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The insubordinate Indians were under command of 〃Joe;〃 Sam's brother;
who at last sent me word that he wanted to see me; and we met between
our; respective lines。 I talked kindly to him; but was firm in my
demand that the men who killed the woman must be given up and my six…
shooter returned。 His reply was he did not think it could be done;
but he would consult his people。 After the consultation; he returned
and notified me that fifteen would surrender and the six…shooter
would be restored; and further; that we could kill the sixteenth man;
since the tribe wished to get rid of him anyhow; adding that he was a
bad Indian; whose bullet no doubt had given the woman her death
wound。 He said that if I assented to this arrangement; he would
require all of his people except the objectionable man to run to the
right of his line at a preconcerted signal。 The bad Indian would be
ordered to stand fast on the extreme left; and we could open fire on
him as his comrades fell away to the right。 I agreed to the
proposition; and gave Joe fifteen minutes to execute his part of it。
We then returned to our respective forces; and a few minutes later
the fifteen ran to the right flank as agreed upon; and we opened fire
on the one Indian left standing alone; bringing him down in his
tracks severely wounded by a shot through the shoulder。
While all this was going on; the other bands of the reservation;
several thousand strong; had occupied the surrounding hills for the
purpose of witnessing the fight; for as the Rogue Rivers had been
bragging for some time that they could whip the soldiers; these other
Indians had come out to see it done。 The result; however;
disappointed the spectators; and the Rogue Rivers naturally lost
caste。 The fifteen men now came in and laid down their arms
(including my six…shooter) in front of us as agreed; but I compelled
them to take the surrendered guns up again and carry them to the
post; where they were deposited in the block…house for future
security。 The prisoners were ironed with ball and chain; and made to
work at the post until their rebellious spirit was broken; and the
wounded man was correspondingly punished after he had fully
recovered。 An investigation as to why this man had been selected as
the offering by which Joe and his companions expected to gain
immunity; showed that the fellow was really a most worthless
character; whose death even would have been a benefit to the tribe。
Thus it seemed that they had two purposes in viewthe one to
propitiate me and get good terms; the other to rid themselves of a
vagabond member of the tribe。
The punishment of these sixteen Indians by ball and chain ended all
trouble with the Rogue River tribe。 The; disturbances arising from
the incantations of the doctors and doctresses; and the practice of
killing horses and burning all worldly property on the graves of
those who died; were completely suppressed; and we made with little
effort a great stride toward the civilization of these crude and
superstitious people; for they now began to recognize the power of
the Government。 In their management afterward a course of justice
and mild force was adopted; and unvaryingly applied。 They were
compelled to cultivate their land; to attend church; and to send
their children to school。 When I saw them; fifteen years later;
transformed into industrious and substantial farmers; with neat
houses; fine cattle; wagons and horses; carrying their grain; eggs;
and butter to market and bringing home flour; coffee; sugar; and
calico in return; I found abundant confirmation of my early opinion
that the most effectual measures for lifting them from a state of
barbarism would be a practical supervision at the outset; coupled
with a firm control and mild discipline。
In all that was done for these Indians Captain Russell's judgment and
sound; practical ideas were the inspiration。 His true manliness;
honest and just methods; together with the warm…hearted interest he
took in all that pertained to matters of duty to his Government;
could not have produced other than the best results; in what position
soever he might have been placed。 As all the lovable traits of his
character were constantly manifested; I became most deeply attached
to him; and until the day of his death in 1864; on the battle…field
of Opequan; in front of Winchester; while gallantly leading his
division under my command; my esteem and affection were sustained and
intensified by the same strong bonds that drew me to him in these
early days in Oregon。
After the events just narrated I continued on duty at the post of
Yamhill; experiencing the usual routine of garrison life without any
incidents of much interest; down to the breaking out of the war of
the rebellion in April; 1861。 The news of the firing on Fort Sumter
brought us an excitement which overshadowed all else; and though we
had no officers at the post who sympathized with the rebellion; there
were several in our regimentthe Fourth Infantrywho did; and we
were considerably exercised as to the course they might pursue; but
naturally far more so concerning the disposition that would be made
of the regiment during the conflict。
In due time orders came for the regiment to go East; and my company
went off; leaving me; howevera second lieutenantin command of the
post until I should be relieved by Captain James J。 Archer; of the
Ninth Infantry; whose company was to take the place of the old
garrison。 Captain Archer; with his company of the Ninth; arrived
shortly after; but I had been notified that he intended to go South;
and his conduct was such after reaching the post that I would not
turn over the command to him for fear he might commit some rebellious
act。 Thus a more prolonged detention occurred than I had at first
anticipated。 Finally the news came that he had tendered his
resignation and been granted a leave of absence for sixty days。 On
July 17 he took his departure; but I continued in command till
September 1; when Captain Philip A。 Owen; of the Ninth Infantry;
arrived and; taking charge; gave me my release。
》From the day we received the news of the firing on Sumter until I
started East; about the first of September; 1861; I was deeply
solicitous as to the course of events; and though I felt confident
that in the end the just cause of the Government must triumph; yet
the thoroughly crystallized organization which the Southern
Confederacy quickly exhibited disquieted me very much; for it alone
was evidence that the Southern leaders had long anticipated the
struggle and prepared for it。 It was very difficult to obtain direct
intelligence of the progress of the war。 Most of the time we were in
the depths of ignorance as to the true condition of affairs; and this
tended to increase our anxiety。 Then; too; the accounts of the
conflicts that had taken place were greatly exaggerated by the
Eastern papers; and lost nothing in transition。 The news came by the
pony express across the Plains to San Francisco; where it was still
further magnified in republishing; and gained somewhat in Southern
bias。 I remember well that when the first reports reached us of; the
battle of Bull Runthat sanguinary engagementit was stated that
each side had lost forty thousand men in killed and wounded; and none
were reported missing nor as having run away。 Week by week these
losses grew less; until they finally shrunk into the hundreds; but
the vivid descriptions of the gory conflict were not toned down
during the whole summer。
We received our mail at Yamhill only once a week; and then had to
bring it from Portland; Oregon; by express。 On the day of the week
that our courier; or messenger; was expected back from Portland; I
would go out early in the morning to a commanding point above the
post; from which I could see a long distance down the road as it ran
through the valley of the Yamhill; and there I would watch with
anxiety for his coming; longing for good news; for; isolated as I had
been through years spent in the wilderness; my patriotism was
untainted by politics; nor had it been disturbed by any discussion of
the questions out of which the war grew; and I hoped for the success
of the Government above all other considerations。 I believe I was
also uninfluenced by any thoughts of the promotion that might result
to me from the conflict; but; out of a sincere desire to contribute
as much as I could to the preservation of the Union; I earnestly
wished to be at the seat of war; and feared it might end before I
could get East。 In no sense did I anticipate what was to happen to
me afterward; nor that I was to gain any distinction from it。 I was
ready to do my duty to the best of my ability wherever I might be
called; and I was young; healthy; insensible to fatigue; and desired
opportunity; but high rank was so distant in our service that not a
dream of its