessings

consistent with a reasonable amount of health in the community on

whose ailings must depend their prosperity。

All our thoughts are now concentrated on the relation existing betwen

Number Five and the Tutor。  That there is some profound instinctive

impulse which is drawing them closer together no one who watches them

can for a moment doubt。  There are two principles of attraction which

bring different natures together: that in which the two natures

closely resemble each other; and that in which one is complementary

of the other。  In the first case; they coalesce; as do two drops of

water or of mercury; and become intimately blended as soon as they

touch; in the other; they rush together as an acid and an alkali

unite; predestined from eternity to find all they most needed in each

other。  What is the condition of things in the growing intimacy of

Number Five and the Tutor?  He is many years her junior; as we know。

Both of them look that fact squarely in the face。  The presumption is

against the union of two persons under these circumstances。

Presumptions are strong obstacles against any result we wish to

attain; but half our work in life is to overcome them。  A great many

results look in the distance like six…foot walls; and when we get

nearer prove to be only five…foot hurdles; to be leaped over or

knocked down。  Twenty years from now she may be a vigorous and active

old woman; and he a middle…aged; half…worn…out invalid; like so many

overworked scholars。  Everything depends on the number of drops of

the elixir vitae which Nature mingled in the nourishment she

administered to the embryo before it tasted its mother's milk。  Think

of Cleopatra; the bewitching old mischief…maker; think of Ninon de

L'Enclos; whose own son fell desperately in love with her; not

knowing the relation in which she stood to him; think of Dr。

Johnson's friend; Mrs。 Thrale; afterward Mrs。 Piozzi; who at the age

of eighty was full enough of life to be making love ardently and

persistently to Conway; the handsome young actor。  I can readily

believe that Number Five will outlive the Tutor; even if he is

fortunate enough rather in winning his way into the fortress through

gates that open to him of their own accord。  If he fails in his

siege; I do really believe he will die early; not of a broken heart;

exactly; but of a heart starved; with the food it was craving close

to it; but unattainable。  I have; therefore; a deep interest in

knowing how Number Five and the Tutor are getting along together。  Is

there any danger of one or the other growing tired of the intimacy;

and becoming willing to get rid of it; like a garment which has

shrunk and grown too tight?  Is it likely that some other attraction

may come into disturb the existing relation?  The problem is to my

mind not only interesting; but exceptionally curious。  You remember

the story of Cymon and Iphigenia as Dryden tells it。  The poor youth

has the capacity of loving; but it lies hidden in his undeveloped

nature。  All at once he comes upon the sleeping beauty; and is

awakened by her charms to a hitherto unfelt consciousness。  With the

advent of the new passion all his dormant faculties start into life;

and the seeming simpleton becomes the bright and intelligent lover。

The case of Number Five is as different from that of Cymon as it

could well be。  All her faculties are wide awake; but one emotional

side of her nature has never been called into active exercise。  Why

has she never been in love with any one of her suitors?  Because she

liked too many of them。  Do you happen to remember a poem printed

among these papers; entitled 〃I Like You and I Love You〃

No one of the poems which have been placed in the urn; that is; in

the silver sugar…bowl;has had any name attached to it; but you

could guess pretty nearly who was the author of some of them;

certainly of the one just; referred to。  Number Five was attracted to

the Tutor from the first time he spoke to her。  She dreamed about him

that night; and nothing idealizes and renders fascinating one in whom

we have already an interest like dreaming of him or of her。  Many a

calm suitor has been made passionate by a dream; many a passionate

lover has been made wild and half beside himself by a dream; and now

and then an infatuated but hapless lover; waking from a dream of

bliss to a cold reality of wretchedness; has helped himself to

eternity before he was summoned to the table。

Since Number Five had dreamed about the Tutor; he had been more in

her waking thoughts than she was willing to acknowledge。  These

thoughts were vague; it is true;emotions; perhaps; rather than

worded trains of ideas; but she was conscious of a pleasing

excitement as his name or his image floated across her consciousness;

she sometimes sighed as she looked over the last passage they had

read from the same book; and sometimes when they were together they

were silent too long;too long!  What were they thinking of?

And so it was all as plain sailing for Number Five and the young

Tutor as it had been for Delilah and the young Doctor; was it?  Do

you think so?  Then you do not understand Number Five。  Many a woman

has as many atmospheric rings about her as the planet Saturn。  Three

are easily to be recognized。  First; there is the wide ring of

attraction which draws into itself all that once cross its outer

border。  These revolve about her without ever coming any nearer。

Next is the inner ring of attraction。  Those who come within its

irresistible influence are drawn so close that it seems as if they

must become one with her sooner or later。  But within this ring is

another;an atmospheric girdle; one of repulsion; which love; no

matter how enterprising; no matter how prevailing or how insinuating;

has never passed; and; if we judge of what is to be by what has been;

never will。  Perhaps Nature loved Number Five so well that she

grudged her to any mortal man; and gave her this inner girdle of

repulsion to guard her from all who would know her too nearly and

love her too well。  Sometimes two vessels at sea keep each other

company for a long distance; it may be daring a whole voyage。  Very

pleasant it is to each to have a companion to exchange signals with

from time to time; to came near enough; when the winds are light; to

hold converse in ordinary tones from deck to deck; to know that; in

case of need; there's help at hand。  It is good for them to be near

each other; but not good to be too near。  Woe is to them if they

touch!  The wreck of one or both is likely to be the consequence。

And so two well…equipped and heavily freighted natures may be the

best of companions to each other; and yet must never attempt to come

into closer union。  Is this the condition of affairs between Number

Five and the Tutor?  I hope not; for I want them to be joined

together in that dearest of intimacies; which; if founded in true

affinity; is the nearest approach to happiness to be looked for in

our mortal; experience。  We mast wait。  The Teacups will meet once

more before the
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