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longer should its veiled selfishness; its so…called virtuous indignation turn him into a Pharisaical judge。
He received him with a hand shake which conveyed to Raeburn much of the warmth; the reality; the friendliness of the man。 He had always liked Charles Osmond; but he had generally met him either in public; or when he was harassed and preoccupied。 Now; when he was at leisure; when; too; he was in great trouble; he instinctively perceived that Osmond had in a rare degree the broad…hearted sympathy which he was just now in need of。 From that minute a life…long friendship sprung up between the two men。
〃I came really to see your son;〃 said Raeburn; 〃but they tell me he is out。 I wish to know the whole truth about Erica。〃 It was not his way to speak very much where he felt deeply; and Charles Osmond could detect all the deep anxiety; the half…indulged hope which lay hidden behind the strong reserved exterior。 He had heard enough of the case to be able to satisfy him; to assure him that there was no danger; that all must be left to time and patience and careful observance of the doctor's regulations。 Raeburn sighed with relief at the repeated assurance that there was no danger; that recovery was only a question of time。 Death had so recently visited his home that a grisly fear had taken possession of his heart。 Once free of that; he could speak almost cheerfully of the lesser evil。
〃It will be a great trial to her; such absolute imprisonment; she is never happy unless she is hard at work。 But she is brave and strong…willed。 Will you look in and see her when you can?〃
〃Certainly;〃 said Charles Osmond。 〃We must do our best to keep up her spirits。〃
〃Yes; luckily she is a great reader; otherwise such a long rest would be intolerable; I should fancy。〃
〃You do not object to my coming to see her?〃 said Charles Osmond; looking full into his companion's eyes。 〃You know that we discuss religious questions pretty freely。〃
〃Religious questions always are freely discussed in my house;〃 said Raeburn。 〃It will be the greatest advantage to her to have to turn things well over in her mind。 Besides; we always make a point of studying our adversaries' case even more closely than our own; and; if she has a chance of doing it personally as well as through books; all the better。〃
〃But supposing that such an unlikely thing were to happen as that she should see reason to change her present views? Supposing; if you can suppose anything so unlikely; she should ever in future years come to believe in Christianity?〃
Raeburn smiled; not quite pleasantly。
〃It is as you say such a very remote contingency!〃 He paused; grew grave; then continued with all his native nobility: 〃Yet I like you the better for having brought forward such an idea; improbable as I hope it may be considered。 I feel very sure of Erica。 She has thought a great deal; she has had every possible advantage。 We never teach on authority; she has been left perfectly free and has learned to weigh evidences and probabilities; not to be led astray by any emotional fancies; but to be guided by reason。 She has always heard both sides of the case; she has lived as it were in an atmosphere of debate; and has been; and of course always will be; quite free to form her own opinion on every subject。 It is not for nothing that we call ourselves Freethinkers。 Absolute freedom of thought and speech is part of our creed。 So far from objecting to your holding free discussions with my daughter; I shall be positively grateful to you; and particularly just now。 I fancy Erica has inherited enough of my nature to enjoy nothing better than a little opposition。〃
〃I know you are a born fighter;〃 said Charles Osmond。 〃We sympathize with each other in that。 And next to the bliss of a hard…won victory; I place the satisfaction of being well conquered。〃
Raeburn laughed。
〃I am glad we think alike there。 People are very fond of describing me as a big bull dog; but if they would think a little; they would see that the love of overcoming obstacles is deeply rooted in the heart of every true man。 What is the meaning of our English love of field sports? What the explanation of the mania for Alpine climbing? It is no despicable craving for distinction; it is the innate love of fighting; struggling; and conquering。〃
〃Well; there are many obstacles which we can struggle to remove; side by side;〃 said Charles Osmond。 〃We should be like one man; I fancy on the question of the opium trade; for instance。〃
In a few vigorous words Raeburn denounced this monstrous national sin。
