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we two-第1章

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We Two

by Edna Lyall

CHAPTER I。 Brian Falls in Love

Still humanity grows dearer; Being learned the more。  Jean Ingelow。

There are three things in this world which deserve no quarter Hypocrisy; Pharisaism; and Tyranny。  F。 Robertson

People who have been brought up in the country; or in small places where every neighbor is known by sight; are apt to think that life in a large town must lack many of the interests which they have learned to find in their more limited communities。  In a somewhat bewildered way; they gaze at the shifting crowd of strange faces; and wonder whether it would be possible to feel completely at home where all the surroundings of life seem ever changing and unfamiliar。

But those who have lived long in one quarter of London; or of any other large town; know that there are in reality almost as many links between the actors of the town life…drama as between those of the country life…drama。

Silent recognitions pass between passengers who meet day after day in the same morning or evening train; on the way to or from work; the faces of omnibus conductors grow familiar; we learn to know perfectly well on what day of the week and at what hour the well…known organ…grinder will make his appearance; and in what street we shall meet the city clerk or the care…worn little daily governess on their way to office or school。  It so happened that Brian Osmond; a young doctor who had not been very long settled in the Bloomsbury regions; had an engagement which took him every afternoon down Gower Street; and here many faces had grown familiar to him。  He invariably met the same sallow…faced postman; the same nasal…voiced milkman; the same pompous…looking man with the bushy whiskers and the shiny black bag; on his way home from the city。  But the only passenger in whom he took any interest was a certain bright…faced little girl whom he generally met just before the Montague Place crossing。  He always called her his 〃little girl;〃 though she was by no means little in the ordinary acceptation of the word; being at least sixteen; and rather tall for her years。  But there was a sort of freshness and naivete and youthfulness about her which made him use that adjective。  She usually carried a pile of books in a strap; so he conjectured that she must be coming from school; and; ever since he had first seen her; she had worn the same rough blue serge dress; and the same quaint little fur hat。  In other details; however; he could never tell in the least how he should find her。  She seemed to have a mood for every day。  Sometimes she would be in a great hurry and would almost run past him; sometimes she would saunter along in the most unconventional way; glancing from time to time at a book or a paper; sometimes her eager face would look absolutely bewitching in its brightness; sometimes scarcely less bewitching in a consuming anxiety which seemed unnatural in one so young。

One rainy afternoon in November; Brian was as usual making his way down Gower Street; his umbrella held low to shelter him from the driving rain which seemed to come in all directions。  The milkman's shrill voice was still far in the distance; the man of letters was still at work upon knockers some way off; it was not yet time for his little girl to make her appearance; and he was not even thinking of her; when suddenly his umbrella was nearly knocked out of his hand by coming violently into collision with another umbrella。  Brought thus to a sudden stand; he looked to see who it was who had charged him with such violence; and found himself face to face with his unknown friend。  He had never been quite so close to her before。  Her quaint face had always fascinated him; but on nearer view he thought it the loveliest face he had ever seenit took his heart by storm。

It was framed in soft; silky masses of dusky auburn hair which hung over the broad; white forehead; but at the back was scarcely longer than a boy's。  The features; though not regular; were delicate and piquant; the usual faint rose…flush on the cheeks deepened now to carnation; perhaps because of the slight contretemps; perhaps because of some deeper emotionBrian fancied the latter; for the clear; golden…brown eyes that were lifted to his seemed bright either with indignation or with unshed tears。  Today it was clear that the mood was not a happy one。

〃I am very sorry;〃 she said; looking up at him; and speaking in a low; musical voice; but with the unembarrassed frankness of a child。  〃I really wasn't thinking or looking; it was very careless of me。〃

