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we two-第3章

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He put down the book; and they moved on together; but had not gone many paces before they were stopped by a most miserable…looking beggar child。  Brian standing now outside the shop; saw and heard all that passed。

Raeburn was evidently investigating the case; Erica; a little impatient of the interruption; was remonstrating。

〃I thought you never gave to beggars; and I am sure that harrowing story is made up。〃

〃Very likely;〃 replied the father; 〃but the hunger is real; and I know well enough what hunger is。  What have you here?〃 he added; indicating the paper bag which Erica held。

〃Scones;〃 she said; unwillingly。

〃That will do;〃 he said; taking them from her and giving them to the child。  〃He is too young to be anything but the victim of another's laziness。  There!  Sit down and eat them while you can。〃

The child sat down on the doorstep with the bag of scones clasped in both hands; but he continued to gaze after his benefactor till he had passed out of sight; and there was a strange look of surprise and gratification in his eyes。  That was a man who knew!  Many people had; after hard begging; thrown him pence; many had warned him off harshly; but this man had looked straight into his eyes; and had at once stopped and questioned him; had singled out the one true statement from a mass of lies; and had given him not a stale loaf with the top cut off; a suspicious sort of charity which always angered the waifbut his own food; bought for his own consumption。  Most wonderful of all; too; this man knew what it was to be hungry; and had even the insight and shrewdness to be aware that the waif's best chance of eating the scones at all was to eat them then and there。  For the first time a feeling of reverence and admiration was kindled in the child's heart; he would have done a great deal for his unknown friend。

Raeburn and Erica had meanwhile walked on in the direction of Guilford Square。

〃I had bought them for you;〃 said Erica; reproachfully。

〃And I ruthlessly gave them away;〃 said Raeburn; smiling。  〃That was hard lines; I though they were only household stock。  But after all it comes to the same thing in the end; or better。  You have given them to me by giving them to the child。  Never mind; 'Little son Eric!'〃

This was his pet name for her; and it meant a great deal to them。  She was his only child; and it had at first been a great disappointment to every one that she was not a boy。  But Raeburn had long ago ceased to regret this; and the nickname referred more to Erica's capability of being both son and daughter to him; able to help him in his work and at the same time to brighten his home。  Erica was very proud of her name; for she had been called after her father's greatest friend; Eric Haeberlein; a celebrated republican; who once during a long exile had taken refuge in London。  His views were in some respects more extreme than Raeburn's; but in private life he was the gentlest and most fascinating of men; and had quite won the heart of his little namesake。

As Mrs。 Raeburn had surmised; Erica's father had at once seen that something had gone wrong that day。  The all…observing eyes; which had noticed the hungry look in the beggar child's face; noticed at once that his own child had been troubled。

〃Something has vexed you;〃 he said。  〃What is the matter; Erica?〃

〃I had rather not tell you; father; it isn't anything much;〃 said Erica; casting down her eyes as if all at once the paving stones had become absorbingly interesting。

〃I fancy I know already;〃 said Raeburn。  〃It is about your friend at the High School; is it not。  I thought so。  This afternoon I had a letter from her father。〃

〃What does he say?  May I see it?〃 asked Erica。

〃I tore it up;〃 said Raeburn; 〃I thought you would ask to see it; and the thing was really so abominably insolent that I didn't want you to。  How did you hear about it?〃

〃Gertrude wrote me a note;〃 said Erica。

〃At her father's dictation; no doubt;〃 said Raeburn; 〃I should know his style directly; let me see it。〃

〃I thought it was a pity to vex you; so I burned it;〃 said Erica。

Then; unable to help being amused at their efforts to save each other; they both laughed; though the subject was rather a sore one。

〃It is the old story;〃 said Raeburn。  〃Life only; as Pope Innocent III benevolently remarked; 'is to be left to the children of misbelievers; and that only as an act of mercy。'  You must make up your mind to bear the social stigma; child。  Do you see the moral of this?〃

