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Torbert moved out promptly; Merritt's brigade first; followed by
Custer's; on the direct road to Cold Harbor; while Devin's brigade
was detached; and marched by a left…hand road that would bring him in
on the right and rear of the enemy's line; which was posted in front
of the crossroads。 Devin was unable to carry his part of the
programme farther than to reach the front of the Confederate right;
and as Merritt came into position to the right of the Old Church road
Torbert was obliged to place a part of Custer's brigade on Merritt's
left so as to connect with Devin。 The whole division was now in
line; confronted by Fitzhugh Lee's cavalry; supported by Clingman's
brigade from Hoke's division of infantry; and from the Confederate
breastworks; hastily constructed out of logs; rails; and earth; a
heavy fire was already being poured upon us that it seemed impossible
to withstand。 None of Gregg's division had yet arrived; and so
stubborn was the enemy's resistance that I began to doubt our ability
to carry the place before reinforcements came up; but just then
Merritt reported that he could turn the enemy's left; and being
directed to execute his proposition; he carried it to a most
successful issue with the First and Second regular cavalry。 Just as
these two regiments passed around the enemy's left and attacked his
rear; the remainder of the division assailed him in front。 This
manoeuvre of Merritt's stampeded the Confederates; and the defenses
falling into our hands easily; we pushed ahead on the Bottom's bridge
road three…fourths of a mile beyond Cold Harbor。
Cold Harbor was now mine; but I was about nine miles away from our
nearest infantry; and had been able to bring up only Davies's brigade
of cavalry; which arrived after the fight。 My isolated position
therefore made me a little uneasy。 I felt convinced that the enemy
would attempt to regain the place; for it was of as much importance
to him as to us; and the presence of his infantry disclosed that he
fully appreciated this。 My uneasiness increased as the day grew
late; for I had learned from prisoners that the balance of Hoke's
division was en route to Cold Harbor; and Kershaw near at hand;
interposing between the Union left near Bethesda Church and my
position。 In view of this state of affairs; I notified General Meade
that I had taken Cold Harbor; but could not with safety to my command
hold it; and forthwith gave directions to withdraw during the night。
The last of my troops had scarcely pulled out; however; when I
received a despatch from Meade directing me to hold Cold Harbor at
every hazard。 General Grant had expected that a severe battle would
have to be fought before we could obtain possession of the place; and
its capture by our cavalry not being anticipated; no preparation had
been made for its permanent occupancy。 No time was to be lost;
therefore; if the advantages which possession of Cold Harbor gave us
were to be improved; so at the same hour that Meade ordered me to
hold the place at all hazards the Sixth Corps was started on a forced
march; by Grant's directions; to aid in that object; and on arrival
to relieve my cavalry。
The moment Meade's order was received; I directed a reoccupation of
Cold Harbor; and although a large portion of Torbert's command was
already well on its way back to the line we held on the morning of
the 31st; this force speedily retraced its steps; and re…entered the
place before daylight; both our departure and return having been
effected without the enemy being aware of our movements。 We now
found that the temporary breastworks of rails and logs which the
Confederates had built were of incalculable benefit to us in
furnishing material with which to establish a line of defense; they
being made available by simply reversing them at some points; or at
others wholly reconstructing them to suit the circumstances of the
ground: The troops; without reserves; were then placed behind our
cover dismounted; boxes of ammunition distributed along the line; and
the order passed along that the place must be held。 All this was
done in the darkness; and while we were working away at our cover the
enemy could be distinctly heard from our skirmish…line giving
commands and making preparations to attack。
Just after daylight on the 1st of June the Confederate infantry under
General Kershaw endeavored to drive us out; advancing against my
right from the Bethesda Church road。 In his assault he was permitted
to come close up to our works; and when within short range such afire
was opened on him from our horse…artillery and repeating carbines
that he recoiled in confusion after the first onset; still; he seemed
determined to get the place; and after reorganizing; again attacked;
but the lesson of the first repulse was not without effect; and his
feeble effort proved wholly fruitless。 After his second failure we
were left undisturbed; and at 9 A。M。 I sent the following despatch to
army headquarters:
〃Cold Harbor; Va。; June 1; 18649 A。M。
〃GENERAL: In obedience to your instructions I am holding Cold Harbor。
I have captured this morning more prisoners; they belong to three
different infantry brigades。 The enemy assaulted the right of my
lines this morning; but were handsomely repulsed。 I have been very
apprehensive; but General Wright is now coming up。 I built slight
works for my men; the enemy came up to them; and were driven back。
General Wright has just arrived。
〃Major…General Commanding。〃
About 10 o'clock in the morning the Sixth Corps relieved Torbert and
Davies; having marched all night; and these two generals moving out
toward the Chickahominy covered the left of the infantry line till
Hancock's corps took their place in the afternoon。 By this time
Gregg had joined me with his two brigades; and both Torbert and Gregg
were now marched to Prospect Church; from which point I moved them to
a position on the north side of the Chickahominy at Bottom's bridge。
Here the enemy's cavalry confronted us; occupying the south bank of
the stream; with artillery in position at the fords prepared to
dispute our passage; but it was not intended that we should cross; so
Gregg and Torbert lay quiet in camp at Bottom's bridge and at Old
Church without noteworthy event until the 6th of June。
As before related; Wilson's division struck the enemy's infantry as
well as W。 H。 F。 Lee's cavalry near Ashland on the 1st of June; and
although Chapman destroyed the bridges over the South Anna; which was
his part of the programme; Wilson found it necessary to return to
Price's Store。 From this point he continued to cover the right of
the Army of the Potomac; on the 2d of June driving the rear…guard of
the enemy from Hawe's Shop; the scene of the battle of May 28。 The
same day he crossed Tolopotomy Creek; and passed around the enemy's
left flank so far that Lee thought his left was turned by a strong
force; and under cover of darkness withdrew from a menacing position
which he was holding in front of the Ninth Corps。 This successful
manoeuvre completed; Wilson returned to Hawe's Shop; and on the 4th
went into camp at New Castle ferry; in anticipation of certain
operations of the Cavalry Corps; which were to take place while the
Army of the Potomac was crossing to the south side of the James。
By the 6th of June General Grant again determined to continue the
movement of the army by its left flank to the south bank of the James
River; his unsuccessful attack on the enemy's works near Cold Harbor
having demonstrated that Lee's position north of the Chickahominy
could not be carried by assault with results that would compensate
for the enormous loss of life which must follow; therefore a further
attempt to fight a decisive battle north of Richmond was abandoned。
In carrying the army to the James River the hazardous manoeuvres
would be hampered by many obstacles; such as the thick timber;
underbrush; and troublesome swamps to be met in crossing the
Chickahominy。 Besides; Lee held an interior line; from which all the
direct roads to Richmond could be covered with his infantry; leaving
his cavalry free to confront our advance on the south bank of the
Chickahominy as far down as Jones's bridge; and thence around to
Charles City Court House。 In view of these difficulties it became
necessary to draw off the bulk of the enemy's cavalry while the
movement to the James was in process of execution; and General Meade
determined to do this by requiring me to proceed with two divisions
as far as Char