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we two-第101章

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 day lost; the treat would be lost。  But the evening before; when she was on the very tiptoe of expectation; a celebrated action for libel had come to an end much sooner than was expected; and when her father returned in the evening he had to tell her that his case was to come on the next day; and that he could not possibly take her。  Even now she could recall the bitterness of the disappointment; but not so vividly as the look in her father's face as he lifted her off the floor where she had thrown herself in the abandonment of her grief。  He had not said a word then about the enormity of crying; he had just held her closely in his arms; feeling the disappointment a thousand times more than she felt it herself; and fully realizing that the loss of such a long…looked…for happiness was to a child what the loss of thousands of pounds would be to a man。  He had been patient with her  though she had entirely failed to see why he could not put off the case just for that day。

〃You'll understand one day; little one;〃 he had said; 〃and be glad that you have had your share of pain in a day that will advance the cause of liberty。〃

She remembered protesting that that was impossible; that she should always be miserable; at which he had only smiled。

Then it came to Erica that the life upon earth was; after all; as compared with the eternal life; what the day is in the life of a child。  It seemed everything at the time; but was in truth such a fragment。  And as she lay there in the immeasurably greater agony of later life; once more sobbing: 〃I had hoped; I had planned; this is more than I can bear!〃 a Comforter infinitely grater; a Father whose love was infinitely stronger; drew her so near that the word 〃near〃 was but a mockery; and told her; as the earthly father had told her with such perfect truth: 〃One day you will understand; child; one day you will be glad to have shared the pain!〃

In the next room there was for some time quiet。  Poor Tom; heavy with grief and weariness; fell asleep beside the fire; Raeburn was for the most part very still as if wrapped in thought。  At length a heavy sigh made Brian ask if he were in pain。

〃Pain of mind;〃 he said; 〃not of body。  Don't misunderstand me;〃 he said after a pause; with the natural fear least Brian should fancy his secularism failed him at the near approach of death。  〃For myself I am content; I have had a very full life; and I have tried always yes; I think I may say alwaysto work entirely for the good of Humanity。  But I am wretched about Erica。  I do not see how the home can be a very happy one for her when I am gone。〃

For a minute Brian hesitated; but it seemed to him when he thought out the matter; that a father so loving as Raeburn would find no jealousy at the thought that the love he had deemed exclusively his own might; after all; have been given to another。

〃I do not know whether I am right to tell you;〃 he said。  〃Would it make you happier to know that I love Erica that I have loved her for nearly nine years?〃

Raeburn gave an ejaculation of astonishment。  There was a long silence; for the idea; once suggested to him; he began to see what a likely thing it was and to wonder that he had not thought of it before。

〃I think you are well suited to each other;〃 he said at last。  〃Now I understand your visit to Florence。  What took you away again so suddenly?〃

Brian told him all about the day at Fiesole。  He seemed greatly touched; all the little proofs and coincidences which had never struck him at the time were so plain now。  They were still discussing it when; at about five o'clock; Erica returned。  She was pale and sad; but the worn; harassed; miserable look had quite gone。  It was a strange time and place for a betrothal。

〃Brian has been telling me about the day at Fiesole;〃 said Raeburn; letting his weak; nerveless hands play about in her hair as she knelt beside the bed。  〃You have been a leal bairn to me; Eric; I don't think I could have spared you then even though Brian so well deserved you。  But now it makes me very happy to leave you to him; it takes away my only care。〃

Erica had colored faintly; but there was an absence of responsiveness in her manner which troubled Raeburn。

〃You do still feel as you did at Fiesole?〃 he asked。  〃You are sure of your own mind?  You think you will be happy?〃

〃I love Brian;〃 she said in a low voice。  〃But; oh; I can't think now about being happy!〃  She broke off suddenly and hid her face in the bed clothes。

There was silence in the room。  In a minute she raised herself and turned to Brian who stood beside her。