〃No;〃 said Erica; with something between a smile and a sigh。

〃The moral of it is that you must be content with your own people;〃 said Raeburn。  〃There is this one good point about persecution it does draw us all nearer together; really strengthens us in a hundred ways。  So; little one; you must forswear school friends; and be content with your 'very strong man Kwasind;' and we will

〃'Live in peace together Speak with naked hearts together。'

By the bye; it is rather doubtful if Tom will be able to come to the lecture tonight; do you think you can take notes for me instead?〃

This was in reality the most delicate piece of tact and consideration; for it was; of course; Erica's delight and pride to help her father。

CHAPTER II。 From Effect to Cause

Only the acrid spirit of the times; Corroded this true steel。  Longfellow。

Not Thine the bigot's partial plea; Not Thine the zealot's ban; Thou well canst spare a love of Thee Which ends in hate of man。  Whittier。

Luke Raeburn was the son of a Scotch clergyman of the Episcopal Church。  His history; though familiar to his own followers and to them more powerfully convincing than many arguments against modern Christianity; was not generally known。  The orthodox were apt to content themselves with shuddering at the mention of his name; very few troubled themselves to think or inquire how this man had been driven into atheism。  Had they done so they might; perhaps; have treated him more considerately; at any rate they must have learned that the much…disliked prophet of atheism was the most disinterested of men; one who had the courage of his opinions; a man of fearless honesty。

Raeburn had lost his mother very early; his father; a well…to…do man; had held for many years a small living in the west of Scotland。  He was rather a clever man; but one…sided and bigoted; cold…hearted; too; and caring very little for his children。  Of Luke; however; he was; in his peculiar fashion; very proud; for at an early age the boy showed signs of genius。  The father was no great worker; though shrewd and clever; he had no ambition; and was quietly content to live out his life in the retired little parsonage where; with no parish to trouble him; and a small and unexacting congregation on Sundays; he could do pretty much as he pleased。  But for his son he was ambitious。  Ever since his sixteenth yearwhen; at a public meeting the boy had; to the astonishment of every one; suddenly sprung to his feet and contradicted a false statement made by a great landowner as to the condition of the cottages on his estatethe father had foreseen future triumphs for his son。  For the speech; though unpremeditated; was marvelously clever; and there was a power in it not to be accounted for by a certain ring of indignation; it was the speech of a future orator。

Then; too; Luke had by this time shown signs of religious zeal; a zeal which his father; though far from attempting to copy; could not but admire。  His Sunday services over; he relapsed into the comfortable; easy…going life of a country gentleman for the rest of the week; but his son was indefatigable; and; though little more than a boy himself; gathered round him the roughest lads of the village; and by his eloquence; and a certain peculiar personal fascination which he retained all his life; absolutely forced them to listen to him。  The father augured great things for him; and invariably prophesied that he would 〃live to see him a bishop yet。〃

It was a settled thing that he should take Holy Orders; and for some time Raeburn was only too happy to carry out his father's plans。  In his very first term at Cambridge; however; he began to feel doubts; and; becoming convinced that he could never again accept the doctrines in which he had been educated; he told his father that he must give up all thought of taking Orders。

Now; unfortunately; Mr。 Raeburn was the very last man to understand or sympathize with any phase of life through which he had not himself passed。  He had never been troubled with religious doubts;  skepticism seemed to him monstrous and unnatural。  He met the confession; which his son had made in pain and diffidence; with a most deplorable want of tact。  In answer to the perplexing questions which were put to him; he merely replied testily that Luke had been overworking himself; and that he had no business to trouble his head with matters which were beyond him; and would fain have dismissed the whole affair at once。

〃But;〃 urged the son; 〃how is it possible for me to turn my back on these matters when I am preparing to teach them?〃

〃Nonsense;〃 replied the father; angrily。  〃Have not I taught all my life; preached twice a Sunday these thirty years without perplexing myself 
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