〃Are you going to the meeting tonight?〃 he added; after a pause。
〃Yes; I had thought of it。 Let us go together。 Shall you speak?〃
〃Not tonight;〃 said Raeburn; a smile flickering about his usually stern lips。 〃The Right Reverend Father; etc。; etc。; who is to occupy the chair; might object to announcing that 'Mr。 Raeburn would now address the meeting。' No; this is not the time or place for me。 So prejudiced are people that the mere connection of my name with the question would probably do more harm than good。 I should like; I confess; to get up without introduction; to speak not from the platform but from among the audience incognito。 But that is impossible for a man who has the misfortune to be five inches above the average height; and whose white hair has become a proverb; since some one made the unfortunate remark; repeated in a hundred newspapers; that the 'hoary head was only a crown of glory when found in the way of righteousness。'〃
Charles Osmond could not help laughing。
〃The worst of these newspaper days is that one never can make an end of anything。 That remark has been made to me since at several meetings。 At the last; I told the speaker that I was so tired of comments on my personal appearance that I should soon have to resort either to the dyer or the wigmaker。 But here am I wasting your time and my own; and forgetting the poor little maid at home。 Goodbye。 I'll call in passing; then; at a quarter to eight。 Tom Craigie will probably be with me; he is very rabid on the subject。〃
〃Craigie and I are quite old friends;〃 said Charles Osmond。
And then; as on the preceding night he had stood at the door while Erica crossed the square; so now involuntarily his eyes followed Raeburn。 In his very walk the character of the man was indicated firm; steady; imperturbable; straightforward。
CHAPTER XIV。 Charles Osmond Speaks His Mind
Fiat justitia ruat coelum。 Proverb
Justice; the miracle worker among men。 John Bright (July 14; 1868。)
〃I thought you were never coming to see me;〃 said Erica; putting down a newspaper and looking up with eager welcome at Charles Osmond; who had just been announced。
〃It has not been for want of will;〃 he replied; sitting down near her couch; 〃but I have been overwhelmed with work the last few days。 How are you getting on? I'm glad you don't altogether refuse to see your prophet of evil。〃
〃It would have been worse if you hadn't spoken;〃 she said; in the tone of one trying hard to make the best of things。 〃I was rather rash though to say that I should like my wheels to run down; I didn't know how terrible it is to be still。 One does so grudge all the lost time。〃
〃But you will not let this be lost time you will read。〃
〃Oh; yes; happily I can do that。 And Mrs。 McNaughton is going to give me physiology lessons; and dear old Professor Gosse has promised to come and teach me whenever he can。 He is so devoted to father; you know; I think he would do anything for me just because I am his child。 It is a comfort that father has so many real good friends。 What I do so hate though is the thought of having to be a passive verb for so long。 You've no idea how aggravating it is to lie here and listen to all that is going on; to hear of great meetings and not to be able to go; to hear of work to be done and not to be able to do it。 And I suppose one notices little things more when one is ill; for just to lie still and watch our clumsy little servant lay the table for dinner; clattering down the knives and forks and tossing down the plates; makes me actually cross。 And then they let the room get so untidy; just look at that stack of books for reviewing; and that chaos of papers in the corner。 If I could but get up for just five minutes I shouldn't mind。〃
〃Poor child;〃 said Charles Osmond; 〃this comes very hard on you。〃
〃I know I'm grumbling dreadfully; but if you knew how horrid it is to be cut off from everything! And; of course; it happens that another controversy is beginning about that Longstaff report。 I have been reading half a dozen of today's newspapers; and each one is worse than the last。 Look here! Just read that; and try to imagine that it's your father they are slandering! Oh; if I could but get up for one minute and stamp!〃
〃And is this untrue?〃 asked Charles Osmond; when he had finished the account in question。
〃There is just enough truth in it to make it worse than a direct lie;〃 said Erica; hotly。 〃They have quoted his own words; but in a sense in which he never meant them; or they have quite disregarded the context。 If you will give me those books on the table; I'll just show you h