Brian of course took all the blame to himself; and apologized profusely; but though he would have given much to detain her; if only a moment; she gave him no opportunity; but with a slight inclination passed rapidly on。  He stood quite still; watching her till she was out of sight; aware of a sudden change in his life。  He was a busy hard…working man; not at all given to dreams; and it was no dream that he was in now。  He knew perfectly well that he had met his ideal; had spoken to her and she to him; that somehow in a single moment a new world had opened out to him。  He had fallen in love。

The trifling occurrence had made no great impression on the 〃little girl〃 herself。  She was rather vexed with herself for the carelessness; but a much deeper trouble was filling her heart。  She soon forgot the passing interruption and the brown…bearded man with the pleasant gray eyes who had apologized for what was quite her fault。  Something had gone wrong that day; as Brian had surmised; the eyes grew brighter; the carnation flush deepened as she hurried along; the delicate lips closed with a curiously hard expression; the hands were clasped with unnecessary tightness round the umbrella。

She passed up Guilford Square; but did not turn into any of the old decayed houses; her home was far less imposing。  At the corner of the square there is a narrow opening which leads into a sort of blind alley paved with grim flagstones。  Here; facing a high blank wall; are four or five very dreary houses。  She entered one of these; put down her wet umbrella in the shabby little hall; and opened the door of a barely furnished room; the walls of which were; however; lined with books。  Beside the fire was the one really comfortable piece of furniture in the room; an Ikeley couch; and upon it lay a very wan…looking invalid; who glanced up with a smile of welcome。  〃Why; Erica; you are home early today。  How is that?〃

〃Oh; I don't know;〃 said Erica; tossing down her books in a way which showed her mother that she was troubled about something。  〃I suppose I tore along at a good rate; and there was no temptation to stay at the High School。〃

〃Come and tell me about it;〃 said the mother; gently; 〃what has gone wrong; little one?〃

〃Everything!〃 exclaimed Erica; vehemently。  〃Everything always does go wrong with us and always will; I suppose。  I wish you had never sent me to school; mother; I wish I need never see the place again!〃

〃But till today you enjoyed it so much。〃

〃Yes; the classes and the being with Gertrude。  But that will never be the same again。  It's just this; mother; I'm never to speak to Gertrude againto have noting more to do with her。〃

〃Who said so?  And Why?〃

〃Why?  Because I'm myself;〃 said Erica; with a bitter little laugh。  〃How I can help it; nobody seems to think。  But Gertrude's father has come back from Africa; and was horrified to learn that we were friends; made her promise never to speak to me again; and made her write this note about it。  Look!〃 and she took a crumpled envelope from her pocket。

The mother read the note in silence; and an expression of pain came over her face。  Erica; who was very impetuous; snatched it away from her when she saw that look of sadness。

〃Don't read the horrid thing!〃 she exclaimed; crushing it up in her hand。  〃There; we will burn it!〃 and she threw it into the fire with a vehemence which somehow relieved her。

〃You shouldn't have done that;〃 said her mother。  〃Your father will be sure to want to see it。〃

〃No; no; no;〃 cried Erica; passionately。  〃He must not know; you must not tell him; mother。〃

〃Dear child; have you not learned that it is impossible to keep anything from him?  He will find out directly that something is wrong。〃

〃It will grieve him so; he must not hear it;〃 said Erica。  〃He cares so much for what hurts us。  Oh! Why are people so hard and cruel?  Why do they treat us like lepers?  It isn't all because of losing Gertrude; I could bear that if there were some real reason if she went away or died。  But there's no reason!  It's all prejudice and bigotry and injustice; it's that which makes it sting so。

Erica was not at all given to tears; but there was now a sort of choking in her throat; and a sort of dimness in her eyes which made her rather hurriedly settle down on the floor in her own particular nook beside her mother's couch; where her face could not be seen。  There was a silence。  Presently the mother spoke; stroking back the wavy; auburn hair with her thin white hand。

〃For a long time I have dreaded this for you; Erica。  I was afraid you didn't realize the sort of position the world will give you。  Till lately you have seen scarcely any b
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