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we two-第50章

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ighted the gas。  In the meantime his friend threw off his cloak; removed the wig of long; dark hair; and the drooping mustache and shaggy eyebrows; revealing his natural face and form。  Raeburn grasped his hand once more。

〃Now I feel that I've got you; Eric!〃 he exclaimed。  〃What lucky chance has brought you so unexpectedly?〃

〃No lucky one!〃 said Haeberlein; with an expressive motion of the shoulders。  〃But of that anon; let me look at you; old fellow why you're as white as a miller!  Call yourself six…and…forty!  You might pass for my grandfather!〃

Raeburn; who had a large reserve fund of humor; caught up his friend's black wig from the table and put it on above his own thick; white hair; showing plainly enough that in face and spirits he was as young as ever。  It was seven years since they had met; and they fell to talk of reminiscences; and in the happiness of their meeting put off the more serious matters which must be discussed before long。  It was a good half hour before Haeberlein alluded to the occasion of his present visit。

〃Bring actually in London; I couldn't resist looking in upon you;〃 he said; a cloud of care coming over his face。  〃I only hope it won't get you into a scrape。  I came over to try to avert this deplorable business about poor Kellner too late; I fear。  And the worst of it is; I must have blundered somehow for my coming leaked out; and they are on the watch for me。  If I get safe across to France tonight; I shall be lucky。〃

〃Incautious as ever;〃 sighed Raeburn。  〃And that Kellner richly deserves his fate。  Why should you meddle?〃

〃I was bound to;〃 said Haeberlein。  〃He did me many a good turn during my exile; and though he has made a grave mistake; yet〃

〃Yet you must run your chivalrous head into a halter for his sake!〃 exclaimed Raeburn。  〃You were ever Quixote。  I shall live to see you hanged yet。〃

Haeberlein laughed。

〃No; I don't think you will;〃 he said; cheerfully。  〃I've had some bad falls; but I've always fallen on my feet。  With a good cause; a man has little to fear。〃

〃If this WERE a good cause;〃 said Raeburn; with significant emphasis。

〃It was the least I could do;〃 said Haeberlein; with the chivalrous disregard of self which was his chief characteristic。  〃I only fear that my coming here may involve you in it which Heaven forfend!  I should never forgive myself if I injured your reputation。〃

Raeburn smiled rather bitterly。

〃You need not fear that。  My reputation has long been at the mercy of all the lying braggarts in the country。  Men label me socialist one day; individualist the next。  I become communist or egotist; as is most convenient to the speaker and most damaging to myself。  But there;〃 he exclaimed; regaining the tranquil serenity which characterized him; 〃why should I rail at the world when I might be talking to you?  How is my old friend Hans?〃

The sound of a key in the latch startled them。

〃It is only Erica;〃 said Raeburn。 〃I had forgotten she was out。〃

〃My pretty little namesake!  I should like to see her。  Is she still a zealous little atheist?〃

〃No; she has become a Christian;〃 said Raeburn; speaking with some effort。

〃So!〃 exclaimed Haeberlein; without further comment。  He himself was of no particular creed; he was just indifferent; and the zeal of his friend often surprised him。

Raeburn went out into the passage; drew Erica into the front sitting room; and closed the door。

〃There is an old friend of yours in my study;〃 he said。  〃He wishes to see you; but you must promise secrecy; for he is in danger。〃

〃Is it Herr Haeberlein?〃 asked Erica。

〃Yes; on one of his rash; kindly errands; but one of which I don't approve。  However; his work is over; and we must try to get him safely off to France。  Come in with me if you will; but I wanted to tell you about it first; so that you should not be mixed up with this against your will; which would be unfair!〃

〃Would it?〃 said Erica; smiling; as she slipped her hand into his。

Haeberlein had taken a newspaper out of his pocket; and was searching for something。  The gas light fell on his clean…shaven face; revealing a sweet…tempered mouth; keen blue eyes; a broad German forehead; and closely cropped iron…gray hair。  Erica thought him scarcely altered since their last meeting。  He threw down his newspaper as she approached。

〃Well; my Herzblattchen!〃  he exclaimed; saluting her with a double kiss; 〃so you are not ashamed of your old friend?  So;〃 holding her at arms' length and regarding her critically; POtztausend!  The English girls do beat ours all to nothing。  Well; my Liebchen; dost thou remember the day when thou carried the Casati dispatches in thy geography book under the very nose of a spy?  It was a brave deed that; and it saved a brave man's life。〃