〃You will understand;〃 she said; looking right into his eyes。  〃There is only one thing that I can feel just now。  You do understand; I know。〃

With a sudden impulse she threw her arms round his neck and kissed him。

And Brian did understand。  He knew; too; that she wanted to have her father to herself。  Even in the very fulfillment of his desire he was obliged to stand aside; obliged even yet to be patient。  Never surely had an impulsive; impetuous man a longer training。

When he had gone Raeburn talked for some time of Erica's future; talked for so long; indeed; that she grew impatient。  How trifling now seemed the sacrifice she had made at Fiesole to which he kept on referring。

〃Oh; why do you waste the time in talking of me?〃 she said at last。

〃Why?〃 he said smiling。  〃Because you are my bairn of what else should I speak or think?  For myself; I am very content; dear; though I should have liked a few more years of work。  It was not to be; you see; and; in the end; no doubt this will work good to the cause of 〃 he broke off; unwilling to pain her。

〃Ah; child!〃 he said after a pause; 〃How miserable you and I might have been for these two years if we had not loved each other。  You are not to think; little one; that I have not known what your wishes have been for me。  You; and Brian; and Osmond; and of late that noble fellow Farrant; have often made me see that Christianity need not necessarily warp the intellect and cripple the life。  I believe that for you; and such as you; the system is not rooted in selfishness。  But; dear; you are but the exceptions; the rare exceptions。  I know that you have wished with all your heart that I should come to think as you do; while I have been wishing you back into the ranks of secularism。  Well!  It wasn't to be。  We each of us lost our wish。  But there is this left; that we each know the other to be honest; each deem it a case of honest mistake。  I've felt that all along。  We've a common love of truth and a common love of humanity。  Oh; my child!  Spite of all the creeds; we are very near to each other!〃

〃Very near;〃 she whispered。  And words which Charles Osmond had spoken years ago returned to her memory。  〃I think death will be your gate of life。  You will wake up and exclaim: 〃Who'd have thought it?〃

After all; death would in a sense make them yet nearer!  But human nature is weak; and it is hard for us to realize the Unseen。  She could not then feel that it was anything but hard; bitter; heart… breaking that he should be leaving her in this way。

The pain had now almost entirely ceased; and Raeburn; though very restless; was better able to talk than on the previous day。  He asked for the first time what was passing in the world; showed special interest in the accounts of the late colliery accident; and was greatly touched by the gallant efforts of the rescuers who had to some extent been successful。  He insisted; too; on hearing what the various papers had to say about his own case; listening sometimes with a quiet smile; sometimes with a gleam of anger in his eyes。  After a very abusive article; which he had specially desired to hear; he leaned back with an air of weariness。

〃I'm rather tired of this sort of thing!〃 he said with a sigh。  〃What will the 'Herald' do when it no longer has me to abuse?〃

Of Drosser and of the events of that Sunday evening he spoke strangely little。  What he did say was; for the most part; said to Professor Gosse。

〃You say I was rash to go alone;〃 he replied when the professor had opened the subject。  〃Well; that may be。  It is not; perhaps; the first time that in personal matters I've been lacking in due caution。  But I thought it would prevent a riot。  I still think it did so。〃

〃And what is your feeling about the whole matter?〃 asked the professor。  〃Do you forgive Drosser for having given you this mortal injury?〃

〃One must bow to necessity;〃 said Raeburn quietly。  〃When you speak of forgiving I don't quite understand you; but I don't intend to hand down a legacy of revenge to my successors。  The law will duly punish the man; and future atheists will reap the benefit of my death。  There is; after all; you know; a certain satisfaction in feeling that I died as I have lived; in defending the right of free speech。  I can't say that I could not have wished that Drosser had made an end of me at nine…and…seventy rather than at nine…and…forty。  I shall live on in their hearts; and that is a glorious immortality!  The only immortality I have ever looked for。〃

In the afternoon to the astonishment of all; Mr。 Fane…Smith came over from Greyshot; horrified to hear that the man who he had once treated
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