Erica smiled and colored。 〃I was not so brave as I seemed;〃 she said。  〃My heart was beating so loud; I thought people must hear it。〃

〃Has thou never heard the saying of the first Napoleon; 'The bravest man is he who can conceal his fear?'  I do not come under that category; for I never had fear never felt it。  Thou wouldst not dream; Herzblattchen; that spies are at this moment dogging my steps while I jest here with thee?〃

〃Is that indeed true?〃 exclaimed Erica。

They explained to her a little more of Haeberlein's errand and the risk he ran; he alluded to his hopes that Raeburn might not be involved in any unpleasant consequences。  Erica grew pale at the bare suggestion。

〃See;〃 exclaimed Haeberlein; 〃the little one cares more for your reputation than you do yourself; my friend。  See what it is to have a daughter who can be afraid for you; though she can not be afraid for herself!  But; Liebchen; Thou must not blame me for coming to see him。  Think!  My best friend; and unseen for seven years!〃

〃It is worth a good deal of risk;〃 said Erica; brightly。  But as the terror or having her father's name mentioned in connection with Herr Kellner's once more returned to her; she added; pleadingly; 〃And you WILL be careful when you leave the house?〃

〃Yes; indeed;〃 said Haeberlein。  See what a disguise I have。〃

He hastily donned the black wig; mustache and eyebrows; and the long Italian cloak。

Erica looked at him critically。

〃Art thou not satisfied?〃 he asked。

〃Not a bit;〃 she said; promptly。  〃In London every one would turn to look twice at such a dress as that; which is  what you want to avoid。  Besides; those eyebrows are so outrageous; so evidently false。〃

She thought for a minute。

〃My brown Inverness;〃 suggested Raeburn。

〃Too thick for a summer night;〃 said Erica; 〃and〃 glancing from her father to Haeberlein 〃too long to look natural。  I think Tom's ulster and traveling hat would be better。〃

〃Commend me to a woman when you want sound advice!〃 cried Haeberlein。

Erica went to search Tom's room for the ulster; and in the meantime Haeberlein showed his friend a paragraph in one of the evening papers which proved to Raeburn that the risk was indeed very great。  They were discussing things much more gravely when Erica returned。

〃The stations will be watched;〃 Haeberlein was saying。

〃What station do you go to?〃 asked Erica。

〃I thought of trying Cannon Street;〃 replied the German。

〃Because;〃 continued Erica; 〃I think you had better let me see you off。  You will look like a young Englishman; and I shall do all the talking; so that you need not betray your accent。  They would never dream of Herr Haeberlein laughing and talking with a young girl。〃

〃They would never dream that a young girl would be brave enough to run such a risk!〃 said Haeberlein。  〃No; my sweet Herzblattchen; I could not bring thee into danger。〃

〃There will be none for me;〃 said Erica; 〃and it may save you from evil and my father from suspicion。  Father; if you will let me; it would be more of a disguise than anything。〃

〃You might meet some one you know;〃 said Raeburn。

〃Very unlikely;〃 she replied。  〃And even if I did; what would it matter?  I need not tell them anything; and Herr Haeberlein would get off all the same。〃

He saw that she was too pure and too unconventional to understand his objection; but his whole heart rebelled against the idea of letting her undertake the task; and it was only after much persuasion that she drew from him a reluctant consent。  After all; it would be a great safeguard to Haeberlein; and Haeberlein was his dearest friend。  For no one else could he have risked what was so precious to him。  There was very little time for discussion。  The instant his permission was given; Erica ran upstairs to Tom's private den; lighted his gas stove; and made a cup of chocolate; at the same time blackening a cork very carefully。  In a few minutes she returned to the study; carrying the chocolate and a plate of rusks; which she remembered were a particular weakness of Herr Haeberlein's。  She found that in her absence the two had been discussing matters again; for Haeberlein met her with another remonstrance。

〃Liebe Erica;〃 he began; 〃I yielded just now to thy generous proposal; but I think it will not do。  For myself I can be rash; but not for thee。  Thou art too frail and lovely; my little one; to get mixed up with the grim realities of such a life as mine。〃

She only laughed。  〃Wh
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